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hydrogen peroxide?


pure dynamite
One explanation could be they were overferted or ph off, and this fixed it a bit so they were able to absorb some nutrients. I don't see it working in the long run, tho.


Registered Med User
One explanation could be they were overferted or ph off, and this fixed it a bit so they were able to absorb some nutrients. I don't see it working in the long run, tho.
No its not something I would do in the long run, just temporarily until I get proper airflow and humidity under control. What I used it for was a unique situation and I think it worked, as it was the only variable. I believe a low dose wont kill the good stuff, and if I were to use it again Id probably add mycos mix to the next watering to fortify what may have been if at all injured.


Active member
H2O2 releases a free radical oxygen molecule. Aerobic bacteria thrives in an oxygen rich environment. Only anaerobic bacteria doesn't like H2O2.
FWIW I have used 3% @ 30ml/gal for years and years. I don't fert at all, save for amending the soil with organics from the start. So I hardly think there is anything detrimental that can be attributed to the use of H2O2.