NM I agree with what you are saying. The only value in weed is that its illegal and if it were regulated like alcohol or tobacco, you could buy pounds for a fraction of what they are currently worth. No arguing that the govt is who has valued weed. Same with any other illegal drug for that matter.
You just come off crazy when saying screw security
You can fight for your freedom but in the meantime take precautions to be safe. Its a fact we have to live until things change
Perhaps what i am saying didnt come out right. let me explain. If someone breaks into your home for your grow or for your tv by all means take wahtever action you can to keep you and your safe.
The only point im trying to make is that its not the criminals that we truly have to worry about. Its the government that turns us ( Growers) and others ( those who break in) into criminals. They are the ones that make our homes usafe by inflating the value of a drug with a bs war on drugs that dont help.
If the people stood up and said " i dont want the DEA using my tax dollars to fight pot" or if people stood up and questioned why alcohol and tobacco are legal and MJ is not then we wouldnt have these issues.
We live in a democracy dont we? Where the majority rule? Why is it that we let 200 old white guys tell us what to do and how to live. Its a government for the people by the people. Not a people for the government by the government. They got it twisted. Change happens, look at what black people had to go thru to get a better way. Its the same thing!!