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I want to buy a pocket sized Vape.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I got the Fury 2 with bubbler. Nice improvement over the Magic Flight Box. Quick to heat up and LED turns green to let you know. All I taste is the bud on the hits which are much easier to get than the MFB.

High is not like smoking but has less burnout after I come down. More cerebral than smoking. Smoking kind of smacks you in the face which is nice when you feel like it. Nice to have other options too.


Well-known member
I got the Fury 2 with bubbler. Nice improvement over the Magic Flight Box. Quick to heat up and LED turns green to let you know. All I taste is the bud on the hits which are much easier to get than the MFB.

High is not like smoking but has less burnout after I come down. More cerebral than smoking. Smoking kind of smacks you in the face which is nice when you feel like it. Nice to have other options too.

One thing to remember with vaping is that you have some control over the type of high. Different terps vape at different temperatures and different terps provide different effects.

You can't always get just what you want but sometimes, by adjusting the temperature, you can 'fine tune' your effects to suit your wants and needs.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Good idea on the temps. I have just left it at 400 F for now. I suppose the higher you go the more it gets like smoking. It tops out at 430 F. Very easy to adjust the temps, a few taps of the buttons with display showing you the temps.

Thanks to the members here who recommended this vape. So many to choose from these days.


Well-known member
Hello Cheesebuds, I want to add a note of caution that I wish someone had done when I first bought a vaporizer, the Airizer Air, a while back.

At the time I bought that first vape, I had no idea that for an unknown percentage of vape users, it is absolutely VITAL that they ONLY vape through a bubbler, because if they do not bubble that vapor through water, they may suffer a life-threatening episode.

I found this fact out the hard way when I started to use my Airizer Air without bothering to use a bubbler setup with it. The result was that the dry vapor inflicted one of the very worst lung traumas I have EVER had the misfortune of experiencing.

Hours after taking a series of drags of that hot dry vapor, my lungs flooded with fluid, and I rushed to a hospital, where I was prescribed a strong regime of antibiotics that took a few days to bring me back from the brink.

I will never forget the feeling of abject terror that just overwhelmed me when I discovered that I was drowning in my own lung fluids, on dry land. Of course I did not attempt to vape for a long time after that horrible experience, and before I resumed using the Airizer, I read up on the FC forum, and there, buried amidst a sea of forum posts, was that dire warning that dry vapor can trigger really serious effects in some people.

You are looking for a portable vape, and yes, if you add a bubble to any vape, it won't be as portable as it was without the bubbler, HOWEVER, if you are one of the few unlucky people like me whose system cannot tolerate dry vapor, then you will be doing yourself a HUGE favor by vaping at home with a bubbler connected at all times.

One day, the laws will catch up with rapidly evolving vape technology, and when it does, a requirement will be introduced for all vape vendors to recommend a bubbler for ALL their products, given the mortal risks some people may face by inhaling dry vapor.

Forgive the negative tone of this post, but as a toker who damn near died from vaping without a bubbler, I feel a sense of obligation to share this caution with forum readers here.

All the best with your new vape

interesting, would be neat to learn how vape caused spontanious infection ? perhaps just irritated ur infected lungs? do u live in a humid part of the world? possible mold in ur enviro?


Been hearing this for years, about needing a bubbler to vape. Yet I vape with large numbers of people, and no one has any problem.

What exactly do you believe passing the resin through water accomplishes? It does nothing but rinse out water solubles and atomize the vapor into smaller molecules. It turns OG into Lebanese. Perhaps youre sensitive to water soluble Cannabis terpenes/esters? Or perhaps it's artifacts/residuals from certain grow methodologies? The only oddity I've noticed with the hundreds of people I've vaped out is that some of them cannot taste it at all don't think they even got a hit until it kicks in, no matter how overwhelming the flavor is to me (i have to clear my throat indefinitely sometimes, with really slimey terped out "weed sewer" strains, which makes me think it's terpene/lipid/thiol sensitivity.)

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Clear Headed I sure wish I knew for sure why I had that terrible reaction to using a vape with no bubbler. One thing I will never forget is how absolutely terrifying it is to find oneself unable to breathe, and that feeling of drowning in my own lung fluids is one I never want to experience again for as long as I live.

This sort of life-threatening event does not happen to the vast majority of vape users, and it is a minor hassle setting up my huge stainless steel bubbler every time I go to use my Airizer vape, but after that incident, I would never dream of using any vape without routing the vapor through a good depth of water first.

