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Human Genocide Alert


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How COVID Vaccines Can Lead to ‘Turbo Cancers’​

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Most turbo cancers are Stage 3 or 4 by the time they’re diagnosed, yet symptoms only arose days or weeks ago. They grow and spread so rapidly, that many patients die before treatment can even begin. Most turbo cancers are also resistant to conventional treatment.



Well-known member

How COVID Vaccines Can Lead to ‘Turbo Cancers’​

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Most turbo cancers are Stage 3 or 4 by the time they’re diagnosed, yet symptoms only arose days or weeks ago. They grow and spread so rapidly, that many patients die before treatment can even begin. Most turbo cancers are also resistant to conventional treatment.



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Robert Malone plays quite a role in that article by Charles Wright. Here's another article from Mr. Wright a little farther down the page you linked above.

Take your time to read it, @Roms.


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The spectrum of secret aerosol vaccinations​

Messaging RNA vaccines directly into the lungs, without consent, is the’ announced goal at’ONU by GAVI vaccine promotion agency, funded by billionaire Bill Gates.

Vaccination and « sustainable development goals »​

At’a meeting on the sidelines of the’ General Assembly of the United Nations this year, l’Alliance of Vaccines (GAVI) he suggested that mass vaccinations could be useful in reaching 14 of the 17 objectives of sustainable development (SDG).

The 17 SDGs appear to be lofty goals, such as eliminating hunger and poverty, but there is a real risk that some powerful lobbies, such as the pharmaceutical industry, instrumentalize these objectives to impose their products and their visions in a standardized and technocratic world.

The “ One Health ” ( “ WHO Health ” ) taken up at heart by the EU, starts from the principle that humans, dogs and cats must all be vaccinated against all possible diseases ... and even to make them infertile ( read our article about aerosol vaccination of cats ).

But how do you get there as simply as possible on a planet scale ?

RNA vaccinates directly in the lungs​

The’ team led by cellular and molecular physiologist Mark Saltzman of’ Yale University, allied with the’ pharmaceutical industry, has developed a method making it possible to make inhalable the messenger’RNA and the’ bring it directly into the lungs by air.

The’study is titled “Polymer nanoparticles deliver mRNA to the lung for mucosal vaccination” (Polymer nanoparticles bring’mRNA to the lungs for mucosal vaccination) and has been published here.

According to researchers, this new method of’administration could “radically change the way people are vaccinated” and facilitate vaccination of people living in isolated areas or who are afraid of needles. Courtney Malo, editor at Science Translational Medicine, who published Yale's’ Study:

The ability to efficiently transport’RNA into the lungs would offer applications for vaccine development, gene therapy and much more.
A vaccine transmitted by air allows a rapid diffusion within the population. In addition, as the vaccine is released in the’air, it is not necessary to vaccinate each person individually – which takes not only time, but also, but is also difficult if a person refuses to get vaccinated.

This is not the case of’a vaccine transmitted by air, which can be disseminated without the consent or even the knowledge of the population.

Secret vaccinations and end of informed consent ?​

While scientists are hailing this development as a simple way to get mass vaccinations, they are, critics question whether the development of’an aerosol vaccine could not be used for dishonest or ethically dubious purposes.

An airborne mRNA product could indeed be used to rapidly vaccinate all people without their consent.

Discussions are currently under way as to whether the’administration of vaccines deemed “essential” should no longer be made mandatory but rather carried out in a secret manner. The’public health objective being considered as predominant on the issues of freedom and of individual physical integrity’.

