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I don't care what the perception is, your safety is your responsibility!!!



I keep saying its better if no person knows, a friend tells another friend then some friend tosses lye in your face and commits home invasion. If you tell, open your doors with goggles and a bullet proof vest. maybe an AK or uzi.

Mr. Nevermind

Hey bro, i respect your views and opinion even if they differ from mine. We just have a different view on things. I look at the root of the problem as opposed to the consequences of the problem. Let me explain. Prior to the war on drugs the value of pot was nothing. You could get an oz of pot for 20 -100 bucks and sometimes that was a rip. Since the war on drugs the value of pot has increased making it something worth breaking into a home for.

If the government would end this BS war on drugs then the value of pot would drop, anyone who wanted it would have access to it so there is no reason to steal . Pot is the anymans drug. all you need is a seed and a few months and you got all you need, cost free.

So rather than say how ****ed up it is that people break into homes i look at how ****ed up it is that the government caused the price to soar putting MJ users in danger of invasion and so on. When alcohol was illegal you had people killing each other of a bottle of moonshine. Once it was legal peopel just went to the store and that was the end of that. Same premise as pot.

Sorry i dont play into the governments game and worry about safety. I worry about sanity. This is all a joke the price of pot and those willing to steal from it. Take the value out of it and there is no incentive to rob.

I hope all fellow growers stay safe and protect their homes and families, dont get me wrong on that. But us growing pot aint the problem, the goverment and their war on drugs is the problem and we play right into it.



I agree with both sides. If you're gonna grow, and a lot of it (i.e Med Growers), you need to protect yourself. If you have a lot of anything, and there are people out there who want it, they're gonna seek you out. Whether you go around town spouting off info about your grow or not.. We all hope for some sort of anonymity online, and I think a lot of that is misguided as well. I think its foolish for the large growers on here to post so many pics of their stuff and info about other things that could ultimately lead to discovering their identity. But.. maybe its safer than I know. Anyway, the war on drugs certainly fuels the security issues - but - even if it DOES become legal, its not like you're going to find it in the tobacco line at Wal Mart. I mean, even people in Amsterdam and the other 'pot friendly' areas still deal with intruders and the like. People there are, of course, allowed to grow their own, but ****ers still come and steal it, or the police raid their shop, and it's 'legal' there.. Like I said, even in this country (USA) if it does become somewhat legal, it's not going to be accepted everywhere - and you're not gonna buy a pack of joints from the gas station. Being allowed to 'homegrow' up to 3plants or so would be the most viable option as far as legality goes, and releasing the fines and jail time for carrying a certain amount. (I.E. carrying less than an ounce is not an offence). I mean c'mon, what would you ever need to carry more than that for besides for selling it someone on the street?!? I guess med.transport is one need for having that much in a car, but that could be easily remedied by hospitals and med.ditribution centers. I know i know, you can carry as much alcohol in your car as you want, as long as you're not drinking it right?? Theres always loose ends in arguments..

Mr. Nevermind

I respectfully agree and disagree with some points. I hope you dont mind a bit of a discussion on the matter. This is a discussion between friends and lets do our best to keep it that way, so far this thread is a great discussion.

even people in Amsterdam and the other 'pot friendly' areas still deal with intruders and the like.

The reason to me that people in adam get robbed is the value still. I mean how much is a gram of pot in a club these days? around 7-8 euro or 10-12 us. So do the math. lets say 10 bucks a gram, thats still 280 bucks for an oz of plant material. Thats all it is. the governemtn threw people a bone and they got happy and forgot the real cause. Equal treatment. You can only buy 5 grams at a time. How many packs of cigs can you buy at a time? as many as you want and that can kill you. How many beers can you buy at a time? As many as you want. there is no 2 beer maximum rule when you go to a bar and there shouldnt be one on a substance that is less harmful than the others, period.

If pot were just legalized the value would drop. It shoudl be legal and not controlled as it is in adam. It dont cost shit to produce a pound or two of pot, hell outside it dont really cost more than 20 bucks if you got water close to your grow. the goverment makes it so we have to resort to the black market and greed comes out there. charging whatever they want.

