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Ideas for coping with the HEATWAVE - share your ideas


Well-known member
It's an unusual accessory outside of Japan. Though one that can work.
That last one is artwork
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...como el Son...
Coping with the heat wave? Easy: just think about how much hotter it is where @Montuno lives 😂

Seriously though keep hydrated and minimize physical tasks.

Also if you have a dog consider buying a cooling jacket for them.
View attachment 18735809

One of my dogs is getting old and is very sensitive to heat. I bought one of these and he can at least take a walk in the garden. It works in similar fashion to the method you described @Cuddles I guess. You drench it in cold water and it stays cool for a couple of hours.

How are things on the east coast?
In Sierra Morena, we still have highs in the shade between 43 and 45 °C (109'5 and 113 °F)
Northern slope towards La Mancha:

Southern slope towards the Guadalquivir Valley:


Well-known member
Yep,open wide at night, closed up light tight in the day.Stay in the shade. A fan, and a spray bottle of water mixed with isopropyl alcohol helps if someone needs a rapid cool down. Iced green tea helps, one must stay well hydrated. The Southern tradition of iced tea works for well for me.
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...como el Son...
Suertudo...Run and tie them up even with the mastiff's chain! And if you don't get there in time and they escape before you, at least whip them towards me in a south-westerly direction...

"...Y ahora que el tiempo puede con este pastor,
medio vencido y ya viejo,
jugaré a ser pastor de nubes...
...y mi zagal sera el viento!"

"...And now that time can with this shepherd,
half beaten and already old,
I will play at being a shepherd of clouds...
...and my shepherd dog will be the wind!"

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Three Berries

Active member
I insulated the hell out of the attic last winter, and the summer before did some major ventilation improvements for the attic. Big difference. Also got a smaller AC unit and it is still too big. I've gone from a 3 ton to 2.5 to 2 over the years and it still doesn't run long enough for good humidity control.

If I were to build a house or insulate an attic the reflective film will stop 90% of the suns heat before it hits the insulation. Same with any outside walls that will get direct sun light.

Three Berries

Active member
Plant BIG Cannabis plants in front of all the windows - to keep the sun out.

Put a sprinkler on the roof - cause that's how the sun heats up the house.
I thought about a soaker hose on the roof ridge but then my water has iron in it and after a wile it would be a rusty stained roof.

I use to spray soft water on my AC condenser back in the day. Really improved the effectiveness but the trace salt in the water ate away the aluminum fins.
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Active member
when the climate changes, people have to adapt. if you don't keep up with the times... keep up with the times.

take long midday siestas...do physically and mentally demanding activities into the very early morning and late evening hours. let's continue at this pace at these times in the heat... more and more will go... more than with corona.

to adjust! working pace down non-working hours during the great heat. no work for unair-conditioned conditions.


Well-known member
Yep,open wide at night, closed up light tight in the day.Stay in the shade. A fan, and a spray bottle of water mixed with isopropyl alcohol helps if someone needs a rapid cool down. Iced green tea helps, one must stay well hydrated. The Southern tradition of iced tea works for well for me.
I love a fresh homemade lemonade myself. :)

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Drinking 8-16oz of cold water every hour should help. Also cold showers. I have A/C in my car! Also, watching cold stuff on TV helps like winter Olympic reruns or arctic wildlife documentaries.
Hose the roof above your bedroom or containing brick walls in the evening. Wet tea towel around your neck, spin it round your head like a lasso when it gets warm.