Not everything is taught in a school backed history book.....
The victor ALWAYS writes the history.
Not everything is taught in a school backed history book.....
Something else you old fucks are not considering...... exactly what IS smart? I mean.. TODAY'S smart. And, how do we know how to test for it?
Young smart is not the same as old smart. Old smart in my day was knowing how to shoe a horse and how to build shelter. And, young smart was knowing how to ace a joystick.
All the old fucks used to say, "You damn kids can't do anything but play with that damn joystick".
Today, all the modern surgical equipment is operated by a joystick. Fighter planes? Joystick. Drones? Joystick. LMAO The world adapts,
So, what was 'stupid' yesterday is 'smart' today. And, what was smart yesterday, if fucking useless today. Who gives a fuck about the guy who is smart enough to properly shoe a horse.
So, as it relates to this thread, consider the IQ test. In most of our lives, an IQ test was designed to determine your 'problem solving' abilities given a set amount of data. e.g. If an alligators tail is half as long as his body and 3 times as long as his head, how long is his penis? Remember those type of questions on IQ tests?
That was a solid basis to determine 'intelligence' because from the 20's until now, that is what the world needed. Problem solvers.
However, as someone pointed out earlier, today's masses don't correlate data and derive hypothesis. They search Google for the answer.
So, an IQ test to determine TODAY'S intelligence might be better off testing for the ability to properly search for answers. Trust me, searching is not as easy as some of you might think. I see people searching the internet all the time with terrible inquiries. And, they get terrible results. And, search engines have changed from tags and keys to intuitive prediction. Knowing how to PROPERLY use a search engine is not easy for some ( let's call them stupid people) and very easy for others (let's call them smart people). LOL
The world is changing. And, what determines whether a person is dumb or smart is also changing.
Like Burt Reynolds said in Smokey and The Bandit, "Just how dumb or smart a person is depends on where that particular person is standing at that particular time." LOL
We don't know what it's going to take to be 'smart' in tomorrow's world. One thing I do know..... no one is going to give a fuck about the guy who can shoe a horse. At one time, he was the most important man in town. If you couldn't shoe a horse, you couldn't plow your fields for food and..... you died.
Things have changed and will continue to do so.
What happens if the majority of humans de-evolve and a small minority go the other way, keeping intelligence within the family of 'elites' and farming the intelligent on the outside to always work for them, whilst suppressing any threats, supposed or future via social/media engineering primarily to retain power and influence over us all? Is that not a 'smart' way to keep power and retain control, by dividing and ruling?
I know I am 20x smarter than anybody before the internet was invented just by having a cell phone as a extension of my intelligence. Cyborgs. 20x is an understatement. The entire worlds knowledge a click away.
having the info available to you means shit unless you are smart enough to understand/use it. almost everyone CAN get the net, and they waste their time looking at porn or funny cat videos. Leonardo Da Vinci et al sneer at our use of what we have.
having the info available to you means shit unless you are smart enough to understand/use it. almost everyone CAN get the net, and they waste their time looking at porn or funny cat videos. Leonardo Da Vinci et al sneer at our use of what we have.
You have 58 posts now. I think you can edit after 50 posts.
And, absolutely, MANY people are way too stupid to PROPERLY use a search engine. I mean just in terms of WHAT to type into the search box.
Also, I'll bet 1 or 2 out of 10 know that you can use BOOLEAN operators with Google. Probably less that even know what boolean is.
Here's a quick 20 for those who don't know...