If you grow and get rid of your gear, do it for a good cause and not to make cash on it. If all growers wold start getting rid of their gear at a low price then we could drop the value of it and stop the insanity of break ins. Pot is not a rich mans drug, nor a poor mans drugs. Its an anymans drug and anyman shoudl be able to get it at a fair price. not paying hundreds of bucks on a oz of plant material. How much does it cost to sell rosemary? You can buy a plant at a store for 2 bucks and have it as much as you want. Same shoudl be with pot. Do that the crime stops

we all are guilty , alot of us have or do take advantage of the black market and the prices that can be gotten their, but in the end is that the right thing to do? Take advantage of a jacked up system that makes us into criminals ? I say we show what we are made of. if someone is sick and needs meds, dont make pot cost as much as pills. Pot is cheap and shoudl be given to those that need it.

I realize i sound like an idealistic hippie right now, but all im saying is that the power to change the way things are done is inour hands. We are the majority in a democracy letting a minority tell us what to do. That isnt what this country is about. Time ot take a stand



Active member
Mr. Nevermind said:
Hey bro, i respect your views and opinion even if they differ from mine. We just have a different view on things. I look at the root of the problem as opposed to the consequences of the problem. Let me explain. Prior to the war on drugs the value of pot was nothing. You could get an oz of pot for 20 -100 bucks and sometimes that was a rip. Since the war on drugs the value of pot has increased making it something worth breaking into a home for.

If the government would end this BS war on drugs then the value of pot would drop, anyone who wanted it would have access to it so there is no reason to steal . Pot is the anymans drug. all you need is a seed and a few months and you got all you need, cost free.

So rather than say how ****ed up it is that people break into homes i look at how ****ed up it is that the government caused the price to soar putting MJ users in danger of invasion and so on. When alcohol was illegal you had people killing each other of a bottle of moonshine. Once it was legal peopel just went to the store and that was the end of that. Same premise as pot.

Sorry i dont play into the governments game and worry about safety. I worry about sanity. This is all a joke the price of pot and those willing to steal from it. Take the value out of it and there is no incentive to rob.

I hope all fellow growers stay safe and protect their homes and families, dont get me wrong on that. But us growing pot aint the problem, the goverment and their war on drugs is the problem and we play right into it.


I appreciate what you are saying, but I've been up all night with a relatively small house fire and can't fully respond right now.

I posted it at that other site.

If you don't mind these oxycodones are kicking in and I'll respond later.

Have a great day,

Take care too,
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Mr. Nevermind

WHAB said:
I appreciate what you are saying, but I've been up all night with a relatively small house fire and can't fully respond right now.

I posted it at that other site.

If you don't mind these oxycodones are kicking in and I'll respond later.

Have a great day,

Take care too,

Hey bro, i hope all is well on the home front and am hoping for the best for you. Get your rest and take care of yourself. I respect all of waht you are saying as well and look forward to your post when you are ready. This is a good discussion between mature peopel and though we have opposing views im glad we are able to respectfully disagree and keep it civil.

Take care and talk to you soon bro



Mr.NEvermind, I always enojoy a good discussion. Of course we're all friends here. I agree with what you're saying wholeheartedly, but your view does seem quite idealistic. I also dont understand why cig's and alcohol are so readily available and tolerated in our country. I mean, everyone should be allowed to choose what they put in their bodies, but yes, those are a thousand times more harmful than pot.
And I also agree that plant material isn't worth all that money - but when everyone wants it, prices are gonna be high regardless. supply and demand. If Rosemary were used in every single dish, and Emeril himself called it a wonder herb, prices would rise significantly just cause of simple popularity and need. (im having trouble rounding out my ideas here, wonder why??!) ha. Though, you dont hear of (usually) people breaking into peoples homes to steal their homebrew or alcohol stash... so i guess that makes my view a little lopsided.

Mr. Nevermind

pandapuffin said:
Mr.NEvermind, I always enojoy a good discussion. Of course we're all friends here. I agree with what you're saying wholeheartedly, but your view does seem quite idealistic. I also dont understand why cig's and alcohol are so readily available and tolerated in our country. I mean, everyone should be allowed to choose what they put in their bodies, but yes, those are a thousand times more harmful than pot.
And I also agree that plant material isn't worth all that money - but when everyone wants it, prices are gonna be high regardless. supply and demand. If Rosemary were used in every single dish, and Emeril himself called it a wonder herb, prices would rise significantly just cause of simple popularity and need. (im having trouble rounding out my ideas here, wonder why??!) ha. Though, you dont hear of (usually) people breaking into peoples homes to steal their homebrew or alcohol stash... so i guess that makes my view a little lopsided.

