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If I were a seed company


The Voice of Reason
Chamba said:
"LOL... reduced to simple trolling, eh?

Calling something spam does not make it so...
And crying about priced does not make them unfair."

it was a joke, (egg)yoke

but I can do slap-stick too, if irony sweeps way over your head
My brother, you've been doing slapschtick the whole time, albeit unwittingly...


"......where you question my ethics...."

no one is questioning your ethics (well...at least not at first...)

I, and others, have brought into question, not just yours, but many or most of the seed makers prices.....isn't that clear to you??..why do you keep veering off on a "Head seeds are great, I could charge double" tangent every chance you get?
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The Voice of Reason
Chamba said:
"......where you question my ethics...."

no one is questioning your ethics (well...at least at first...)

I and others are questioning not just yours, but many or most of the seed makers prices.....isn't that clear??..why do you keep veering off on a Head seeds are great tangent?
Not so much that tangent, as a "The fairness of seed pricing has to be based on actual product value, and actual investment of the seedmaker's resources... not just the wishes of the consumer... and if demand continually outweighs supply and only a handful of malcontents fail to realize the actual bargain they are getting then things are pretty fair already" tangent...


good points FourBearer.....

I'm sure there are some here who will disagree with no 3.

but sure, there are hundreds more varieties out there with subtle difference nowdays, but with the way things are going with all these hybrids crosses with hybrids, where do you think the state of things will be in another twenty years time?


The Voice of Reason
Chamba said:
where do you think the state of things will be in another twenty years time?
Finally legal, so that those who have a good grasp of gene pool improvement, and trait isolation... as well as those with a good grasp of landrace preservation... will be able to work in laboratory grade facilities with out fear of consequences... to produce seedlines taylor made to nearly every need or preference.


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
FourBearer said:
Based upon actual observation, number 3 not disputable.

In twenty years? Growing will be obsolete.

"Everything you think, do and say, is in the pill you took today".....2525
in twenty years alot of things will be obsolete but not growing never will it be obsolete..


New member
For example, Casey Jones... $80. for 12+ seeds (means I see less than $3./seed, and that's only if you don't count the hundreds I've given away)... Every grow report I've seen is indicative of the quality and uniformity... Most growers I've seen find a keeper from less than 1/2 of a pack, and by keeper I mean CUP WINNING QUALITY...
It would be respectful towards customers to keep promotional and sold strains separate. Even though ones who have got those seeds might think they've got 80$ worth product for free and promote products more passionately. It really doesn't warm the buyers heart that the seller has given away seeds. At the end of the day sentimential value of the product sold doesn't mean much.

I don't know if there is a scientific process that would justify the prices charged ie compared to other seeds.
cup winning quality... It's pretty obvious what happens behind names, and prices asked. No cool packets or playing big role in discussion boards will change that. Having cannabis seed company is like owning casino, honest scam. I believe what I see, not what I would like to see.




If you look back over 20 or more years of cannabis seed sales:

1. The variety of seeds has increased exponentially

Yes but how many are new genetics, and how many are reshuffles of the same old genetics?

2. Where only a few seed sellers existed world wide, there are now thousands

Seed sellers yes, knowledgeable seed breeders, no.

3. The quality of cannabis seeds has improved dramatically

There are more highly potent varieties, I agree. But quality means more then this.

4. The price of cannabis seeds has dropped dramatically, and when you consider inflation, the prices today are ridiculously low

Wrong, I sold for $.50 wholesale and $1-$2 retail in 1976, even adjusting for inflation the prices are higher today.

5. The price of wholesale and retail cannabis has skyrocketed

Wrong, the best herb was $5,000 a LB in the early 1970's.

6. The income derived from seed sales has plummeted

You are wrong, the total sales is higher then ever, but divided amongst the many sellers.

7. The legal penalties for seed breeders has increased


8. The capabilities for LEO to identify and bust breeders has increased beyond anyone's expectations

Maybe, it depends where the breeder is based.


Now, what was the question?
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ICMag Donor
1. when reshuffled, another card often comes to the top of the pack

2. the number of knowledgeable breeders will have also increased, someplace

3. quality often means a little of less

4. prices have dropped on yesterday, not yesteryear

5. always depends on where and how in the world we sit

6. plummeted only into fluted crystal-cut champagne glasses the last time we looked

7. no more so than ever was the case

8. likewise the capabilities for breeders to identify and target a seed market has increased

just two stalks :wink:

peace peace peace


The Voice of Reason
Median Household Income: $12,686.00
Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.13
Cost of a gallon of regular gas: $0.59
Cost of a dozen eggs: $0.84
Cost of a gallon of Milk: $1.65


Median Household Income: $58,000 (increase of 457%)
Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.42 (increase of 323%)
Cost of a gallon of regular gas: $4.21 (increase of 713%)
Cost of a dozen eggs: $3.19 (increase of 379%)
Cost of a gallon of Milk: $4.19 (Increase of 300%)

$2.00/seed retail for beans in 1976
$8.00/seed retail for beans in 2008
An increase of 400%...

Seems pretty much in line with the rest of the economy to me...


