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How to Garden By The Moon



:dance:My big, fat, tall clones are looking good! No wilting! Some are 5 to 7 inches tall! Some are in peat pellets, and some are in rockwool. No domes, no wilting, keep sending good vibes my way ya'll! :dance: :bongsmi:

All my bloomers looking good. Temps around 50s at night here and sometimes 80 during lights on. Windows open and fans on. They seem to think it is October! Actual buds have been sighted..although nothing to write Guiness book of World Records about yet..

Fixin' to go on a scouting mission to locate potential outdoor plots, make brush fences, dig holes. I ain't got no fancy GPS, so I'll probably lose half of them. Ya'll ever do that? I don't know how much weed I've planted that I could not locate 6 months later when I went to check on it! (It's over there...no...over...?) :D

:dance:Thanks for dropping by to visit with me! See Ya'll later! :dance:


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
not sure if anyone mentioned or if there's better website as this is way to big to look through

there are calendars with this moon phase planting: biodynamic sowing calendar and stella natural calendar


Habeeb.... Basics are on Page 1.

Week Ahead in Moon Gardening Updates should be on the last page or two.

Sorry for such a long thread, but it's mostly me bullshitting and having fun. Thanks for stopping by!

El Vexilix

I like your bs .
But like illustrations better , just a lil overvie on the moon's stages in the zodiac signs .


Wish I can grow outside and use the planetary breathing rythims too . sending 'closer to our cosmos growing' vibes ~~~>


Now With New Improved Photos!

Now With New Improved Photos!

Hey Ya'll, I took some pics, and although it is a pain to upload them on dialup, I couldn't resist showing you the blurry, auto fuckus, camera shots I got!

Let's see First a pic of my Cali Orange Buds! It's blurry, but can ya see em?

Now finally my White Rhino Mom is looking like she wants to bud out! I have counted about 16 tops on this one... Yum.

OK this blew my mind! Last Friday I took a pic of my White Widows, on 4/10.

Now 5 days later, same plants, same angle. New & Improved Fatter Widows!

Those Widows really grew alot in just 5 days, didn't they?

Hope ya'll enjoy the photo updates. Maybe more loaded later tonite!


Active member
Hey Lola,
Right on girlfriend.Looking good!! I will be scouting spots tomorrow.good Luck and remember to BE BAD!!!


Here's another pic of my grow from further away. It's a view of my 2 Moms, The cali orange left, White Rhino right. They are the biggest 2! That is a SSH in the green pot!

Here's another shot of the California Orange Bud. Remember, my camera is an auto focus thing! I have no control over focus!

Cora The Cob is putting on weight a little. Her buds are about the size of a silver dollar in diameter so far.

Green Mama

New member
I'm so into the moon gardening. I've studied a good portion of your really popular thread and took notes. other people have added some great stuff too. I'm going to get that Llewellyn book, but in the mean time, would you tell me what phase i cloned my last round in just out of curiosity. it was on April 2nd. I also cloned some Japanese maples on that day and I'm hoping i lucked out in my ignorance of moon cycles because Japanese maples are really hard to root and they need all the help they can get.
Thanks, green mama

Green Mama

New member
would you also let us know when the next upcoming best time for cloning is? awesome, thanks again. cant wait to get that book


Green Mamma: Hi, Welcome to the Moon Garden! April 2nd was a killer day! Very good day for working with green stuff! You got LUCKY! Today is OK for cloning! 29th is the next good time to clone. I like to clone in the 3rd quarter, which is NOW! It'll be a while before 3rd quarter again. 3rd quarter makes em ROOT!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Way to go Lola, you got it rocking! I've always tried to plant in the first quarter up to the full moon. The couple times I didn't, the grows had more males & hermies.

Great thread!.......Peace......desi!


Thanks Desi, hoping to get a few buds to put back for hard times. Gonna get hot in the South pretty soon and indoor will be over for me till next winter.... Thanks for stopping by!


Have fun RocketMan! Houston we have ignition! Roger that Apollo.....

Let's get high together right now! Where's my ole bong Betsy? cough..cough.. this is some good shit ain't it? Which do you like the best? DP Orange Bud or the Sweet Seeds Jack 47? I like to mix em up, a little heavy on the Jack, with the Orange Bud at the last...

My Titanium pins and plates feel a little better....aahhh...

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
Roger that Houston.....it took off, like... a bat outta hell....:yoinks:

one side effect...though...I can't feel my gums.


heehee, that's good though, ain't it? The DP Orange Bud seems to keep growing on me! :)

I is so stoned is I! That Jack gives me the munchies bad! And I get so sleepy on it, when I lay down, I'm out! If upright, no problems.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
heehee, that's good though, ain't it? The DP Orange Bud seems to keep growing on me! :)

I is so stoned is I! That Jack gives me the munchies bad! And I get so sleepy on it, when I lay down, I'm out! If upright, no problems.

I know...I have my pre-launch...take-off list. I told you, I needed to run errands first....:nanana:
Wake and Bake works best...for me.

"I'm a simple kind of man"-Lynyrd Skynyrd


I'm gettin sleepy myself. Think I'll go watch a movie and go to bed! Have fun! Hope you enjoy yourself! Good nite!

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