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Ice-tube cloner from WallyWorld

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
fuck it!! amazon wont ship the 'ice cube trays to oz' dickheads...hey!! and it would have been my first order with the ozzie dollar worth more than the U.S. dollar!!

anyone know if they are sold in australia?....might have to use those popsicle style ones..i know they are in the local shops....mutter mutter...grumble..grumble...

Try these, Hiko trays, available from horticultural suppliers.









Budley Doright

Active member
When I first did the thread....

one of the things I liked was the fact that all the materials were readily available....

It seems now that the ice tubes are harder to find and fewer walmarts have them....

Other options using similar mehods like the above trays may be very helpful....
PVC pipe, with drilled caps for the bottom, bundled together with string, or taped, would work just as well, imo. If you can't find PVC pipe, then you must live on the moon..
thanks some other guy and High Country for the link and alternate system.

arggh!! the E-bay link seller wont post to Australia.....i think i might go with high country's setup....it sure works well for him!

oh..and in my previous post when I stated I used the two tupperware and wick system, I thought it was a part of this thread when in fact it was part of a wick cloning thread I had just previously read, not a wickless one...lotsa reading simple mistake.....not that anyone probably cares!

I am excited again!! since I have had a few 0% results with my bubble cloner which had up to then given me 95%+ (i think it is/was the slime(infirmary sticky) that ruins some peoples DWC setups..)

What a wonderful hobby-- ganja gardening:joint:
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Couldn't find the ice tubes at my local Wally World, but I did find these popsicle trays at Target.


Remove the "sticks" like so.


Drill holes in the bottom like so.


Fill with vermiculite...


Like so... (I add some Liquid Karma and/or Thrive Alive to my res once in a while)


Cuts looked a little sad for a bit, but perked up after a few hours.



Place them off to the side of my fluoros, sitting on a heat mat.


The best part about using these, imo, is that since they are translucent, you can monitor root development!



This was a new strain (Space Queen) and I lost my thermometer, so my temps may have been off. End result was that it took closer to 3 weeks to get good roots, but the plants stayed healthy and green and perky. They may have been getting too much light too, because they definately grew a bit too.


When they're ready to transplant, remove them from the res and let them dry out for a half hour+, and they'll easily pop out of the individual "tubes" (I didn't let this batch dry out quite long enough, so the bottom chunk of verm stayed behind. When properly dried, it comes out in one clean piece without any problem)



Transplant and done!

Dave Coulier

Active member
Great job on that Bork. You put in a lot of work, and I appreciate it. I love that those are translucent. I love my original walmart cloner, but I think Ill pick up some of those popsicle sticks.

I saw that you have clipped your clones. Have you tried doing it without clipping them? In my experiences, you can place quite large clones into it without cutting leaves in half and they will remain looking great just as long as the vermiculite is well packed, and root in 10- 12 so days.

Budley Doright

Active member
Bork Bork Bork....NIce post...

Its easy to see from the pics your clones grew quite a bit in the cloner....

One reason I recommend feeding along the way.....

But it brings up a question that we might ponder....

I dont think there is a finer way of cloning than the tube cloner for lots of clones in a small space...

With 4 cloners and a shoplight thats over 100 clones....

But my friend bork bork bork demonstrates thats not always the main thing.....

Some people might like to produce fewer and larger clones....

While the popcycle cloner works pretty well it doesnt allow for easy removal....

And some folks might like more see thru ability....to keep an eye on roots....

Has anyone found anything better for larger clones and not these 2 devices....

that can be seen thru and the clones are easily removable....

The walmart tube cloner with a penny works very well for removal....

I would use a clear one if I could buy one....

So any ideas for those big clones???
Great job on that Bork. You put in a lot of work, and I appreciate it. I love that those are translucent. I love my original walmart cloner, but I think Ill pick up some of those popsicle sticks.

I saw that you have clipped your clones. Have you tried doing it without clipping them? In my experiences, you can place quite large clones into it without cutting leaves in half and they will remain looking great just as long as the vermiculite is well packed, and root in 10- 12 so days.
Glad you like Dave!

I have always clipped my clones, progressing from a little to a lot. With this particular device, it is basically mandatory, since the clones are so close together (at least without using multiple units, perhaps putting 3 clones in one, instead of 6). I may pick up some more shortly.

I did realize that cleaning them presents a challenge. Since they're so narrow, I can't seem to find a good way to clean the bottom of them.

I should also note, I ran this with the little plastic jiffy-pot individual trays with great success (just messier, lots of holes). Basically anything will work, the magic is in the verm and the heat methinks.

Bork Bork Bork....NIce post...
While the popcycle cloner works pretty well it doesnt allow for easy removal....
Correction! It's actually super easy (just grab the stem and pull, the whole plug slides right out). The key is just to let the verm dry out a little more than I did (I'll take another picture the next run, when drier, the whole plug comes out in one piece easy-peasy).


Im close to trying cloning, planned on using rooting hormone. Make proper cut, dip in rooting hormone and plant straight into moist happy frog. Put under 2x2 t8 lite on 24/0photo cycle. After reading this I wonder what type of success I might have. Any input? Im not shy, i appreciate all advice.

one Q


HighCountry, I cant seem to get roots on COIR when I want them. When i just drop a random cut and dont care about it, it roots so fast.

Any of you have a great time cloning for years using one method, then you wake up one day and it no longer works? Scramming for a new option!

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll

HighCountry, I cant seem to get roots on COIR when I want them. When i just drop a random cut and dont care about it, it roots so fast.

Any of you have a great time cloning for years using one method, then you wake up one day and it no longer works? Scramming for a new option!

I have recently changed to cloning in sphagnum moss in a standard horticultural tray. I am getting a very high strike rate of about 98%. See my thread below. Works very well.


New member
hey guys ive been following this thread for a couple months now and cant find the tubes anywhere in my area and ive checked all over the place all i can find are little rubber trays that make horizontal tubes i guess youd call em and i have no way of ordering anything online so ive decided to go with rapid rooter plugs and a dome from my local grow shop but i thought id share this with you all, i was trimmin and tiein a plant from a bag seed thats in my micro cab and it had some new growth on the bottom so i just clipped em off with a pair of scissors made a 45 cut on them then grabbed the bottom leaves that were comin off then and peeled them down the stem and put em in a small clear rectangular tupperware bowl half filled with dollar store potting soil i had bought that day for some house plants. i pre drilled a hole in each corner and wet the soil good and put on the clear red lid after planting the cuttings then left it in the bottom of the cab with 24 hr light and 75 to 80 degree temps. i left the lid on for 5 days opening it for 30 mins or so a day and misting before covering back up after 2 weeks i checked and have roots on all 3 and will be transplanting this weekend. the only thing ive used other than tap water is for the last 2 waterings i used some liquid bc kelp i had mixed up for foliar spray and they seem to have liked that cuz they perked up and grew some in the last week.

i really only did this out of boredom and curiosity because i didnt have the money for the dome and rr plugs that day and i didnt expect any results since i didnt prep or take any care in the process of cutting and planting.

just thought id share it for the people lookin for new methods lol not that you could call it a method but hey it worked

one Q

I cant seem to see the need to let the unit sit in an inch of water. It seems to hold a decent amount of water with out it. This is especially true if you put a dome on it.

Budley Doright

Active member
In one of my earlier attempts to clone...

I used rapid rooters and a tray.....

they held quite a bit of water too....

Yet I managed to kill them.... they dried out....

With this deal I can add to the res one time in 2 weeks and voila roots....

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