...como el Son...
lol, 40°C and 85-90% RH will make a wimp out of anyone, even your badass not-wimpy Amish friends in the picture
Ja, ja, ja...
Don't even think of giving them that much moisture! But don't you see in the photo how green it is, it looks like they live in the middle of a golf course!
Nahhh... You send me the excess humidity, and I'll send the meme's people 45°C in the shade (and get into a fight with sheep, goats, wild bulls, and wild fauna to make them place you under the shade of a holm oak or a cork oak), no more than 10% humidity, and a refreshing breath of Saharan haze turning into a sandstorm, heh.
Albacete (not the East Canary Islands, nor Ceuta, nor Melilla, nor the desert of Almeria...not even East Andalucia or Murcia) last year's June:
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