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I want to get some new genetics but scared to order seeds


Even in Arcadia I exist
I can tell you this for certain, don't ask me how I know.

If you have steroids intercepted by Customs they only send you a letter saying they are illegal in the US and you can come claim them if you want. This is of course for a personal order and not a huge box of the shit. I would imagine it's the same for small orders of seeds.

Seeds are so easy to get through the mail though. Has anyone on here ever had their seeds seized?

Thanks for sharing that, it's nice to see some facts here.

Yes, my friend and I had an order seized in 2007, an order to a B.C. seed bank. We too received a letter in the mail, which at the time we scanned and uploaded to (the now defunct) Weedfarmer forums. Nothing further came of it.

People fear what they do not know, so to rid ourselved and the OP of the fear of ordering, lets shed some light on what a customs seizure is, and can lead to (if anything.)

Amstel Light

i tell ya man i grew for a while with poor genetics because of this...finnally i just said fuck it! ordered directly from nirvana with peronal credit card and addy (btw there is no secure way i have thought and researced all) it was here in like 10 days end of story...


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I'm not a lawyer, but this is kind of my legal reasoning. Seeds and other stuff are legal in some countries, but not here. If Customs intercepts a package of contraband that is legal elsewhere but not here they send a letter explaining why you can't get your package.

Now if you order 1,000,000 seeds. They might allocate the resources to find out what is going on.

I don't know if you have committed a crime by ordering the seeds. It would be criminal if you came into possession of them inside the United States, but since they are coming from another country maybe the legalities are different.

Hopefully someone with some legal expertise on the matter can chime in. I'm talking out my ass here about the legal stuff.

I really wouldn't sweat it. That's me though.

Amstel Light

If someone you trust already knows what you are doing, talk to them about using their addy...offer them a free sample when the crop is done. I would guesstimate that you have about 97% chance of the package getting past customs, but if it doesn't, would you feel comfortable growing at an address where customs has documentation of you ordering seeds to?? ?

well i would take the 97% chance of interception than the unknown chance that you could TRUST telling any one..


Even in Arcadia I exist
I'm not a lawyer, but this is kind of my legal reasoning. Seeds and other stuff are legal in some countries, but not here. If Customs intercepts a package of contraband that is legal elsewhere but not here they send a letter explaining why you can't get your package.

Now if you order 1,000,000 seeds. They might allocate the resources to find out what is going on.

I don't know if you have committed a crime by ordering the seeds. It would be criminal if you came into possession of them inside the United States, but since they are coming from another country maybe the legalities are different.

Hopefully someone with some legal expertise on the matter can chime in. I'm talking out my ass here about the legal stuff.

I really wouldn't sweat it. That's me though.

Well said - couldn't agree more.


Autos are for pussies!
In my humble opinion I don't think it's wise to send them to your own place. Aslo using a fake name is potentially an added charge against you (I forget the exact one). A PO Box address is said to have extra scrutiny and you need an ID to get one, so not much good there. If someone you trust already knows what you are doing, talk to them about using their addy...offer them a free sample when the crop is done. I would guesstimate that you have about 97% chance of the package getting past customs, but if it doesn't, would you feel comfortable growing at an address where customs has documentation of you ordering seeds to?? Personally, I would NOT be very comfortable growing at such a place....I guess another thing to consider is if this address will be long term or not?

well, well, well..... I took this advice from here and other forums and used a FAKE NAME. This fake name got my seeds returned:cuss:

My mailman marked it as "undeliverable as addressed" and "return to sender if appropriate information is obtained". I would have got these seeds yesterday but the mailman figured nobody lives here by that name, so he sent them back!!! AHHHH!!!!!

I ordered from a different seed bank but it did get through + got to my town in 5 days. I just wish I would have used my real name!! :cuss:

This other seedbank I used had a "special" going on, so I hope they honor the same deal. That's if my seeds ever make it back overseas..smh

So what did I learn?? NEVER use a fake name!! Now let's see if my seeds make it back within their 14 day return policy.:thanks:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I've ordered seeds many, many times from Gypsy Nirvana and only have the best things to say about it. As well as a couple other well established ones. I mean, lol, in the grand scheme things it's a little white envelope in a HUGE mass of little white envelopes. It's a big deal to you, but not really to anyone else on a normal day at the post office.

Now if you were receiving a few lbs in the mail, I could understand the concern. You'll be fine. You have a 250w light bulb and a few seeds. I'm not diminishing the potential penalty if you getting caught growing, I'm just underscoring that there are bigger things going on for Customs to worry about.

It's a little white envelope somewhere in one of these trucks with all the other little white envelopes.
Fuck I put my name, my real name on orders because nobody gives a shit...order from someone that has insurance so if your order doesn't come (and not once every happened to me1) then they resend the package...when it is nearly a grand worth of seed in one package ya better get the insurance.

Just ordered a 600 and something dollar seed order from the Attitude, even came with a free T shirt! Get something like that so you can just say someone did say that they were going to send you a gift, but they would want to get you to rat out who, unless you have something to hide........but that is a rare situation, I never once had a package fouled with.