FourBearer, Sam Skunkman and especially Docleaf,

consider yourself listed!


Active member
i'd pay 30 bux for seeds i've paid 15 for nirvana I know most of you might not realize or know, Big Bro Kush has been breeding for a while lol believe me if you guys know like i know YOU WANT TO SEE 30 SEEDs from him!!!!! and not just knock off F2's cause he already has a Stable of his Strains off and running.And what other breeders havent used another Breeder's Strains or work.I remember the Orgn Kid fiasco where everyone was jockin for Blackberry S1's to cross to thier shit head,wally and a few other cats all had blkberry crosses i say change the game, just because strains are affordable doesnt necessarly mean they are inferior heres a pic of plants resulting from BBK's Seedline

southern comfort#1



fullshot of southern comfort (g13,ww,chocthai92and Sour D)


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The Voice of Reason
Rupert said:
It would be respectful towards customers to keep promotional and sold strains separate.
So... giving away seeds I also sell is disrespectful??

How so?

If I sell a pack of seeds to some Brit or another for £40.00 and it enables me to gift a pack of seeds to some poor Czech who can't afford them, where is the disrespect?

If you get upset because someone else got something for free that you had to pay for, then you've got issues you need to work out.


"Seeds - They always came as freebies, what a difference 10 years makes."

I agree, when I was young, seeds would of never been exchanged for money..it was unheard of....people would of looked at you like you were a Martian if you tried to sell them seeds. Seeds were everywhere, every bud was seeded..lol..seeds were a nuisance..

but there's lot's of choice now for buyers, there's more info available, more growers that are alot more knowledgable about growing cannabis compared to twenty years ago.....and sure, it's a re-shuffle of the old strains, but that's being too critical, if the market or the current situation was such that it made it worth it to be into producing true breeding strains instead of unstable hybrids, then we would be seeing alot more uniformity and lots of new strains.

also in many of today's hybrids, these unique traits, scents or tastes are isolated and show strongly in the plants from a packet of seeds.... and while they are not true breeding, if you want to make some seed, you can cross the males with the females and grow out the seeds for clone selection....or cross the females with a landrace based strain...or do what most do and just clone all the females and then keep the best

or revegg the best female(s) for another grow.. which is what I do, rather than try to clone when it's too warm
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Active member
I love that we have had so many people hit this thread. I would have never thought that it would have gone this long. But I have read the whole thing again. And let me say this "SamS thank you for what you have done you are true and everyone else is a knockoff." And I wish that I had the skunk that was in California back in the late 80's early 90's, that shyt was super.
Now to the new school breeders. We live in a age where cell phones start off at like $600 for the phone and in one years you can get that same phone for like $50. Why because other makers do this thing called comp. And its wonderful because it drives the price of things down. Like that 52 in flat screen I wanted 5 years ago but it was $10k now I can pick it up for $2400 or less. So that was my thoughts with making this thread.
H3ad I read that you say that I would make cheap knock offs. I'm sorry those seeds would be as good if not better than the first run. I also see you speak a lot about taxes. You're not paying taxes on the seeds once the money hits the states, that's Uncle Sam don't know money.
Chamba I do agree with you I like to think like the Wal Marts of the world. Sell more for less. Get your product into everyones hand not just a few that can afford it.
But now I have to wonder after something here if Fem's would be better than a strain that can produce both sexes (Hmmmm). I know that the big companies only make female seeds. I'm going to give that some real thought. Fem'd seeds for $30 a pack. I would have to use my whole warehouse for that.


The Voice of Reason
bigbrokush said:
H3ad I read that you say that I would make cheap knock offs. I'm sorry those seeds would be as good if not better than the first run. I also see you speak a lot about taxes. You're not paying taxes on the seeds once the money hits the states, that's Uncle Sam don't know money.
1. F2s are WAY more variable than F1s period.
**EDIT**1a. Cheap was a reference to your pricing structure, not your 'good or better'-ness.
2. How you getting $$ to the US?? You got an international business set up so you can keep the money legal?? is it FREE?? Pot dealers make Uncle Sam don't know money, not seed makers. My tax situation is none of your business, but it'd be hard for anyone to ever prove I was hiding any portion of my income.
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The Voice of Reason
bigbrokush said:
Chamba I do agree with you I like to think like the Wal Marts of the world.
I like to think of Wal-Mart as the evil corp. which has moved billions in US capitol to China, on the backs of poor sweat shop children, who produce sub-standard products.


Active member
Come on h3ad ... you know these kids have more real info about your financial situation then you do. When you have the Internet and assumptions ... who needs facts? Ignorance is Bliss ... careful or we might learn something ...

OG bub

ICMag Donor
bigbrokush said:
Lets say that I was a new seed company. And my company model would be no seed over $30 no matter what it is. What would be the F2's that you would like to see most in this company?

hmm, I would say that instead of F2's, go for originality..
price them according to yer cost of production and time..
moderate a helpdesk for yer products, be honest, and yerself, and helpfull..

pretty shure if you do them basic things, you will grow a content customer base.

basic experience in breeding, testing yer projects, and communication skills are also fundimental..

good luck. peace, bub.