looking sick sick sick HL! cute golden puppy too.
A strain I wanted to talk about. It's called Sequoia Mist. It's Matanuska Tundra/Kali Mist(Matanuska Mist) x the Sequoia(Local Humboldt 30 year old strain). This strain's roots grew faster then anything here from day one of seedling. It always needed to be transplanted to a bigger container first. It's just a little bit ridiculous how big these may get. You can see why it's called Sequoia,this picture doesn't do it justice. We have a bunch of these this size or bigger.
Here is a pic of how we lay out our inline emitter tubing. It waters nice and evenly. Mulching next week.
Mikado Oak
It was pretty windy when I took this shot.
Nomaad's Blue Dream.
The Sequoia Mist that Ganja D had mentioned. A real Humboldt Legend.
We like our roses as well.
Here is one of our big Purple Star girls.
Shoe Goo on the left and Burmese Kush Goo on the right.
Looking good dude. Still curious to the one in the 5th pic. Looks crazy, so many blades/leaf. Thanks for sharing. Peace GS