C’is l’avis expressed in 2018 in a paper published by Parker Crutchfield, a researcher in the Department of Medical’ethics, Humanities and Law at Western Michigan University, who qualifies vaccinations as moral biological improvements :

Some theorists argue that moral biological improvement should be mandatory. I take this argument a step further by stating that while moral biological improvement must be mandatory, its administration must be secret rather than apparent’. In other words, it is morally preferable for mandatory moral biological improvement to be administered without the beneficiaries knowing that’s are receiving the improvement. My argument is that while moral biological improvement must be mandatory, its administration is a matter of public health and must therefore be governed by public health’ethics. I argue that the’secret administration of’a mandatory program of moral bio-improvement is more consistent with the’ethics of public health than an openly mandatory program. In particular,a secret compulsory programme promotes values such as freedom,’utility,’ality and’autonomy better than’an overt programme. Therefore, a mandatory and hidden moral bio-improvement program is morally preferable to a manifest moral bio-improvement program.
[NDLR Should be particularly unconscious, cynical, and, vicious or idiot to claim that’a mandatory measure (which’elle is made in the open or is secret) can have the slightest connection with freedom and to S’imagine that’elle is « moral » ?]

The question remains open, however, about people for whom vaccination is not recommended for health reasons, as aerosol vaccination makes no difference. And most importantly, from whom decides – and on what basis – what will be a safe and effective essential therapeutic product.

Authorization as of 2024 ?​

This kind of practice clashes for’heure in theory with the principles dictated by the Nuremberg Code, which prohibits any large-scale medical experience without the consent of patients.

However, once the member countries of’OMS have approved their treaties on pandemics and the strengthening of the International Health Regulations, one may wonder if it is not precisely this type of’actions that will be put forward and can be carried out in a legally binding way around the world. See our different ones on this subject articles.



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Who does not know Bill Gates, this heroic philanthropist who wants to save the world from global difficulties thanks to his fortune ? In this show, you will discover the very other face of this man. Bill Gates — the world dictator with the profile of big criminal.


Who does not know Bill Gates, this heroic philanthropist who uses his fortune to save the world from planetary calamities ? In this issue, you will discover a completely different character: for example, how it imposes health care in the world, manipulates the news media, infiltrates the food industry, corrupts governments, pushes for manipulation of the weather, encourages genetic manipulation, develops total control technologies and much more. Ultimately, Bill Gates is a global dictator who has the profile of a dangerous criminal.

1. Bill Gates — the Pope of Vaccination​

Bill Gates, an individual without any medical training, has been designated at the World Health Assembly as responsible for the global vaccination plan 2012-2020 and therefore responsible for the vaccination of’humanity. Do you find this normal ? Doesn't that hide a program to create a world in which people can participate in society on the sole condition that they get vaccinated several times a year ?

2. Bill Gates — the world dictator​

Bill Gates is the main funder of the’World Health Organization, giving him full control over that organization. Gates personally recruited the Director of’OMS, Tedros, who was previously an active communist terrorist in Ethiopia. L’OMS has established the « Pandemic Treaty », which allows it to exercise absolute control over all countries of the world whenever’elle decrees a pandemic. If we realize that’OMS is essentially controlled by Bill Gates, we know that pandemics fundamentally place him in a position of global dictator.

3. Bill Gates — l’escroc worldwide​

’OMS, primarily funded by Bill Gates, can declare a pandemic at its convenience by using any of its choice of fraudulent diagnostic tools. For example, she opted for the PCR test, which is totally erroneous, which gives’ up to 94 % false positive results and therefore is a perfect instrument to declare a « pandemic » based on inaccurate test results. In this way, Gates and his WHO can act as they please in the manner of’a single world government.

4. Bill Gates — the prophet of pandemics​

Bill Gates organizes « » pandemics simulations shortly before the exact scenario for which they were planned occurs. This is how the Event 201 pandemic simulation took place just before the Covid-19 pandemic. Isn't’ curious to find that the’man who in fact becomes a kind of global dictator during a pandemic is the same person who « always prepares the world for these pandemics ?

5. Bill Gates corrupts governments​

Congresswoman Sara Cunial has revealed to the Italian parliament that Gates controls the president of Italy. Nigerian parliamentarians said Gates offered the government 10 million dollars to impose vaccinations on the Nigerian population. Gates denied, but he agreed to pay 79 million dollars for « help » Nigeria. As a result, Nigeria became the first country in the world to ban’ access to banking services to its unvaccinated citizens.

