@Julian, We are very confident with our app. Our team is experienced in dealing with strict government setups on an industrial scale. Its the waiting thats frustrating. I didnt want to take on a consulting gig in the mean time but I might have to. I dont know how long this is going to drag out for. Your head grower is a cannabis cup champion but he needed a consultant to design the facility? So either you dont have a cannabis cup champion. Or you do and he has never grown on any larger scale. Speaking from experience, I wouldnt want a third party designing the grow facility which I will be in charge of. Nor would I need one.
@Bababooey, Its between $9-$12/gram.
@amannamedtruth, lovely pics. Are they yours?
Baba or amman do you have an application pending? Or are you guys living in Illinois as patients?
Thanks a bunch, yea, that's an organic tent in progress. Purple Bomb, GROM X Grape Krush, GDP x Querkle, respectively. Nope, not a patient, but I feel its all medicinal. I'm more of a caregiver