Guy is right, this is off topic for the thread but also a bit rude, that sort of behaviour wasn’t common when people were smoking the pure landraces.i'd really like to see your work, cause i question that anyone could know that.
i'd like to see DETAILED reports of the trace cannabinoids found in 60s and 70s weed vs now.... and i mean... there has been a recent surge in landrace/ heirloom excitement, i'd really and honestly like to see what trace cannabinoids are out there... the results i've seen on containers in the market hardly show numbers for anything outside of the THC(a) CBG(a) CBD(a) and maybe THCV(a) or delta 8, but rarely much else outside of that.
i wonder if there are ultra- potent trace cannabinoids that would hide from a modern test?
i mean we have already documented hundreds of cannabinoids, no?