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I like my balcony green


Active member
Hi everybody :)

I joined the IC MAG community recently and like to share some information with you. I hope there is at least something for your viewing pleasure :)

For sure I have more questions than answers also hoping for some advice or hints if you notice something strange ;)

For some background information feel free to read my introduction.

OK, for 3 out of 6 plants I do not really know the exact genetics but I like every plant. Here are some pictures.

The (smaller) bush looks like it wants to explode, but this is the situation since many weeks. It went into preflower a long time ago and
now (too early) seems to have switched to flowering. For me it looks like it is going to be one large and thick cola.

The tall one (currently around 2m from the ground) has only the branches of the 2 first nodes developed and must have inherited some traits of a variety I have here, that grows very tall, stretches forever, flowers forever and yields little.

Once I have reviewd my notes I may be able to tell something about the possible genetics.

Those were the plants on May, 11

Here they are on June, 4

On July, 4 they looked like this


Active member
Uhm, obviously I misplaced this thread. It should be in "Outdoor Grows". It seems I am not able to move this thread and don´t know who to ask. If somebody with the proper rights stumbles about this I would like to have the topic moved. Thank you :)


ICMag Donor
Looking great! Starting to get pretty green on the balcony now! Those branches should start to grow now that flowering is about to begin. Should yield pretty well. Watch it in the wind. May even want to transplant into a larger container, would help boost yield, make watering easier, and may help keep the plant from blowing over.


ICMag Donor
Going to need taller stakes too. Haha. Maybe should have pinched them off again early june. Need to be more branchy and less lanky.


Well-known member
Premium user

You did post it in the correct forum. New sites with many options can sometimes be confusing, especially if English isn't your native tongue.

Outdoor Grows is where you posted your thread.

Big congratulations on you guys' Legalising. You are off to a fine start.

Grow on :peacock:
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Active member
Yeah, someone was so kind to move that thread here. It was originally in "Organic Soil".

Thank you, good advice. I already expected that big plant to grow that big a while ago and the stretch has not finished or even started yet I guess. If I ever (and I will) pop one of my seeds of which I think they will grow tall again I will probably start them way later and/or train them a little bit. I guess I have to adjust to the vertically unlimited dimension coming from my 2x2x2 tent :)

I do not have more vertical space because there is a glass roof in the way.
Not sure what to do about it. I think I just let it grow. There will be enough to enjoy. As we are allowed to possess 60gr - and I think the harvest would exceed that limit - I will have to throw away the most part anyway. But until then I will have a great time with those 2 ladies :)

As I am writing we are experiencing the strongest winds here. That mini-storm lasted a minute or so. Pretty much everything blew over. Well, mighty nature showed its muscles. It is like it is :)
Until now the plants withstood strong winds but today they are making a new experience. I will see what is left over tomorrow :D

What pot size would be a good choice for plants this big. Currently they reside in 7gal. This is my first experience with fabric and what I realized right away is the different behaviour regarding watering.
You mentioned that watering would be easier with larger containers. This would be the case because a larger container takes a longer time to dry out and the watering more consistent?


ICMag Donor
Doesn't really matter how much bigger, just want to make sure to be able to settle the soil around the edges for no air pockets. To do this lightly set the container down a couple times to allow gravity to settle and top back up with media.

I would think a 15 gal would be adequate, but you could even go up to 25 gal plus for a better result. More roots mean healthier plant and more high quality flower.

Dont' throw your flower away! It can easily be hidden one way or another or you could turn the rest into fine sieve kief hash to concentrate it. The government sets these limits simply to prevent people from selling and distributing the product without a license. If you keep all the flower, nobody will do anything about it, just don't sell it or tell everyone.

The roof should be fine, talk to @farmerlion he has a greenhouse and has had that issue before.

Its good to start early though to allow the plant to mature and develop a good root system. May just have to pinch the tops a couple times to keep them shorter and bushier if they are growing tall and lanky.

Looks like they have good sun exposure, which direction does the balcony face?


Active member
The day after ...
The plants got hit hard by the winds. It hurt a little bit watching them from inside shaking wildly but I was confident they would handle the situation. I will post some pics later. The smaller bush twisted by 20% and I really hope that the winds did not rip the roots.

The balcony is facing SSW. Opting for the spot in a corner reduces direct sunlight by 3 hours, but i chose this location to give the plants some protection against the wind and also I did not want to shout "Look, I have big marihuana plants" by placing them in the center of my balcony :D

May I ask about the desirable shape you mentioned - shorter/bushier vs. tall and lanky?
Obviously, at least in my case, the plant management would have been easier. But is there any other
reason to aim for short/bushy?

Seeing plenty branches on the tall and lanky lady she seems to be taking over my balcony soon.

There is something else I am interested in. As I mentioned the smaller, bushy plant preflowered very early.
When I first noticed that I looked closer and detected pollen sacks on each node of the main stem.
I pinched them off and never saw signs of male flowering again. I hope it stays this way. Anyway, if it gets seeded I will probably make some hash, which is a fun thing to do.

This expression (the pollen sacks on each node) reminds me of some old seeds I have in my refrigerator. These came from a plant that had 2 seeds on each node (and only there). I don´t know what that means. Probably most would say its instable genetics. May this be a trait that carried over?

