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Friggin Idiots.. Cops setting up "stings" for marijuana is so stupid anyway. My skin crawls watching cop tv shows where they have 10-12 officers all set up and staked out to take down people buying a little herb.

Guy rolls up, buys a dime, and they storm in and rip the guy out of the car, guns drawn and act like they just apprehended a murderer or something. Makes me sick.


I Smell Rancid Bacon Here. Nobody Else?

I Smell Rancid Bacon Here. Nobody Else?

I think that the cop whose office denied that he was on an operation was, in fact, not on an operation. These guys are thick as thieves and will lie for one another. Usually with no questions asked.

So you're a Sheriff's deputy. You're dry. You haven't confiscated any weed in a while and you want some. What do you do? You go out and try to score some like any other Stoner would. I believe that this guy was trying to buy some weed and got caught in a sting. The other Stoners at the Sheriff's department, when they found out that their co-worker was in trouble, because somebody who didn't know enough to lie in the first place took the call, covered for the guy. People are so gullible.


I think that the cop whose office denied that he was on an operation was, in fact, not on an operation. These guys are thick as thieves and will lie for one another. Usually with no questions asked.

So you're a Sheriff's deputy. You're dry. You haven't confiscated any weed in a while and you want some. What do you do? You go out and try to score some like any other Stoner would. I believe that this guy was trying to buy some weed and got caught in a sting. The other Stoners at the Sheriff's department, when they found out that their co-worker was in trouble, because somebody who didn't know enough to lie in the first place took the call, covered for the guy. People are so gullible.

Definately a possibility. To be honest I didn't even think of that, but it wouldn't surprise me AT ALL if it was indeed the case.


Cannabis 101
i can't wait till we see cops trading cuttings haha that stole from you and I after they busted and saw a nice grow room set up and was like huh??? this potheads are smart after all.... $$$$ hahah fucking pigssssssssss


I've been a fan of America since before I could even read the subtitles...

But thank whoever I'm not living there :fsu:

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