The good news is that by simply using a bubbler during every vape session, I have never had that nightmare happen again, even after hundreds of vape sessions over the past few years. So, to be on the safe side, I would highly recommend using a bubbler for ALL who intend to use a vaporizer of any description.

Midnight Tokar

Not trying to discount your experience but.........vapor is not dry. Just by definition vapor is moisture.
Are you sure that something else (pesticides?) didn't caused your reaction?

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Not trying to discount your experience but.........vapor is not dry. Just by definition vapor is moisture.
Are you sure that something else (pesticides?) didn't caused your reaction?

I would have suspected chemical contamination if the weed that triggered that reaction had been purchased, but I have grown my own stash organically, using no chemicals or fertilizers, for nearly a decade now, so I am certain that neither mold nor chemicals were present even in trace amounts.

My speculation is that an unlucky few people like me have to use a bubbler to increase the moisture content of the vapor they inhale, perhaps due to some rare inherited weakness in their lungs. Oddly enough I never suffered this sort of reaction from toking the same home-grown bud in old-school joints over the years before I bought my first vaporizer.


Well-known member
I didn't read all the posts to see if the vape was new or not, so excuse me if it's been mentioned but...If the vape was new, I would say it still had machine oil on it or some other residual.


Well-known member
If you don't mind me asking, ST, do you have asthma?

I don't have asthma, but with some vaporizers I've used in the past I've noticed I had a mild mucous response after vaping (thus far haven't had much of an issue with my Pax). Curious if you had an extreme version of that response.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Ringodoggie you may indeed have solved the mystery. The Airizer Air was brand new, though I did follow the recommendation given at the FC forum, to run a couple of burn cycles before inhaling from a new vaporizer, to get rid of the plastic smell, and to burn of any oil residue left over from the manufacturing process. Could be I did not repeat those burn cycles enough times to properly vent off all the factory gases, in my haste to try vaping for the first time ever.

Yardgrazer I do indeed have family members that suffer from asthma, which is hereditary, even though I have never been diagnosed with asthma myself. That said, the shortness of breath I experienced on that day was very similar to a symptom of asthma, even though that was the first and only time thus far, that I suffered that way.

All told, I find that using a bubbler has worked for me, so I always go to the trouble of hooking one up. I have never used a vape without a bubbler since that incident. Playing it safe, I guess, in the absence of a confirmed reason for that episode.


Well-known member
Now that it's all broken in, go ahead and try it without the bubbler. If you die, we'll know I was wrong. LOL

Actually, I often use mine with the glass bubbler WITHOUT water in it. It still cools the smoke quite well.

If you do try something, make sure you have someone with you.... just in case. ;)

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Ha ha that one time when I served as a guinea-pig has made me wary of further experiments with vaping technique, especially since I am not completely certain of just what it was that went wrong that first time. I'm so used to a bubbler now, that I have become a creature of habit who will stick by my trusty water apparatus, till death do us part.

White Beard

Active member
Less discreet than the Pax but ultra-portable, the VapCaps from DynaVap are really very nice.

Designed for use with a lighter or candle flame, they also work well with induction heaters, which are becoming portable


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Less discreet than the Pax but ultra-portable, the VapCaps from DynaVap are really very nice.

Designed for use with a lighter or candle flame, they also work well with induction heaters, which are becoming portable

I wouldnt call my pax3 at all discreet...wtf is small worth when you can smell it 10 feet away easy. Was really bummed because I bought it so I could take it to concerts and shit like I do with my 15$ awesome concentrate vapes...


Never would I have thought a 15$ pen would be awesome...Incredibly discreet. I smoke in bars with it never have issues and no one can smell it.

As a result I will be trying one of their dry herb ones next but they are more pricey @100$. I am done with pax 3 for now. Way over priced and doesn't even hide concentrate smells. I have trouble charging mine after a year use now but probably just a matter of the little brass charging nodes needing to be renewed with a cheap chemical cleaner.

My next pen for sure which looks like it will contain smell:



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I got the bubbler attachment with the Fury 2 but the water seems to slow things down too much. Opted for a glass tube that goes with the vape for $15. Now it is where it needs to be. The original mouthpiece is lacking imo. The bubbler can be run dry for a cool hit.

Still needs a couple pulls before it really starts to put out much vapor. The terpenes burn off first. After that the leaf starts to scorch a bit and the vapor increases.