6. Bill Gates — the boss of all doctors​

A man who’a no medical training, who never’a treated a patient and who knows nothing about medical care has been appointed first « health authority » worldwide. It dictates to millions of health professionals what’s have the right to do or not. An individual who has spent most of his life in front of a computer, today deprives the medical world of its rights and runs our health care system.

7. Bill Gates — l’exterminator of peasants​

Bill Gates funds many organizations involved in agricultural development and practice massive lobbying, even corruption, for example via the « Green Revolution » in Africa. Through these NGOs, Gates has a direct influence on world food and agricultural policy, ruining the peasantry that has developed and plunging entire continents into ruin.

8. Bill Gates — editor of all media​

Bill Gates controls news agencies and media companies by donating more than $ 300 million to them through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. These include many of the major American news channels, including CNN, NBC, NPR, PBS and The Atlanti; in addition, a large number of influential foreign organizations, including the BBC, The Guardian, The Financial Times and The Daily Telegraph in the United Kingdom, leading European newspapers like Le Monde ( France ), Der Spiegel ( Germany ) and El País ( Spain ), as well as major global TV channels like Al-Jazeera. It can thus directly manipulate information worldwide.

9. Bill Gates — the health inspector​

Bill Gates founded the largest American foundation in 2000, the Foundation. Bill & Melinda Gates. DONations from’ totalling 28 billion dollars have been donated to various organizations, purportedly to eradicate poverty and develop vaccines. What is problematic is that Bill Gates is imposing his vision of health promotion through his foundations. In fact, the Gates Foundation invests mainly in technical measures against infectious diseases, for example in vaccination campaigns and the distribution of medicines. Specialists in the field of health, such as Thomas Gebauer of the’humanitarian organization Medico International, criticize the fact that other important actions are thus neglected, for example, the establishment of functional health systems in poor countries.Bill Gates' personal ideas and financial influence pave the way for his overall control of health.

10. Bill Gates — the father of « fake meat »​

Bill Gates builds laboratories in which synthetic meat is grown. L’objective is allegedly to fight malnutrition on a global scale. But in the end, this fake meat supplants natural farming. ’humanity thus not only loses its self-sufficiency, but is also exposed defenseless to the health risks of this fake meat.

11. Bill Gates — the gene manipulator​

Bill Gates buys hundreds of thousands of’hectares of farmland, making him the largest landowner in the United States. It grows genetically modified plants, mainly those with high protein content, which require the’ usea huge amount of extremely toxic pesticides. This not only ravages agricultural land in the long term, but also supplants the natural breeding of cattle, practiced since time immemorial, and ruins the peasantry in favor of an industrial agriculture’.

12. Bill Gates — the manufacturer of’organic weapons​

Bill Gates genetically modified millions of mosquitoes and supposedly released them to eradicate malaria. In reality, it uses them as a biological weapon to inject genetically modified harmful substances into people, animals or plants.

13. Bill Gates — the overseer of’humanity​

While the project to cover the world of surveillance cameras looks like the’ plot of a bad sci-fi movie, the project to monitor the entire planet in real time is a very real project, thanks in large part to funding from Bill Gates. EarthNow, based in Washington, Washington, plans to deploy an army of more than 500 satellites in our atmosphere to offer its users near-instantaneous video feedback with only one second of lag. Almost every corner of the planet will soon be monitored by video surveillance satellites capable of live broadcasting human activities for « governments and large enterprises ». Earth Observation’ is a classic area of secret services and military on the orders of the financial mafia :they are also spying on missile launch ramps, nuclear test sites and terrorist camps. In other words’: non-stop video surveillance from around the world.

