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Ice-tube cloner from WallyWorld

the brand of coco i used was ecoearth i think i had it for a while from when i used to grow mushrooms........but its the reptile stuff with no trichoderma added dont want to have a bunch of trichoderma all over your grow room as its kept wet alot....not that its bad for plants its just bad to inhale the spores.....but yeah give it a try see how well it works i pmed someotherguy to see his thoughts a while back but he said he didnt think it would work that well...but i gave it a try for the hell of it and it wicks water very well....i have a slight bit of perlite added into mine also and working fine so far....like i said best method i have tried to far..guess its true simpler is better!


Active member
the brand of coco i used was ecoearth i think i had it for a while from when i used to grow mushrooms........but its the reptile stuff with no trichoderma added dont want to have a bunch of trichoderma all over your grow room as its kept wet alot....not that its bad for plants its just bad to inhale the spores.....but yeah give it a try see how well it works i pmed someotherguy to see his thoughts a while back but he said he didnt think it would work that well...but i gave it a try for the hell of it and it wicks water very well....i have a slight bit of perlite added into mine also and working fine so far....like i said best method i have tried to far..guess its true simpler is better!
high man, yeah, i remember that although i don't recall
the details, old-timers disease if you know what i mean, lol.

...anyway, if i remember right, about a year, year
and a half ago, there were a couple guys who tried
other media, coco, coco and perlite, i don't recall
exactly, but i remember it not going so well and hey,
i'm a firm believer in 'if it works don't fix it' .

fact is, i have no trouble at all getting vermiculite in
my area and, for me at least, i get repeatable results
EVERY time so why change?

as an aside, vermiculite is used in plumbing and
when building an in-ground pool is built so pool
supply houses and plumbing supply houses are
often good sources for reasonably priced vermiculite.

peace, and happy cloning, SOG

btw, durka_durka420, i'm glad you are having success
with the coco and i hope you continue to get good resluts. :good:
yeah i understand that its just hard to get in my area....unless i drive to hydro shop hr away...but yeah if i go there i need a decent bit of cash to spend lol so i was basicly testing it with what i had on hand and decided to share with others :) and ty SOG for the kind words!....ill try with verm next time i go to hydro shop though :)


Active member
yeah i understand that its just hard to get in my area....unless i drive to hydro shop hr away...but yeah if i go there i need a decent bit of cash to spend lol so i was basicly testing it with what i had on hand and decided to share with others :) and ty SOG for the kind words!....ill try with verm next time i go to hydro shop though :)

you're welcome man and no, if you already have the
coco and it's working for you then there's no need to
get the vermiculite in your case.

...and if you DO need vermiculite, DON'T get it at a
grow shop as they will over charge you, instead, go
to a local Home Depot, Lowes, Agway, True Value
Hardware or, like i said above, call a couple pool
supply houses and plumbing supply houses, that's
where you can get it most reasonably as they don't
use it for horticultural purposes, in the case of an
in-ground pool i think they use is as a base to build
on so they use a lot of it and sell it cheap.

anyway, like i said, if the coco is working for you then
there is no need for you to change, the key for all of
us is to have a repeatable way to generate healthy
clones, and it seems you have found a way that works
for you, THATS what counts!

peace, and stay safe, SOG

btw, here's a couple links you might find helpful if
you do need vermiculite in the future.

vermiculite info and sources

vermiculite at Amazon


Active member
Im actually quite interested in coco....

Is there anyone who might like to compare coco vs vermiculite for this thread....

I might compare a couple cloner trays after say 7 days.....

durka... what brand coco do you use????

anyone else use coco with success????

Anything that wicks will work.
All successful methods have: 100% humidity and 75 to 80 temps in the root zone w/ a low light level in common. W/ those, it'll work. The rest -- thrive alive, gels, powders, ABA, NAA, silica, high humid. around plants etc. probably help but aren't essential. W/ peat or coco I prefer to keep it "airy" by using rice hulls, ground perlite or whatever. Just be sure it still wicks. To start, do it the exact way Brunt Rope has laid out. Vermic. from Lowes is perfect by itself. Keep moisture available. And heat from ballast, pad, mat or something. Play around w/ a few extra cuts when it really doesn't matter and you might find a way you like even better.
It's kind of Burnt Rope to show this and even kinder to keep up w/ the follow thru. This really is as close to "set it and forget it" as you'll find.
Take care --------- CB
ps As a matter of principal, I wash off the vermic. after rooting. Just don't like the idea of that much moisture next to the main root/stem. This has no basis in fact of practice. Strictly a personal opinion.
and for a update on mine i got 100% success with the coir....and ty AGAIN!!!! for the kind words SOG...just figured it post a update if all clones rooted took 7 days....so im happy got a bunch more stuck in there now :)


A foot without a sock...
I'm a huge proponent of "whatever works" for anyone, but I have to say this lil' baby has been the most reliable, on-schedule method I've ever tried...I can pretty much set my watch by this thing, which is important to me for timing purposes.


