I remember lots of pub nights and funny times and hang overs.
I remember when phone boxes used to take 10p its fuckin 60p a call now
I remember the first school I went to, mum walked me down as I was about 6 or so, but by the time she got home I had beat her back home lol, hated school. was about 2 mile or so. had a great time over the years wagging school, then again I could have learnt about horticulture sooner lol.View Image
i remember steam trains , i was 7 or 8 and i walked alongside the track to get home from school ...that smell of coal and steam ...can still smell it ..
I remember when Mom washed our clothes with a wash board in a galvanized steel bucket.
Uphill BOTH ways , I'm high again , lolI did the same thing, but I just followed her home when she left me there because we only lived a few blocks from the school. But I did live 1 1/2 miles from the Jr. High (Middle School). Walked there and back everyday. Still remember -20F one winter morning and they didn't close. So walked. Sheeit!
Kids now are all bussed. Most places here don't even have sidewalks anymore here in the city I'm near. So why are kids fat now? Beats me ;-/
That walking was uphill both ways, usually knee deep in snow, with my shoes slung over my shoulder so they didn't get dirty too.