14. Bill Gates — the disease maker​

Bill Gates makes billions by placing capital in certain industrial sectors that all have something to do with deleterious effects, such as overweight, diabetes and others. For example, the Gates Foundation owns shares in food groups such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi Co, Unilever, Kraft-Heinz, Mondelez and Tyson Foods; alcohol-producing groups Anheuser-Busch and Pernod. The specialist in the field of health Thomas Gebauer speaks of’an almost perverse division of labor. Gates wins indeed twice : d’on the one hand by causing diseases and on the other hand by treating them as « health pope ».

15. Bill Gates — « the climate disruptor »​

Bill Gates supports a project to’extract carbon dioxide from the’atmosphere to reduce CO2 levels. It also supports a project by’Harvard University that aims to return the sun's rays into’space by injecting dust into the’ atmosphere. In this way, we must keep the sunlight away from the EARTH and obtain a cooling effect. The justification for this project is the computer simulation of « global warming », which S’ proved to be a complete scam.

16. Bill Gates creates a digital’ slave map​

Bill Gates is pushing all governments around the world to introduce mandatory digital’ ID cards. Thanks to these digital’ identity cards, people can be controlled and conditioned to the smallest detail. ’access to certain buildings,’acquisition of goods,’use of services and others may be permitted in a favorable or restrictive manner, depending on’obedience to the regime. This allows the tyrannical financial mafia to keep people like slaves in an interconnected prison.


L’expression « Everything that shines is not d’or » s’ also applies to Bill Gates. Worse still, the brighter the facade looks, that is, the more Bill Gates presents himself as a virtuous and philanthropic man, the darker the reality behind it, the more, so’il should be sought as one of the worst criminals. It is important to keep in mind this important finding of complementarity between the’ appearance and reality during the’evaluation of other « world improvers », the, for example in the field of environmental, climate or energy policy.

Sources/Links :​

Bill Gates — the world leader


Bill Gates — l’exterminator of peasants

Rich Appetites (Film 2 : Seeds + Film 3 : Money)


Bill Gates — the father of « fake meat »


Bill Gates – « the climate disruptor »




Well-known member
Who does not know Bill Gates, this heroic philanthropist who wants to save the world from global difficulties thanks to his fortune ? In this show, you will discover the very other face of this man. Bill Gates — the world dictator with the profile of big criminal.


Who does not know Bill Gates, this heroic philanthropist who uses his fortune to save the world from planetary calamities ? In this issue, you will discover a completely different character: for example, how it imposes health care in the world, manipulates the news media, infiltrates the food industry, corrupts governments, pushes for manipulation of the weather, encourages genetic manipulation, develops total control technologies and much more. Ultimately, Bill Gates is a global dictator who has the profile of a dangerous criminal.

1. Bill Gates — the Pope of Vaccination​

Bill Gates, an individual without any medical training, has been designated at the World Health Assembly as responsible for the global vaccination plan 2012-2020 and therefore responsible for the vaccination of’humanity. Do you find this normal ? Doesn't that hide a program to create a world in which people can participate in society on the sole condition that they get vaccinated several times a year ?

2. Bill Gates — the world dictator​

Bill Gates is the main funder of the’World Health Organization, giving him full control over that organization. Gates personally recruited the Director of’OMS, Tedros, who was previously an active communist terrorist in Ethiopia. L’OMS has established the « Pandemic Treaty », which allows it to exercise absolute control over all countries of the world whenever’elle decrees a pandemic. If we realize that’OMS is essentially controlled by Bill Gates, we know that pandemics fundamentally place him in a position of global dictator.

3. Bill Gates — l’escroc worldwide​

’OMS, primarily funded by Bill Gates, can declare a pandemic at its convenience by using any of its choice of fraudulent diagnostic tools. For example, she opted for the PCR test, which is totally erroneous, which gives’ up to 94 % false positive results and therefore is a perfect instrument to declare a « pandemic » based on inaccurate test results. In this way, Gates and his WHO can act as they please in the manner of’a single world government.

