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I love the hottest peppers!


Well-known member
does any one around here grow their own hybrid chile's?

not by choice..but... i have some haberno's in pots, growing next to a variety of bells (rainbows,oregen hybrids/etc)... someone mentioned peppers easily cross polinate... well my hab's are hugh... like 4-5times the normal size, and they are still growing/rippening... and i picked one that has turned approx 25% orange...and it is pure fire..

now if it did indeed cross-poll, besides the bells, i have ghosts/trin. scor's/etc nearby too... but being so large and hot maybe i got my own new hybrid... :woohoo:


Kiss My Ring
the peppers i grew this season could start wildfires...i dial 911 before harvesting.

hadda have a skin graft for the burns suffered picking/stringing.

gifted one to a friend and they got a restraining order to keep me away.

poison control said, "fuck it, you're a goner".


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.

7pot 'brainstrain'

yellow 7pot

trinidad scorpion 'morouga'



s13sr20det - thats lookings nice! :D

we have a cold and rainy autumn so my chinense's are not doing as well as other years. still plenty of chilis, but much less than expected. the baccatums are doing really well.

also im glad i found a chinense from gambia that can handle our heat in the summer, so i harvested a lot of those atleast earlier on in the season. gambia red its the name of it.

also finally the rocotos have grown into big bushes, some well over 2,5m tall, and others about as wide, since they have grown in all possible directions. having them under shade during summer worked out well. they didnt fruit but didnt suffer too much. the pods now are several times bigger than the early fruits this spring/summer. some of them start looking big as small apples. they are much more vigorous in the soil than i expected, and with their long life span, i think they might occupy a big part of the area i once decided to dedicate to a future greenhouse.. i guess i will have to look for an other spot hehe

also i built a new smoker this year, and i have run it once, smoking the chilis untill they are dry. quite cheap and tasty drying method. i just need to add a log once every 6-8 hours into the burner. the flavour once smoke dried is out of this world. the temperature in the smokeer does not go over 50-60ºC so the flavour stays intact. also even though the chilis turn out black, there is no carbon.

enjoy your harvests you all!
Neg repped for that? Stay classy...

from Wikipedia on resiniferatoxin:
"Resiniferatoxin (RTX) is a naturally occurring, ultrapotent capsaicin analog[1] that activates the vanilloid receptor in a subpopulation of primary afferent sensory neurons involved in nociception (the transmission of physiological pain).[2][3] RTX causes an ion channel in the plasma membrane of sensory neurons...16,000,000,000 scoville units."

and from wikipedia on euphorbia resinifera:
"Euphorbia resinifera contains a high concentration of the toxin resiniferatoxin."


^ Sounds nasty.

In other news I have some tabia bali chilli seeds just hatched. The fruit looks like a c. chinense but they aren't as hot as most in that species. Will post pics at the end of our season.


FunTimesIndeed - a chili-freak friend of mine also asked me about that cactus a while back.

imho since its not a pepper relative its not in my interest, but i understood it grows in the mediteranean area.



Active member
Got around 30 of those-dont knows the name of them-doing them every year-to me strong enough-they can put fire into mouth-
will do some oil of those-yes.

nad we had an shitty summer again and in about 10 L bucket and soil from grow-reused,they just growed and got finished for 1 month back.Others peppers-did not-and those was lot lot bigger plant-but with 2 unfinished peppers onto-pics later of those big plants-but without peppers : ) one night with frozen-was enough for kill leafs and those 2 peppers.How it can goes also...2matoes dont did it good either-those year.Mabye next
Think it,s dwarf cayennes-had just seen those another place . ) i like them.


Active member
You only need 1/4 or lesser into some kind of food e_g and it,s still burn a bit..one day i made beef onto a pan-meat from an cow-a muuhh you knows-just like then make a burger !
took a bit of one chili onto the pan,for see-goes those into the beefs-and yes it did.
There are another thread in here about peppers and chilies there one named those as dwarf cayenne.belive is those,they have on those pizzaplaces,you can drip into your pizza,s and so.But good taste they have-try bite in one and see-lol-thats funny for 1 minute.lol-will try BBQ some on a pan,for try about the taste,then changing it and will add some garlic to also into a jar-with Some cornoil-and 1/4 jomfru-oh-Olivenmaidenoil-or maidenolivenoil ? not to much of those-can be harsh,those oil-after time-and mabye also add a bit cognac-and then give it in christmasgift to family.Next year-many chilies and new strains also.Just take those seeds out and in soil-vupti new are on way-can be easyer.


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
im not impressed with that morouga plant i photographed earlier... taste isnt there, neither is the heat.... ive got a couple more morouga plants with incredible heat and taste. very similar to my brain strains, maybe thats why people say they are the same? i'll get some photos of them tomorrow.

temps here are mid 70s daytime and mid 50s nightime, so my rocoto is doing nicely and starting to produce again


one of my favs this year... yellow 7pots



some fatallis and aji tio i harvested on thanksgiving


oh! im realllllly liking these sunrise scorpions! just cut a couple more pods today. these are very hot and fruity.
heres a photo i took of some pods i harvested today, compared to one of my larger yellow 7pots


i recently got some scorpion seeds from butch t that are now seedlings ive re planted in 1 gal pots. they are growing very vigorously! man i love the scorps!! also got some bt x 7pot 'jonah' seeds from him i'll be planting soon.

its getting tough to determine what is going to get a space in my garden next year!! the growing season here starts march 1, so ive only got a couple weeks left before ive got to get seeds planted
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the yellow 7 pots look a lot like the yellow morougas i grew this year. but imho atleast the yellow morouga is not as hot as the TS morouga blend. that fatallii looks so productive im temped to buy seeds of it for next year.

we are having cold nigths here too :) rocotos are the healthiest ones in the garden atm, but some baccatums are also still spitting out pods..

anyhow this coming weekend we might get close to freezing temps. lets see how the garden handles it.

i will do a big picking session before the cold gets here, but still i think this is propably the start of the end of season. the cold came earlier this year. shit happens :D still harvested tons allready, and it will take me months to smoke/dry all the frozen chilis i got stored here and at my gf's parents freezer.



Active member

7pot 'brainstrain'

Eww god!.. Those look horribly hot. I mean hot like they could burn a hole in my monitor if I stare that picture for too long.

Anybody here keeping bonzai chiles? I've been reading about it from fatalii's growing guide http://www.fatalii.net/growing/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=95&Itemid=105 and saved this one Caribbean Red under the snow. Seems like Chillies are almost impossible to kill. These things can take so much abuse and still they just bounce right back meaner than ever.

here's a shot of the chillie after the salvage operation, didn't yield anything this year.. was a little late from the seasons start but next summers gonna be different as I'm keepin it vegging whole winter

and here's how she looks couple of weeks later

Will make a bonchi out of her once I get the stem a lot thicker.. maybe after 1-2 seasons so now my goal is to get her enormous for the summer(s) to come.