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I want to buy a pocket sized Vape.


New member
I was thinking about getting the Pulsar APX 2 Dry Kit. Are these any good?Because they're definitely more in my price range and the right size I'm looking for.

Thanks for all your advice and opinions about what to buy Bros. I will look into all of them and check them out, but I can only buy one so I have to pick the best one for the Long term.

The reviews on some of the sites look pretty good. Some complain that the screens get a little clogged but they're easy to clean apparently.

While searching I noticed how crazy cheap this site was. Maybe jump on it before they realize?



Well-known member
Watch battery times on portables. And, recharge times. The new HR Fierce has USB-C charging which is supposed to be super fast.

So far, everything has been a session vape. There is always the VapCap and Vaponic for 1-hitter vapes. I would send you to FC but you'll get VapCap attacked by the fan boys there so, if you want a 1-hitter that heats with butane, google Vaponic.

So far, most of what has been mentioned here would be a 'session' vape. 30 seconds or more to heat up and usually more than 1 hit. Up to 10 or 12. Almost better for 2 people than 1. I think that's why people like the dosing capes in the Fury2. I chain smoke so to me, dosing caps are for pussies. ;)


Well-known member
I just want something that gives off a good hit. I don't mind loading a couple of bowls if I have to. And I do want rechargeable. But most importantly I want something that works great but not overly priced cuz I don't have a lot of money to spend on one of these.


Well-known member
(If you are in the USA) Go to puffitup.com and put the Fury2 in your cart at $139.

Then, use coupon code 'puffedup' to get 15% ($20.85) for a final price of $118.15.

Free shipping (again USA) and it will probably go out today. Their shipping is lightning fast.

No, my Mom doesn't own the company. I'm just a satisfied customer.


Well-known member
I have checked out all the handheld vaporizers that were mentioned in my thread I can't make up my mind I would prefer true vapeorizer. I would like big hits from whatever I buy.


Well-known member
I like the Pulsar Apex 2 but I was told that it heats up just like a lighter and that it's not true vaporizor. I like the looks of the atmos jump dry vaporizer, but I don't know how well it works or if it's any better or worse than the Pulsar Apex 2, but the price of both of these is in my range. I also really like the Pax 2 but the price is a little steep for the most part.


Well-known member
I have been using Arizer solos for about 7 or 8 years and love them, but they no longer make the analog model,


Just this guy, ya know?
That atmos looks cool and 60$ is right about the price point I would consider trying a vape. The only vaporizer I ever tried was one of those soldering iron models back in the 90's and it sucked. That atmos looks like a lot higher quality.


Well-known member
I got a Sai atomizer with a variety of coils, and an Innokin MVP4 mod.... thing is a ripper.. I still prefer enail dabs, but this set up works great for excursions
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That atmos looks cool and 60$ is right about the price point I would consider trying a vape. The only vaporizer I ever tried was one of those soldering iron models back in the 90's and it sucked. That atmos looks like a lot higher quality.

I had an Atmos once, It sucked.

The Atmos is not a true vaporizer it is a ceramic chamber with a heat coil in it. It would burn the herbs like a pipe and waste a lot of material.

I contacted to company and told them it was not working right they told me I needed to buy a $20. glass screen for it. I did(which was stupid) it didn't help. The pipe/"vaporizer" then broke a couple of weeks later.

I learned a lesson. If I buy something I will never buy extra stuff just to make it work right.


Just this guy, ya know?
I had an Atmos once, It sucked.

The Atmos is not a true vaporizer it is a ceramic chamber with a heat coil in it. It would burn the herbs like a pipe and waste a lot of material.

I contacted to company and told them it was not working right they told me I needed to buy a $20. glass screen for it. I did(which was stupid) it didn't help. The pipe/"vaporizer" then broke a couple of weeks later.

I learned a lesson. If I buy something I will never buy extra stuff just to make it work right.
Seriously, it should come with that it needs in the tin. I hate when they do stuff like that.


I won the Pax 3. Afterwards I have bought the cheaper Pax 2.
They are pretty much the same, but Pax 2 warms up a little slower.
I prefer their highest temperatures, and they are the same.

They are very discrete, and you only need a small pocket, or your fist.

If you can live without the app. that comes with Pax 3, and can live with the slower warming, go for the cheaper Pax 2. It even has a more beautiful finish (coating/surface).

A great advantage with vapes: I can hit my Pax in the livingroom. Wife doesn´t care!

P :smoke:


Well-known member
Ok so think im going for the pax 2. I did find some on ebay for around $58 new in box. Also i found new in box pax 2 on bid for $17. Probably 4 hours left and I'm going to bed at the last few minutes and second I'll see if I can win that bid.


Well-known member
If you found a Pax for $58 it is probably a fake. Might as well buy the Atmos. LMAO

Fury2, Arizer ArGo or a real Pax. Anything else and you will end up like me... learning the hard way and ending up with a drawer full of shitty vapes.

You want to buy a cheap vape? I'll sell you one of mine. You pick whatever piece of shit you want and I'll sell it to you half price. I'm certain I have it, whatever it is. LOL

There are a lot of great vapes out there but none of them are dirt cheap. The Fury is the best bite for the buck. The Arizer Argo next. The others won't "fit in your pocket" very well.

I have every Yocan and Atmos piece of shit there is. Send me 50 bux, I'll send you 10 of them. LMAO


Well-known member
So how do I tell if it's fake or not? No I don't want to buy a piece of s*** when I want something that's going to last.

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