Supply and demand i get. But you have to think everyone wants beer but does the price of it go to the prices of pot? No, they just produce more. You can still go get a 6 pack and get hammered for 5 bucks. You can go get a pack of smokes and give yourslef cancer all day long for 5 bucks. What do you get with 5 bucks for pot? A half a gram if you are lucky that will get you high barely for an hour, then waht? Spend another 5? What if its the only 5 you got? Well then you gotta rob someone. Who's fault is that? the systems, the only thing that can be done to correct things is to change the system.

You made apoint about home brews. When was the last time you heard someone getting killed for a a pint of ale in their basement? Prior to the end of prohibition alot were getting killed. Once legal and accessible to all the violence stopped. Well no tthe drunks from fighting but at least they dont kill each other to get drunk.

The government has turned us into crimnals and we play right into it. As a black man i though i was done riding on the back of the bus being treated less than others doing worse things. My father spent his life working for equal treatment of races and perhaps thats where my views come from. But when someone offers you a scrap from their plate its nothing to be happy about. You are still living worse than others around you. I want my own plate. I dont want to be treated as a crimnal when i dont do anything wrong and thats what this governmetn has done.

This is a great thread and i am happy that everyone is keeping it civil. There may be some hope for IC after all. Great discussion my friend, hope it keeps going. best wishes to WHAB , hope his day gets better than it started out



Great reply. I see your view, and understand. The gov't HAS turned us into criminals, which Im none too happy about. I believe weed should be readily available, just as alcohol is. We should have a choice, not a criminal record.
You bringing up prohibition made a strong point to me, because yes, people did used to steal others brew, through some pretty medievil measures.. You're absolutely right. Looking back on it (not that i was alive then or anything), that was pretty much the same 'war on drugs' that we have currently. Though, meth, manmade drugs, all that crap needs to be completely removed from our culture, and THATS the war I think they should be fighting. Im not gonna go on and on about the reasons why pot is so much better, cause we all know why, and thats why we're here right?!? Everyone here has brought up some really strong points. Uh, knowledge is power!!

Mr. Nevermind

pandapuffin said:
Great reply. I see your view, and understand. The gov't HAS turned us into criminals, which Im none too happy about. I believe weed should be readily available, just as alcohol is. We should have a choice, not a criminal record.
You bringing up prohibition made a strong point to me, because yes, people did used to steal others brew, through some pretty medievil measures.. You're absolutely right. Looking back on it (not that i was alive then or anything), that was pretty much the same 'war on drugs' that we have currently. Though, meth, manmade drugs, all that crap needs to be completely removed from our culture, and THATS the war I think they should be fighting. Im not gonna go on and on about the reasons why pot is so much better, cause we all know why, and thats why we're here right?!? Everyone here has brought up some really strong points. Uh, knowledge is power!!

Im glad you appreciated my post bro. And im glad you understand my views. I understand and respect yours as well. Looking back on the history of our nation, was Al capone really that bad? All he did was run booze. Today he would be a huge contributor to campaigns like the coors family. Al capone was a business man not a crook. But the government made himout to be the devil himself for running booze. Now today those that run coors and budweiser are putting up huge dollars to campaigns, sponsoring the NFl and so on.

Its a joke and most people have let the joke go on and on. I know its a joke and its not funny to me. This is my life , this is my freedom. My father worked to hard for me to be treated as everyone else, only to have the government turn around and make me into a criminal. I stay home on the weekends, smoke wiht my girl and some friends. I dont sell it to them, we just smoke what we want. We dont drive, we order food or make a great dinner and watch a movie. If the government had their way i would be in jail for that. For what? Is staying at home not harning anyone including myself a crime? is it better i go spend $200 at the bar and hit guardrails on my way home? Is it bettter if i go get a pack of cigs which gives me a 1 in 3 chance of dying from em?