4. Bill Gates — the prophet of pandemics​

Bill Gates organizes « » pandemics simulations shortly before the exact scenario for which they were planned occurs. This is how the Event 201 pandemic simulation took place just before the Covid-19 pandemic. Isn't’ curious to find that the’man who in fact becomes a kind of global dictator during a pandemic is the same person who « always prepares the world for these pandemics ?

5. Bill Gates corrupts governments​

Congresswoman Sara Cunial has revealed to the Italian parliament that Gates controls the president of Italy. Nigerian parliamentarians said Gates offered the government 10 million dollars to impose vaccinations on the Nigerian population. Gates denied, but he agreed to pay 79 million dollars for « help » Nigeria. As a result, Nigeria became the first country in the world to ban’ access to banking services to its unvaccinated citizens.

6. Bill Gates — the boss of all doctors​

A man who’a no medical training, who never’a treated a patient and who knows nothing about medical care has been appointed first « health authority » worldwide. It dictates to millions of health professionals what’s have the right to do or not. An individual who has spent most of his life in front of a computer, today deprives the medical world of its rights and runs our health care system.

7. Bill Gates — l’exterminator of peasants​

Bill Gates funds many organizations involved in agricultural development and practice massive lobbying, even corruption, for example via the « Green Revolution » in Africa. Through these NGOs, Gates has a direct influence on world food and agricultural policy, ruining the peasantry that has developed and plunging entire continents into ruin.

8. Bill Gates — editor of all media​

Bill Gates controls news agencies and media companies by donating more than $ 300 million to them through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. These include many of the major American news channels, including CNN, NBC, NPR, PBS and The Atlanti; in addition, a large number of influential foreign organizations, including the BBC, The Guardian, The Financial Times and The Daily Telegraph in the United Kingdom, leading European newspapers like Le Monde ( France ), Der Spiegel ( Germany ) and El País ( Spain ), as well as major global TV channels like Al-Jazeera. It can thus directly manipulate information worldwide.

9. Bill Gates — the health inspector​

Bill Gates founded the largest American foundation in 2000, the Foundation. Bill & Melinda Gates. DONations from’ totalling 28 billion dollars have been donated to various organizations, purportedly to eradicate poverty and develop vaccines. What is problematic is that Bill Gates is imposing his vision of health promotion through his foundations. In fact, the Gates Foundation invests mainly in technical measures against infectious diseases, for example in vaccination campaigns and the distribution of medicines. Specialists in the field of health, such as Thomas Gebauer of the’humanitarian organization Medico International, criticize the fact that other important actions are thus neglected, for example, the establishment of functional health systems in poor countries.Bill Gates' personal ideas and financial influence pave the way for his overall control of health.

10. Bill Gates — the father of « fake meat »​

Bill Gates builds laboratories in which synthetic meat is grown. L’objective is allegedly to fight malnutrition on a global scale. But in the end, this fake meat supplants natural farming. ’humanity thus not only loses its self-sufficiency, but is also exposed defenseless to the health risks of this fake meat.

11. Bill Gates — the gene manipulator​

Bill Gates buys hundreds of thousands of’hectares of farmland, making him the largest landowner in the United States. It grows genetically modified plants, mainly those with high protein content, which require the’ usea huge amount of extremely toxic pesticides. This not only ravages agricultural land in the long term, but also supplants the natural breeding of cattle, practiced since time immemorial, and ruins the peasantry in favor of an industrial agriculture’.

12. Bill Gates — the manufacturer of’organic weapons​

Bill Gates genetically modified millions of mosquitoes and supposedly released them to eradicate malaria. In reality, it uses them as a biological weapon to inject genetically modified harmful substances into people, animals or plants.