Just as subscribed, every 10-14 days without fail, with every strain I can throw at it...bar none :yes:

One of the most invaluable threads (Dubby-One Love, Homie :wave:) I was ever pointed in the direction of.


SSM :joint:


I was there the other day looking for square containers to use as pots, and having completely forgot about this thing (despite subscribing to the thread) I just happened to find the last one on the shelf.:dance013: "Oh yeah, I wanted to buy that!" I couldn't believe they still make these. Only $3, too! Now I just need to find the right size tray. Any suggestions?

I look forward to using it...in a few months...after I finally set up my first closet grow in 5 years. :canabis:


ppl.. what is this walmart cloner tube container called?
i tried looking everywhere at the store, cant find it in the ice maker section, cant find it on the blender section, cant find it on the paper cup section. cant even find it on the walmart website!!

Budley Doright

Active member
The gizmo is referred to as

Ice Tubes

Ice Tube Tray

While I havent looked at my walmart lately you should find it where they sell othe ice trays....

My sense is that this product for making ice is not as good as its function as a cloner....

The tubes are hard to get out and other Ice making tubes(those that lay flay) are competing....

In short I would not be surprised to see this company go belly up.....

Walmart is the cheapest source there are some other for like 5 or 6 bucks ....

Good luck....

Super size me.... thanks .... I dont know what you would have to do to convince me to even consider another cloner..... but it wouldnt be easy...


flyer, It's their own brand, Mainstay I think, and it's generically named Iced Cube Tray or something similar. I found it in the section with all the tupperware containers and water bottles.


A foot without a sock...
The gizmo is referred to as

Ice Tubes

Ice Tube Tray

While I havent looked at my walmart lately you should find it where they sell othe ice trays....

My sense is that this product for making ice is not as good as its function as a cloner....

The tubes are hard to get out and other Ice making tubes(those that lay flay) are competing....

In short I would not be surprised to see this company go belly up.....

Walmart is the cheapest source there are some other for like 5 or 6 bucks ....

Good luck....

Super size me.... thanks .... I dont know what you would have to do to convince me to even consider another cloner..... but it wouldnt be easy...

I hear ya.
Nothing easier, imho, for rooting clones in a timely fashion :yes:

They also sell them at REI.

I meant to post this link for anyone having difficulties finding them at Wallyworld.

REI Ice Tubes

I picked up a half a dozen a while back, I think it was around 36 bux,delivered...a bargain at most any price though :joint:


SSM :wave:


Active member
ppl.. what is this walmart cloner tube container called?
i tried looking everywhere at the store, cant find it in the ice maker section, cant find it on the blender section, cant find it on the paper cup section. cant even find it on the walmart website!!
lol, yeah, they're not that easy to find.

these are called 'ice-TUBE-trays' and they like the play
on words, lol. ...anyway, because they are made for
making ice for water bottles and such you can often
find them in the sporting goods dept and where they
sell water bottles for hikers and bikers and such.

i also found one the other day at my local hardware
store so if you hunt around you can find them. (now i
have 4 for my little cloning factory)

and you can get them at Amazon as well but you have to
do a search for 'ice-tube-tray' or you'll get all kinds of
ice trays that are worthless for our purposes.

also, while these are absolutely perfect for us, there are
a myriad of substitutes you can use if you understand
the operating principles behind this elegantly simple,
wick-style cloner, those Tupperware popsicle makers
come to mind.

and SuperSizeMe, it's nice to see an established grower
come out publicly for these as we've had more than our
share of doubters and haters, lol, right on man!.

peace, and stay safe, SOG


these are called 'ice-TUBE-trays'
:laughing: I completely missed that. I already threw away the package, but I must have just read it too quickly to notice Tube not Cube.

Anyway, if you're searching at the brick-and-mortar store you'll know it when you see it by the shape alone. Knowing what to Google is helpful though. Of course, that REI link SuperSizeMe provided does the work for you. :good:


Active member
Why not just use a "Hempy Cup"? A 16oz beer cup with a few small holes around the bottom, 1" up. Fill it with vermiculite and be done with it. Same thing, only really cheap, and easy as hell to get them out for transplant. I prefer the "clear green", I can see the roots and know EXACTLY when I'm getting roots, and how numerous they are. I can see when to start some nutes, how wet the medium is. I think they work great.


Active member
Why not just use a "Hempy Cup"? A 16oz beer cup with a few small holes around the bottom, 1" up. Fill it with vermiculite and be done with it. Same thing, only really cheap, and easy as hell to get them out for transplant. I prefer the "clear green", I can see the roots and know EXACTLY when I'm getting roots, and how numerous they are. I can see when to start some nutes, how wet the medium is. I think they work great.
well space for one, try putting 27 of those 16oz beer cups
into a standard shoebox and you'll see what i mean.

peace, and stay safe, SOG

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