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I love the hottest peppers!


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These peppers all came out of a pack of Butch T Trinadad Scorpion bought at Amazon. I wonder why there is such variation. ?


High country cat herder
I got almost 4 gallon Ziplock bags of Thai, 1 full of KungPao, and one full of SuperChilis..... Found 3 super chili pods on 2 different plants that were twins!!!! 2 pods growing in opposite directions from a single flower stem!?!??

Those ones are getting dried out for seeds next year :D

I'd toss some pics up, but don't have the software on this computer to get pics off of my camera :frown:

Sessile G

i hope everybody is having a plentyfull harvest season :)

Just took down 20 Bhut Jolokia Plants..
1 gigante jalipeno

1 orange habanero

1 tomato plant best boy...

4 serrano x habaneros


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Well-known member
Zach, I did the same thing, with the same results.
This is my first year growing peppers. I haven't read this whole thread and I don't want to ruin my harvest by not drying them correctly. I don't have a dehydrator so I'm trying the fishing line method, but might try Zachs method of slow drying in the oven.
Heres a few pics of the harvest so far, got about double this to harvest yet.
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shack... i tried the thread thru the stem for a couple of years, n found most of em get black n rot... a friend told me this year to thread thru the fruit.. tried that last month, n ruined 2 dozen which developed the same rot... so since i like u dont have a dehyd, i tried the low temp in bbq... it works real well, but as i stated u prob will have to keep the top cracked a bit to lower the temp.. n it takes time.. what i did find is that if u bbq em for a few hrs to get some of the moisture out n then lay em out in the sunny window, they wont rot...

let us know how the fishing line works... others say it works fine.. i have never had sucess with habs,trin scorp's, or other hot ones, tho my cayennes seem to dry just fine with string... maybe the outter skin is thinner...dont know...


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peppers harvested and seeds from such peppers are already growing lol. my jalapeno is going on the end its second season already. i think one more year


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Damn those peppers just look evil! I've been getting a great bunch of anahiems, jalapenos and serranos. I just can't imagine eating anything hotter than a raw mature serrano. PLENTY hot for me.


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
cut my first sunrise scorpion earlier!! im so happy

morougas, 7pots, fatallis loaded with green pods

late planted piri piri is doing pretty good.

butch t, giant white habanero, & chocolate bhuts covered in flowers.

bout to add some compost tea


what website did you use to order those? I was personally looking for a few on your list! thanks

John Deere

Active member
There's lots of seed trading over on thehotpepper.com. I got a bunch a couple years ago. (some for free) --scotch bonnet, Caribbean red, red savina, 7 pod brain strain, super chile, bhut jolokia, aji limon and cajamarca. Too bad icmag doesn't work that way.

They've got a great food and sauce section too. Lots of recipes and pictures. I always get some great ideas when I check it out.



admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
what website did you use to order those? I was personally looking for a few on your list! thanks

some trading on the internet, some ordered.. but if ordering i'd definitely recommend the hippy seed company

traded seeds i dont put much stock in, because theres no accountability (depends on who you trade with of course!)... i'd rather buy seeds because theres a reputation to uphold.

with trading... ive grown many seeds that came up nothing like the description, and on the other hand, ive got some awesome rare seeds for free... take it for what is

my 2 cents

John Deere

Active member
+1 on hippy seed company

The NMSU Chile Pepper Institute is another one that's highly recommended. I grew the jalmundo last year and have grown a few others in years past.

And yep, you take your chances when trading but I've had great luck so far. I try to be selective on who I deal with but it's still a crapshoot.


mm ya i see someone said something about pepper jelly. i like mine with cream cheese :p. you should give garlic jelly a try as well. andi made a spiced tomato one this year.


I picked my first ghost today. The peppers came really late and the weather has been cool. The plant is loaded with them, but they are all light green. I picked a smaller one and assumed it may not have yet reached it's full heat potential.. Well, it was no hotter than a green bell. I hope the rest aren't like that :(


Well-known member
I picked my first ghost today. The peppers came really late and the weather has been cool. The plant is loaded with them, but they are all light green. I picked a smaller one and assumed it may not have yet reached it's full heat potential.. Well, it was no hotter than a green bell. I hope the rest aren't like that :(

i did the same thing in july/aug.. chompin at the bit, wanting to try one, i bit into a green one..nothing all the way up..well a tiny bit of heat near the top.. but once they started to turn, even bitting the tip was fire...
interesting , now still have lots of green ones, n hoping for a week/two of nice weather b4 having to pick em, bit into a green one the other day n it was..fire... so maybe its a question of the plant maturing not so much as the fruit... dunno:scripture::scripture:


i did the same thing in july/aug.. chompin at the bit, wanting to try one, i bit into a green one..nothing all the way up..well a tiny bit of heat near the top.. but once they started to turn, even bitting the tip was fire...
interesting , now still have lots of green ones, n hoping for a week/two of nice weather b4 having to pick em, bit into a green one the other day n it was..fire... so maybe its a question of the plant maturing not so much as the fruit... dunno:scripture::scripture:

Interesting.. It's pouring down rain again today. I'll try one of the bigger ones tomorrow and see if it's at all different..


:) finally we are having so much rain, i dont have to water the garden at all :D its awesome! its going to be a record harvest in a bit :) i have allready several kilos of dried pods stored, and a lot of 6l bags full of frozen chilies of various kinds, for smoking later on :)

this year im upgrading my smoker.. less heat, more capacity, and better handling..

peace all :D