I say those that sell alcohol, tobacco and pills like vioxx that blew people hearts up when they took it are the real crooks.not people staying at home not hurting a soul. This country is a joke and they think we are stupid. if it were up to them, i would still be on the back of the bus. It takes someone not willing to play that game anymore like Rosa parks to set it off. I view this as a civil rights matter. people doing alot worse being treated alot better than us in this country is wrong adn i wont stand for it.




I agree with a lot of what is being said . . .except that I do actually think Al Capone was pretty bad. He's a good example, though, of why pot should not be illegal. Even if Capone didn't personally participate, there is plenty of evidence to suggest he orchestrated murders (St Valentines Massacre) . . .not to mention all the lesser crimes like beatings, bribery, intimidation, etc. The thing is, though . .that the prohibition of alcohol created an environment that let a ballsy thug like Capone flourish . .same as pot prohibition has lead some serious criminals to get involved with our beloved herb.

But I also feel like I can/should do some simple things to protect myself and my home . .regardless of what I am doing inside. I personally like a non-viscous dog (no pits or rotts) who will bark like crazy when a stranger enters the property . . just so I get a head's up is all.

Anyway some interesting ideas in this thread. Sure the overall solution is to end the prohibition which ends all the crime . . but until then I don't think it's a bad idea to take some steps to make yourself feel more secure . .if you think you want to, that is.

I do know that around where I live . .if people know you have a big op then you probably might get broken into (well . .more likely you will get robbed than busted, anyway). The best thing to do is (as everybody says) keep quiet about your projects.
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NM I agree with what you are saying. The only value in weed is that its illegal and if it were regulated like alcohol or tobacco, you could buy pounds for a fraction of what they are currently worth. No arguing that the govt is who has valued weed. Same with any other illegal drug for that matter.

You just come off crazy when saying screw security :)

You can fight for your freedom but in the meantime take precautions to be safe. Its a fact we have to live until things change

I dont see cameras as a big theft deterrent. You'll have video of who robbed you though. I like it more for the point that you can if anyone is snooping when not there like LEO or monitoring a remote location


YEs, you DO have to watch yourself until changes happen. I love marijuana, but not cold hard jail cells.. So, take care of yourself, be smart.


Active member
Mr. Nevermind said:
Hey bro, i respect your views and opinion even if they differ from mine. We just have a different view on things. I look at the root of the problem as opposed to the consequences of the problem. Let me explain. Prior to the war on drugs the value of pot was nothing. You could get an oz of pot for 20 -100 bucks and sometimes that was a rip. Since the war on drugs the value of pot has increased making it something worth breaking into a home for.

If the government would end this BS war on drugs then the value of pot would drop, anyone who wanted it would have access to it so there is no reason to steal . Pot is the anymans drug. all you need is a seed and a few months and you got all you need, cost free.

So rather than say how ****ed up it is that people break into homes i look at how ****ed up it is that the government caused the price to soar putting MJ users in danger of invasion and so on. When alcohol was illegal you had people killing each other of a bottle of moonshine. Once it was legal peopel just went to the store and that was the end of that. Same premise as pot.

Sorry i dont play into the governments game and worry about safety. I worry about sanity. This is all a joke the price of pot and those willing to steal from it. Take the value out of it and there is no incentive to rob.

I hope all fellow growers stay safe and protect their homes and families, dont get me wrong on that. But us growing pot aint the problem, the goverment and their war on drugs is the problem and we play right into it.


Ok, I'm back....I just hung my rear bumper on the outrigger of a tractor though :(....she's stuck good :(

I've only read a couple of posts past this one, so I don't know where the debate as gone :)

But, I respect your opinion too. I love dogs...they are my favorite animals after horses, but I don't rely on a horse and buggy to get to town (I did have that dream once :( )

I hope you understand the analogy...technology has changed, and so too must we (at least me :) ).

I just spoke with someone that was broken into (no one was home) 2 weeks ago...I don't know the details (but, they do grow), but if they had a video they could hand that to police we wouldn't have to worry about that (or those) cretin(s) again....at least for a few years.

They have three dogs. They didn't stop the theft.

