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Ice-tube cloner from WallyWorld


Active member
I can wait to buy a deep tray like those in this thread for
my next grow. Deep trays with let the plants produce long
roots. For someone planting outdoors, these would be very
good. As deep roots help reduce death due to drying out.


Active member
ooooh, going to swing by target and see if i can find an elongated ice cube tray like that

(genius idea for water bottle ice btw hehe)


the ice cube tray is a product of mainstay, a walmart company i belive

i found one at the thift store , i would hit up all the garden stores now , they have all different kinds of little trays with a bunch of slots, ask for seed starting trays that have a small hole, alot of people do it this way, saves times on wasteing space on seeds that arent going to grem


Well-known member
i am having troubles finding these at my walmart anbody pick these up recently? I think these in conjuction with moscas 1,2,3 fly method would work great, just leave the caps off. I am hoping to use these to strike some seeds in the patch if i can find them.


Burnt Rope,

First of all thank you for your work. The cloner does work well. My question is to clarify the temps... what is the ideal ambient temps and the ideal water temps? My last run was at 76 ambient and 82-83 water temps. I got 4 out of 12 to make it, but I was taking some shaky looking cuttings due to it being my first time cloning, so I was happy with my result. Will getting the ambient temps up help, or higher water temps or both?

Thank you for the clarification.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
high country where did you get those pico trays btw? or who makes them?

I propagate plants for a living so we have 1000's of them at work. They are available from horticultural suppliers, this is in Australia though and may have other names in other countries such as a cell tray or something similar. In a week or so I'll be doing another clone run using these trays and will start a thread.

Budley Doright

Active member
Burnt Rope,

First of all thank you for your work. The cloner does work well. My question is to clarify the temps... what is the ideal ambient temps and the ideal water temps? My last run was at 76 ambient and 82-83 water temps. I got 4 out of 12 to make it, but I was taking some shaky looking cuttings due to it being my first time cloning, so I was happy with my result. Will getting the ambient temps up help, or higher water temps or both?

Thank you for the clarification.

Here is how I take the temp....

Wherever the cloner will sit.... thats where you put the thermometer.....

In my opinion it should read between 80 and 85 degrees....

You can sit the thermometer right in front of the cloner all the time.....

If you find that you dont get much closer to 100% there will be a reason..... like the medium in the cloner isnt compressed enough for good wicking......

stuff like that.....

good luck


i am having troubles finding these at my walmart anbody pick these up recently? I think these in conjuction with moscas 1,2,3 fly method would work great, just leave the caps off. I am hoping to use these to strike some seeds in the patch if i can find them.

i had to try 3 walmarts before i found them

a good temp gauge is at the fishing department of walmart, they got onces that are sealed in glass that you can stick right in a empty slot to monitor your root temp


K thanks! I have always cloned in a 16oz plastic beer cup full of promix, kept sitting in a tub with water. Works well but using the 3/4 pvc will allow more in the same space.
May pick up some vermiculite and give it a go. Will cap the pvc with end caps for pvc, and drill holes in sides up a bit.

Great find!

I was thinking of doing the same thing. It's going to be more costly than the ice tray but this way you can always have clones going at different stages and don't have to worry about screwing the others up while getting them out of the 'ice cloner'.


I had to cut it in half at the time since I was in a tiny cabinet ;) , I've since added a second unit and left it full size. The half's are nice to separate strains.

I don't add anything to the water and haven't had any algae. Using the same water in a bubbler ends up with algae.... I dunno :dunno:

o/t but did you change out to a new air stone and tubing? I would think some algae would still be present in them no matter how cleaned/disinfected they were done.


big fan of organic methods. has anyone here tried cloning with willow water? im gonna start a new thread asking the same ?

I'm in the process sort of. I'm going to get some willow branches today and going to try a few different methods with them and see which work and the fastest.:
1. willow water in a bubble cloner
2. cutting suspended in glass of willow water, no bubbling.
3. this method but willow instead of reg. tap water

I have been using willow water to water my seedlings @ 4-5 days after popping out of the soil and have seen a boost in the growth rate right after. Plus besides being a natural rooting compound, it's great to help plants with the SAR effect.

I refuse to use chemicals. Don't want to smoke that shit no matter how well it's been flushed, plus why spend all that money when nature can provide the same stuff free of charge.

Sorry for getting O/T. My apologies to the OP.


well here's a couple of methods I'm trying;
First up is a tupperware container with a piece of Styrofoam sitting in willow water. I scraped the bottom of the stem and split it before putting the cuts in.

Here' my take of the OP's cloner. I'm using spice container's cut down to 3 1/2 inches, same size as the ice tubes. Cost is 1.00 at the supermarket and the bottom is already 'drilled' with holes. Filled with perlite and within 20 minutes or so they were wet. We'll see how they work:

here they are. I have 1 with the cap screwed on after I drilled 5 holes in it. The other 2 have the 'screens' that are on them when you take the top off. Wanted to see which worked better. the cap has a slight ridge so the holes aren't sitting flush with thew bottom of the container. I think that would help with wicking. We'll see.