One plant I had also showed something strange (to me). It had the bracts(?) on each node filled with liquid. That liquid was not sticky. It had a slightly oily texture and tasted/smelled like the resin in a very subtle manner. I never saw that before or after or read about it. Any ideas?
I think bracts is the wrong word. What I mean you can see here:

Here is another plant of unknown genetics, but there very well may be some NL in it. The leaves curl upwards the more it gets to the top. I saw some lifeform munching on the plant, looked like fleas lice. Could this be a reason or is is more likely something else to look for?

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Well-known member
The day after ...
The plants got hit hard by the winds. It hurt a little bit watching them from inside shaking wildly but I was confident they would handle the situation. I will post some pics later. The smaller bush twisted by 20% and I really hope that the winds did not rip the roots.

The balcony is facing SSW. Opting for the spot in a corner reduces direct sunlight by 3 hours, but i chose this location to give the plants some protection against the wind and also I did not want to shout "Look, I have big marihuana plants" by placing them in the center of my balcony :D

May I ask about the desirable shape you mentioned - shorter/bushier vs. tall and lanky?
Obviously, at least in my case, the plant management would have been easier. But is there any other
reason to aim for short/bushy?

Seeing plenty branches on the tall and lanky lady she seems to be taking over my balcony soon.

There is something else I am interested in. As I mentioned the smaller, bushy plant preflowered very early.
When I first noticed that I looked closer and detected pollen sacks on each node of the main stem.
I pinched them off and never saw signs of male flowering again. I hope it stays this way. Anyway, if it gets seeded I will probably make some hash, which is a fun thing to do.

This expression (the pollen sacks on each node) reminds me of some old seeds I have in my refrigerator. These came from a plant that had 2 seeds on each node (and only there). I don´t know what that means. Probably most would say its instable genetics. May this be a trait that carried over?

One plant I had also showed something strange (to me). It had the bracts on each node filled with liquid. That liquid was not sticky. It had a slightly oily texture and tasted/smelled like the resin in a very subtle manner. I never saw that before or after or read about it. Any ideas?

Here is another plant of unknown genetics, but there very well may be some NL in it. The leaves curl upwards the more it gets to the top. I saw some lifeform munching on the plant, looked like fleas. Could this be a reason or is is more likely something else to look for?
View attachment 19030193
View attachment 19030194
Looks fine.


Active member
It is starting to smell nice on my balcony. It is way too early though. I expected flowering to start somewhere betwenn August 1-15.

Not only I like my balcony green but I also like any lifeform I discover there.

A Gasteruptiidae thinking about the hole in the bamboo stick as a nest, an idea probably dismissed later on :D

This one I try to reveg and it shows new growth here and there. In a few weeks this ugly looking plant should shine in new splendor.


Active member
Good day :)

The plants in my new soill seem to tolerate it. However, there may be lack of some nutrients as in my old soil. There it seems obvious and my guess would be that nitrogen, potassium, calcium and magnesium should be somewhat more available to the plants.

For now I fed the big plant (i call her now "Lanky Lady" :D) a smoothie as suggested by farmerlion. If someone is interested how I prepared and applied it just let me know.

The other plants show similar symptoms but not that distinct.

The "Lanky Lady" also shows some anomalies which I have seen before somewhere in this forum. I don't remember where and what the meaning was.
1720797812824.jpeg 17_anomaly_20240712.jpg

Here are the youngsters in my new soil.

Tangerine Dream auto


Last not least my "Number 35", also in new soil, showing me 11 fingers.

Cheers :)
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Active member
Well, the name and the avatar brought some connection to japan to my mind :D

I really appreciate getting tipps and there is tons of it everywhere here.


Active member
Good day :)

Vertical growth for my big plant has slowed down big time it seems. I expected something else.

My wife reacted to cutting it with something like "No, don't do it". That's my feeling about it too.

Thank you @farmerlion and @pipeline for your expert advice on handling big(ger) plants. I am sure this knowledge will come in handy in the grows to come. :tiphat:

Meanwhile another plant showed sex and I hope it decides to persist as a female :)

As we again had some serious gust I improvised a prevention from blowing over.


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Active member
Good day :)

My biggest plant still shows no signs of gaining height. She feels me :)

Well, as this is my first real grow outside with beans I never popped before I am really happy to have arrived where I am now with the plants.

I am hoping for a somewhat shorter flowering time for her. I just gently touched her on a small leaf coated with a few trichomes to reveal her aroma. All I smell is grapefruit and nothing else.

This is a typical branch of her right now.
17 _branch_20240716.jpg

My bushy plant I would expect to be ready for harvest already end of August, which I would appreciate much.
I'm hoping for good mold resistance and am a little bit worried about that due to the density of the buds once they start to swell.

This is part of the top of her right now and a leaf which has been ripped off by the wind resp. an impact by the wind. It measures 20 cm.
34_top20cm_20240716.jpg 34_ripped-leaf_20240716.jpg

My "Number 35" will take a shower this evening. I got some milk kefir ready and extracted some serum.
I will apply this 1:1000.
35_20240716.jpg kefir-serum_20240716.jpg

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