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Huligun getting Married?


Professor Organic Psychology
Luna is pregnant, home pregnancy test. Word has traveled completely around the world in less than 24 hours.


Active member
When your in your forties, married with kids you find you go to bed earlier cos your normally knackered....well thats me anyway. Good luck Huligun !


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I am 42 and never been married. I don't have any children. Both my brothers were executed by thugs in my homeland and there is nobody left to carry the family name. My mother has been crying about this for almost 20 years. Pressure from her has been exaggerated because of her adjustments to the USA and mother's day.

I met Luna on December 7th, the day that marijuana become legal in Washington. Since then we have been inseparable. I helped her deal with the loss of her mother and we have bonded like nobody I have ever met. She loves her marijuana as much as I do. I asked her to marry me this morning and she said yes. There is a possibility that she may be expecting a child, she mentioned after accepting my proposal. My mind has been racing ever since, and I even closed the shop today and gave my employees a day off with pay. We will be getting married on the summer solstice in Maui.

Please no bad vibes from people that are divorced. I am getting older and Luna is the best thing that ever happened to me. Having a child with this beautiful lady will be wonderful. Ironically Luna will be old enough to have a drink with me the same day we become man and wife. She is such a beautiful lady. Her mother was a model and Luna could be too. I have always loved Brazilian women.

Congratulations both on the marriage and the possible child. Although I hope the child is a false alarm but that you do have one a little down the road. I say that because marriage is a big step and takes some time adjusting to. Parenthood is an even bigger step and takes even more adjusting to. I feel it would be better for you and your marriage if the child came a couple of years down the road. Either way though I wish you and yours lots of happiness and good health.


Active member

A bit of advice, it's painless of course...

Learn to say "Yes dear, you are right. What was I thinking?"

My early marriage years were fraught with strife until I learned this simple little trick.
I always do what I want but sometimes they just want to win for the sake of winning, so I let her win.
Common sense and logic do not enter the equation. Don't try, you'll go mad.
She knows it's bullshit but for some reason it works.

And you'll get laid more. Maybe not important now but trust me, it will be in 20 years.


Professor Organic Psychology
Luna and I are both from South America and both of us have nobody else but our friends in Seattle. We are like two lambs in the wilderness. I am not too sure how much of North American culture we will adopt, but we will see. Luna is going to attend university in the fall to improve her English, so there is one thing. And it is official, Luna is going to have a baby. I don't know what that is going to do to that tiny body of her's. I pray she is going to be okay. She really will be mi momacita now. And life changing... I am an international art broker, someone that picked up and went any place in the world when a hat drops and now I have to be home all the time to support my family. I have been having panic attacks because of it. It is like I am on a roller coaster ride and there is no getting off.

Eres la persona más maravillosa del mundo


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Luna and I are both from South America and both of us have nobody else but our friends in Seattle. We are like two lambs in the wilderness. I am not too sure how much of North American culture we will adopt, but we will see. Luna is going to attend university in the fall to improve her English, so there is one thing. And it is official, Luna is going to have a baby. I don't know what that is going to do to that tiny body of her's. I pray she is going to be okay. She really will be mi momacita now. And life changing... I am an international art broker, someone that picked up and went any place in the world when a hat drops and now I have to be home all the time to support my family. I have been having panic attacks because of it. It is like I am on a roller coaster ride and there is no getting off.

Eres la persona más maravillosa del mundo

Well try not to have panic attacks as that won't do you any good. What I've learned in my 50 some odd years on the planet is that when people have kids for the first time no matter how much research they do, no matter how many people tell them what to expect and what to watch out for when it all happens and you got that little baby in your arms it's a whole new ball game. What I'm trying to say is don't waste too much time and energy worrying about what may be and how things will change because it's not going to help. When it happens you'll surely hit rough patches but as long as you have a good relationship and good communication with your spouse you'll figure it all out. It may not be as bad as you fear either. Sure for a time it'll be less likely you'll be able to pick up and go where you want when you want but that doesn't mean your life is over and you'll be a prisoner to your home for the next 18 or so years. One big thing in your favor is that the women of South America tend to be extremely maternal in nature compared to many North American women and as such your girl will be less likely to want to offload a lot of the child care responsibilities onto you.


Well-known member
Congratulations man! Best wishes for the best of everything for you and your family. Right on.


Professor Organic Psychology
Thank you for your sage advice Hempcat. I am still alive, albeit a bit worn for wear.

As someone so eloquently pointed out, there is no putting the toothpaste back into the tube. In my country in a loose translation we would say is, "put the shit back into the donkey." It is too late to change anything and I just have to buckle up and see where this trip takes me.

At my age many men would be preparing life as a grandfather. For whatever reasons, and there are many, I missed that boat and instead of having a baby that I can rent, I have one of my own. All the women in my family are so excited and I have been getting calls from relatives I didn't know I even had, all offering all kinds of advice, some of it in the form of what some would call voodoo. I actually find that my Espanol is not as good as it should be. I had to keep asking for meanings of things. Perhaps the local slang in my part of the world has changed without me. One relative told me to put coins on the floor of the baby's room for good luck. (I wish someone would have put coins on my floor when I was a baby).

She has already started to live healthier, as in passing on her favorite wine this weekend. I may have to stop supplying that to remove the temptation. It is a beautiful thing seeing this lovely lady transform from my main party companion to the mother of my only child.


To Have More ... Desire Less
Thank you for your sage advice Hempcat. I am still alive, albeit a bit worn for wear.

As someone so eloquently pointed out, there is no putting the toothpaste back into the tube. In my country in a loose translation we would say is, "put the shit back into the donkey." It is too late to change anything and I just have to buckle up and see where this trip takes me.

At my age many men would be preparing life as a grandfather. For whatever reasons, and there are many, I missed that boat and instead of having a baby that I can rent, I have one of my own. All the women in my family are so excited and I have been getting calls from relatives I didn't know I even had, all offering all kinds of advice, some of it in the form of what some would call voodoo. I actually find that my Espanol is not as good as it should be. I had to keep asking for meanings of things. Perhaps the local slang in my part of the world has changed without me. One relative told me to put coins on the floor of the baby's room for good luck. (I wish someone would have put coins on my floor when I was a baby).

She has already started to live healthier, as in passing on her favorite wine this weekend. I may have to stop supplying that to remove the temptation. It is a beautiful thing seeing this lovely lady transform from my main party companion to the mother of my only child.

that is poetic... and staggering in wisdom for early acceptance of fatherhood... best of wishes for the lady, and U


Kiss My Ring
congratulations huligan and luna.

wedding in Mauie? 1/2 your age? sounds thrilling...

culture shock is nuthin compared to surprises parenting brings.

best of luck bro.


Well-known member
Every middle aged, stoned man deserves a hot Brazilian woman half his age to play hide the sausage with. You go, and take my blessing:yappy::good:


Professor Organic Psychology
I never thought of myself as middle aged. I am a bit immature. I do know a lot of people my age have grey hairs and I may have one or two lol. I just pull them out as there are so many more where that come from. Still as fit as she is cough cough.

I thank everyone for all the positive vibrations and thank those with negative experiences to keep it out. This is a happy day and I know a lot of marriage end in divorce where man loses everything, but for some reason we keep doing it.

I know people do change and anything can happen, but we have so much in common. In our culture it is normal for the man to be older than his bride so we both accept that. The love is strong with us and hard to hide. We hold each other so tight all night long and wake up all stuck to each other. That has to be love.

I think now I need to change my avatar. Any ideas anyone? Has to be artistic is all I ask.

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