I think Swamp had a bad thing happen unrelated to the vape.


Salutations White Beard,

...the VapCaps from DynaVap are really very nice.

It's qualifying as a "1-Hitter" i guess.

...they also work well with induction heaters, which are becoming portable

That wasn't part of the design stage. Actually many FC users reported that they had broken their NoFlame type of 3rd-party ready-made IH driver by overloading its power stage which in turn damaged relay contacts, mostly because the IH output gets wasted in heating peripheral metal which ain't no direct essential/active part of the process. You can bet you'll have to go with a custom-designed unit to solve this major issue considering the workload would require a 5-fold reduction in weight - and most especially if it needs to become portable apparently!...


Good day, have fun!! :tiphat:
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Well-known member
Absolutely not true. I'll bet you're one of the fan boys from FC. LMAO The induction heaters work awesome.

I have 3 of the SJK induction heaters, 2 made by Pipes and 2 that I made myself. The worse ones I have are the ones Pipes made.

The induction heaters work WAY better than a torch. I am currently working on a 510 compatible heater for the VC. My caps will never see a torch again.

EDIT: Egzo... I didn't notice that was you. You ARE a fan boy from FC. LMAO That was fucked up that he banned you. You didn't do shit. Those mods are totally fucked up. It's like kindergarden over there. I PM'd him immediately and told him how fucked up he was for banning you and I told him he should unban you immediately. Asshole threatened to ban me. Can you imagine.... ban Me??? LMAO That forum software is so old and outdated there are a dozen published exploits. I have been tempted a number of times to up my privs to admin and ban his ass. LMAO

Sorry, you were banned for nothing but I was there for ya. :)


I have a flowermate 5s, not that bad honestly. very portable and easy to use.


Salutations RingoDoggie,

I'll bet you're one of the fan boys from FC.

Euh... That's not the way i'd put it and even if i were then i garantee it's certainly not reciprocal anyway.


The induction heaters work awesome.

Oh yes, no doubt, and that's only a glimpse of what's yet to come!


Too bad there's been such an everlasting/epic succession of "sabotage" episodes like when MagicFlight wrote about IH/Curie driving on August 29, 2011, in his dedicated thread titled “The Magic-Flight Box”, p532 - which has been 7 years ago today (appreciate my timing!):

MagicFlight said:
Incidentally, we did actually build an induction system vaporizer as a lab prototype once. It worked ok, but was extremely expensive and hard to make...

Months later in the IH-specific thread titled “Induction Vaporizer (based on "Curie" alloys)”, which i started on November 13, 2011, he then commented:

MagicFlight said:
... One practical detail you might want to keep in mind... ... ...the delivery coil shuts off and regulation is lost. ... We gave up on the concept...

So in essence i was told to give up as well.

Though the problem here was that MagicFlight assumed a slow/steady induction system depending on a thermostatic feedback loop even in presence of Curie alloys he'd never specify...

These days i'd challenge him to revisit his very own assumption using a 0.75 g Curie-effect susceptor, confident that workload would "saturate" before the safety delay times out anyway.

I have 3 of the SJK induction heaters... ... The induction heaters work WAY better than a torch.

Be warned there has been units rated for an IH output of 50 Watts only, for example the Heat Zone by Whip Mix:

[ https:// whipmix.com/products/the-heat-zone/ ]

Rated Input Power: 150W
Rated Output Power: 50W

M'well, maybe not anymore.

I am currently working on a 510 compatible heater for the VC.

If it's IH-driven then pay attention to susceptor mass.


EDIT: Egzo... I didn't notice that was you. You ARE a fan boy from FC. LMAO

Oh please, this might get me confused! :covereyes:

By the way, have you noticed the same trouble makers also show up on MotG's VA?... I got an account opened there but i'm already locked out (with ZERO posts) somehow... Actually FC's staff was right to extend their initial ban because i would have come back indeed, VA's no different.

I have been tempted a number of times to up my privs to admin...

They'd attempt to target you like they currently do with my internet feed which went through unstable periods since the ban. I found a much better place where to invest and it's in my own native language, clearly identified to my province as a bonus.

Sorry, you were banned for nothing but I was there for ya.

Thank you and have no worries, my only regret being that October 26th ain't coming fast enough!

Lets see if those installed trolls will resist the urge to drop on their knees and beg for asylum (...) once FC's domain finally dies at last... No wonder the admin went Missing In Action IMO.

Good day, have fun!! :tiphat:
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