Mr Heechops
Dont brood over it - just do it - and dont look back.
I quit 7-8 years ago. I was afraid that i was going to miss the nico headrush
but now dont even think about it at all and get disgusted at even the slightest whiff
of the stuff. For awhile I was a "social smoker" - just once in a while with friends or going out etc.
Quit that too - completely. The turning point for me was seeing peter jennings, the newsman, die from lung cancer even after he quit 15-20 years before.
Its your life dude, its not a dress rehearsal.
I quit 7-8 years ago. I was afraid that i was going to miss the nico headrush
but now dont even think about it at all and get disgusted at even the slightest whiff
of the stuff. For awhile I was a "social smoker" - just once in a while with friends or going out etc.
Quit that too - completely. The turning point for me was seeing peter jennings, the newsman, die from lung cancer even after he quit 15-20 years before.
Its your life dude, its not a dress rehearsal.