Ok, more reading :)

Take care everyone,


Active member
Mr. Nevermind said:
Hey bro, i hope all is well on the home front and am hoping for the best for you. Get your rest and take care of yourself. I respect all of waht you are saying as well and look forward to your post when you are ready. This is a good discussion between mature peopel and though we have opposing views im glad we are able to respectfully disagree and keep it civil.

Take care and talk to you soon bro


Good post, I'm all for it...rational discussion that is :)

And, thank you for the concern....we could have very easily died, but, we didn't. One out of three fire extinguishers worked, and no fire alarms....a good friend is sending me some though :)...THANK YOU!!!

As for the prices....here in CO, I am doing everything possible to get them as low as possible....but not everyone plays like me. I just gave away nearly 3/4 of an ounce (two strains, Hindu Kush x Black Widow, C9G (Cindy 99 x Grapefruit)) and I am not rich man. In fact, to be completely honest, I am strapped for cash, but that doesn't mean I burden a patient because of it.

As someone stated early and I'll expand on it just a bit.....IF marijuana were available over the counter now there would still be people trying to get it for free. There are gangs now that market in stolen ciggies.

Take care Mr. Nevermind,
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I totally disagree with the idea of guns and a grow.

That being said, what really needs to be done is proper security. ground floor doors that cannot be blown in. Ground floor windows---bars.....

no ripper is going to get in. very simple solution.

I also do not see the link between med growers and rip offs. Presumably, med growers are producing at at personal level. So they should be able to keep their mouths shut about what they are doing. It is not like a doctor is going to tip off some crew on the whereabouts of medical patients.



Active member
Video may have surreptitiously caught a serial predator. A dog can not offer that type of security....plain and simple and if anyone deserves to be shot it is this fuch (if it turns out he is the guy they've been looking for).

Detroit Homeowner May Have Caught Serial Rapist on Video
Sunday, January 06, 2008

A chilling home security video of what appears to be a burglar casing a house for a possible robbery may have caught a serial rapist on tape, MyFoxDetroit reported Friday.

Detroit police who have been searching for a predator who has raped at least four women on the city's east side believe they may have gotten a glimpse of their suspect on a tape provided by a homeowner who works in the security industry and had his home rigged with a camera.

The tape, obtained by MyFoxDetroit, shows a large African-American male on the front porch of the home, opening the screen door, testing the door knob to see if it was locked, and sliding the window glass open. Homeowner Jesse Collins said tapes from his security camera show the man casing his house several times, and police say that the man may have had crimes other than burglary on his mind.

Click here to watch the video at MyFoxDetroit.com

Police told Collins that the man on the tape may be the serial rapist they've been hunting. Collins' mother, who also lives in the house, told MyFoxDetroit that she is now afraid to be home alone.

Authorities told MyFoxDetroit that while they cannot be sure the man on the tape is their rape suspect, they would like to speak with him.


Take very good care everyone,

Dr. G

Active member
can you see the night camreas leds from lets say if it was in my attic and pointing twards my garbage can

also a non "night" camera could it see well enough if someone went through my trash if i can see my trash clearly in the middle of the night?


Active member
Dr. G said:
can you see the night camreas leds from lets say if it was in my attic and pointing twards my garbage can

also a non "night" camera could it see well enough if someone went through my trash if i can see my trash clearly in the middle of the night?

Hello Dr. G,

I just looked at a night-vision camera the other night and I don't recall seeing the LED's. I don't think so, but maybe someone more knowledgeable on the subject will :pipe: in :)

I'm a little confused by the second question, but here goes ;) (you already have a camera there?, or are you talking about seeing it with your own eyes?)

To the second question, I don't believe so, 'unless' you have outdoor lighting.

And again, I hope someone will more direct knowledge will :pipe: in.

All the best!!!

Take very good care,
Dr. G
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ummm, there are 3 ways to get ripped:

1. smell (can filter, $200-$500usd)
2. tell ppl where you grow (keeping your mouth shut, priceless)
3. having a boyfriend/girlfriend (keeping your legs shut, again, priceless)

it's not rocket science or home security kids, just a bit of self restraint and prioritization....if you need to talk, get a dog/cat/boa contrictor....if you need to get laid, fly to rio, fly to milan, fly to jamaica; it's part of the lifestyle, yo~

ummm, yeah, play the victim to pathetic war on drugs, cry cry cry....the only disease is ego.

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