Ordered tons of seeds, nice ones, I never had bad luck with FEMs and really hit up their selection. I know people hate fems, because they are not willing to pay for them...but it sure beats going paranoid waiting for the sex selection on short indoor space.

YOUR MAIL MAN, doesn't give a shit......it's the customs, they are required to find so many seizures because they want budgets of inflated proportions as is why Government employees make more money than your average similar job description.


I have always used a fake name to bring anything into the country. I have received atleast 20 US customs letters in my lifetime. I can not tell you what they were for because it would give away who I am, but I have only had customs show up to my house once out of all of these times. The only reason they showed up is because the shipper sent the items on an airplane to my city, and not through a regular shipping company. So when the local US Customs guys (there is only 2) receive these items they want to go investigate. So they come pay us a visit. We were smoking upstairs, and I here a knock at the door. I go and see who it is and can tell that it is some form of cop or official. I take a deep breath and open the door. They walk right in making sure to show me there guns and badges. Our house reaked light weed by the way so I was shitting myself. What we import is legal to sell in the US, but technically illegal to import in the US. So they check my ID and I call my girl from upstairs and they check her ID. Well since we used a fake name that we get some mail by and not a name that is on either one of our IDs they just shut the fuck up. I asked what it was all about, and they said since it does not involve you we can not say anything. So ever since then I have always used a fake name. Usually the same last name just not the same first name. That way the post man will still deliver it. When we received all of the other letters the shipments were sent to random address's of friends or family always under a fake name. They always got delivered with no problems unless they got seized of course.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I have always used a fake name to bring anything into the country. I have received atleast 20 US customs letters in my lifetime. I can not tell you what they were for because it would give away who I am, but I have only had customs show up to my house once out of all of these times. The only reason they showed up is because the shipper sent the items on an airplane to my city, and not through a regular shipping company. So when the local US Customs guys (there is only 2) receive these items they want to go investigate. So they come pay us a visit. We were smoking upstairs, and I here a knock at the door. I go and see who it is and can tell that it is some form of cop or official. I take a deep breath and open the door. They walk right in making sure to show me there guns and badges. Our house reaked light weed by the way so I was shitting myself. What we import is legal to sell in the US, but technically illegal to import in the US. So they check my ID and I call my girl from upstairs and they check her ID. Well since we used a fake name that we get some mail by and not a name that is on either one of our IDs they just shut the fuck up. I asked what it was all about, and they said since it does not involve you we can not say anything. So ever since then I have always used a fake name. Usually the same last name just not the same first name. That way the post man will still deliver it. When we received all of the other letters the shipments were sent to random address's of friends or family always under a fake name. They always got delivered with no problems unless they got seized of course.

Excellent post. Good move getting out of the situation. A good reason to use Gypsy Nirvana. Your mail is just like everyone elses. Use a shipper smart enough to not call attention to the package. I'm not pimping his product so he'll hold my hand. I'm really not one for ass kissing, but it's a well run, well established business. Don't step over dollars to pick up dimes. Rely on the professionals.


Active member
hmmm i have been wondering about the holiday time and ordering seeds, i should do it now and use a different name.
I would order a one time catalog or other piece of mail or two in that name first. Make sure it arrives ok. Then order the seeds in the same name.

Personally I just order them and have them sent to me. It's not like I'm buying $1,000 worth of seeds or anything. :D


Active member
I always send seeds to my house. BUT I did have a minor scare last order. The USPS lady delivered my package to another person down the street (Same name, diff addy)...they returned it to me open. But they did not open the seed package and only saw the shirt. Was paranoid for a bit but I got over it. They also didnt speak/read english!

Still gonna order them to my house next time!


For those that love Irony We had a shipping company call us yesterday to tell us that our packages were being held by customs. It has been quite sometime since this has happened to us, and it seemed fitting with me posting on this thread that it happen now. We did however clear it up, and they released it today. We should have it tomorrow. We had to provide proof of who we are, and tell them what was inside the box. Always give a vague description, and don't assume that they have actually opened your package. We use to get packages all of the time with U.S. Customs tape on it because they went through the boxes. They are very hit or miss, and you will learn very quickly that each facility has their own agenda of what is important to catch coming into the country.

the Rock

Active member
ive had seeds sent to my house at least 25 times with no problems,I would say its a very slim chance anything bad would happen.They cant send you to prison for a couple hundred dollars worth of seeds.JUST DO IT


cant stop wont stop
250watts? do it man!
they wont bust in your door for ordering a pack of seeds, for all they know its not even yours. worst they'd do is maybe check your electric, and with 250watts whats there to see? ;)


Active member
yea we are sketched off ordering seeds to...but my homie with a club card is gonna use his CC and his address because he doesnt grow or deal or do anything sketch so it works out good.

but now we got no idea where to order from?


Active member
ordering seeds doesnt scare me (for security reasons). what scares me is worn out poly poly genetics and bland smoke. the risk of wasting money and months of my time on junk, thats scary

Hank Hemp

Active member
Send them somewhere other than where you grow. Holidays are perfect with the high volume of mail.