13. Bill Gates — the overseer of’humanity​

While the project to cover the world of surveillance cameras looks like the’ plot of a bad sci-fi movie, the project to monitor the entire planet in real time is a very real project, thanks in large part to funding from Bill Gates. EarthNow, based in Washington, Washington, plans to deploy an army of more than 500 satellites in our atmosphere to offer its users near-instantaneous video feedback with only one second of lag. Almost every corner of the planet will soon be monitored by video surveillance satellites capable of live broadcasting human activities for « governments and large enterprises ». Earth Observation’ is a classic area of secret services and military on the orders of the financial mafia :they are also spying on missile launch ramps, nuclear test sites and terrorist camps. In other words’: non-stop video surveillance from around the world.

14. Bill Gates — the disease maker​

Bill Gates makes billions by placing capital in certain industrial sectors that all have something to do with deleterious effects, such as overweight, diabetes and others. For example, the Gates Foundation owns shares in food groups such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi Co, Unilever, Kraft-Heinz, Mondelez and Tyson Foods; alcohol-producing groups Anheuser-Busch and Pernod. The specialist in the field of health Thomas Gebauer speaks of’an almost perverse division of labor. Gates wins indeed twice : d’on the one hand by causing diseases and on the other hand by treating them as « health pope ».

15. Bill Gates — « the climate disruptor »​

Bill Gates supports a project to’extract carbon dioxide from the’atmosphere to reduce CO2 levels. It also supports a project by’Harvard University that aims to return the sun's rays into’space by injecting dust into the’ atmosphere. In this way, we must keep the sunlight away from the EARTH and obtain a cooling effect. The justification for this project is the computer simulation of « global warming », which S’ proved to be a complete scam.

16. Bill Gates creates a digital’ slave map​

Bill Gates is pushing all governments around the world to introduce mandatory digital’ ID cards. Thanks to these digital’ identity cards, people can be controlled and conditioned to the smallest detail. ’access to certain buildings,’acquisition of goods,’use of services and others may be permitted in a favorable or restrictive manner, depending on’obedience to the regime. This allows the tyrannical financial mafia to keep people like slaves in an interconnected prison.


L’expression « Everything that shines is not d’or » s’ also applies to Bill Gates. Worse still, the brighter the facade looks, that is, the more Bill Gates presents himself as a virtuous and philanthropic man, the darker the reality behind it, the more, so’il should be sought as one of the worst criminals. It is important to keep in mind this important finding of complementarity between the’ appearance and reality during the’evaluation of other « world improvers », the, for example in the field of environmental, climate or energy policy.

Sources/Links :​

Bill Gates — the world leader


Bill Gates — l’exterminator of peasants

Rich Appetites (Film 2 : Seeds + Film 3 : Money)


Bill Gates — the father of « fake meat »


Bill Gates – « the climate disruptor »



mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I awoke suddenly and there was excess consciousness.

But I think I am going to be okay.

I wonder if antivaxxers hate people who have been vaccinated continuing to live.


Well-known member
i don't see facts as a disaster. i am only seeking the truth. i really hope i am wrong - but that is just magical thinking.


Well-known member
you mean facts like this ...

DNA Fragments Found in Every Vial of Inspected COVID Jabs​

They’re not supposed to be there, but they are: In an examination of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 shots, every single vial of both the monovalent and bivalent jabs was contaminated with DNA fragments.

Granted, the manufacturing process relies on an “RNA polymerase transcribing from a DNA template,” but the DNA fragments are not supposed to be there beyond certain levels when the process is complete. Not only that, when researchers looked at the frequency of reports of serious adverse events (SAEs), researchers “found preliminary evidence of a dose response relationship of the amount of DNA per dose” and the SAEs.

In a preprint post of the study, researchers concluded, “These data demonstrate the presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose in these vaccines … Our findings extend existing concerns about vaccine safety and call into question the relevance of guidelines conceived before the introduction of efficient transfection using LNPs.”

OSFPREPRINTS October 19, 2023
X Kevin McKernan October 19, 2023

trust the AI - it shows me what it knows i need to see.

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