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How often spray the fresh clones with water?

noreason - Not sure I am qualified to explain the cutting the leaf part, but seen it done both ways and the cut leaves seem to root faster.


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
noreason - Not sure I am qualified to explain the cutting the leaf part, but seen it done both ways and the cut leaves seem to root faster.

Thanks. I noticed the opposite in the past. Will do another test next time I'll take clones ;)


Well-known member
i didnt read the whole thread but i have done many test and i find to NOT spray clones better in my setup. I tried with many kind of water from distilled, to tap water with rizotonic or algamic.
I have a cheap clone dome and i use rockwool wich is way cheaper and better than root-riot plugs.

Spraying clones never speeded up the cloning process and only increased the % of moldy ones.

What i find is a great idea is to put a warming cable under a bed of perlite, where i put clones, i used a second clonedome bottom to keep rockwool from touching perlite because it became too hot and they dried quickly, now they are perfect and with the added heat i can root even in the most cold days in a reasonable matter of time and with 100% success.

not a great pic but you can see the double layer clone dome i use. I use a 50w heating cable with termostat set at 26°c.


Budley Doright

Active member
Because he's right. 14 days for clones to root is insane. It should take 3-5 days max. Plus I suggest that you cut those leaves off, as your cuttings are having to spend more energy supporting those fan leaves compared to using all of the energy for roots.
I just have to laugh....

It should take 3-5 days max....

Incredible.... but what I have seen is that some guy holds up a clone.....

as though thats just an average cutting....... baloney....

Unless you plug your cloner in....there is no way to average 3-5 days ....... none.... nonsense.....baloney......

SOmeone may have a variety thats fast....but to average 3-5 with any clone.....

Thats something I have to see......

The only reason Im aware of......why you cut leaves....is to reduce transpiration...... Not how fast they root....

So you new guys...... I would love to see it.....

create a thread...... take 6 cuts.... 2 or 3 varienties.....and show us roots on all in 5 days or less......

Budley Doright

Active member
i didnt read the whole thread but i have done many test and i find to NOT spray clones better in my setup. I tried with many kind of water from distilled, to tap water with rizotonic or algamic.
I have a cheap clone dome and i use rockwool wich is way cheaper and better than root-riot plugs.

Spraying clones never speeded up the cloning process and only increased the % of moldy ones.

What i find is a great idea is to put a warming cable under a bed of perlite, where i put clones, i used a second clonedome bottom to keep rockwool from touching perlite because it became too hot and they dried quickly, now they are perfect and with the added heat i can root even in the most cold days in a reasonable matter of time and with 100% success.

not a great pic but you can see the double layer clone dome i use. I use a 50w heating cable with termostat set at 26°c.

I think you temps are correct......myself I use 78-82

Budley Doright

Active member
Lol implies you think somethings funny. I didnt really find it funny you shrugged off two others advice then loled mine. It pissed me off. What a waste of time, you post a thread to what? Argue and waste bandwidth?

Chasing green gives you more good advice i would have given you if you werent laughing your ass off. Though honestly after your last reaction to advice, id never waste my time again.

Yeah 2 weeks to root = not good. You are not the expert you believe you are. Anyone on this site could tell you that.

You can see clearly my leaves were also cut. They were originally cut off 60% and then grew out larger after rooting.

Its a little frustrating trying to answer someones question and have them act like a teenager. You dont know best. Not this time. Do you want to launch a thread asking whats better, your two weeks or my one? I dont think its that hard to figure out which method works better.

Whos acting like a "b"? Grow a pair of balls...

Im still laughimg my ass off at your 14 days. Thats wack dog...

Can I ask how old you are??????

Your brain seems to be like not quite there yet......

Why would someone 'piss you off'

That shows some issues with maturity to me......


Active member
Can I ask how old you are??????

Your brain seems to be like not quite there yet......

Why would someone 'piss you off'

That shows some issues with maturity to me......

I read these threads all the time. Hey what do you do or how to do this.

You give advice or say what you do, and they post pics, tell you their way is better when its not. Go so far as laugh at you. That is inmature and it rubs me the wrong way.

Oh im 25, own a construction company and employ guys twice my age. Dont like how i talk? I doubt you are much for my line of work you would have walked off before lunch your first day. All of us have anger issues, i guess you just wouldnt fit in. It would offend your delicate nature i guess. You wouldnt make in on my crew thats for sure. The young guy who yells in your face and tells you what to do, yeah you wouldnt like it.

The op casually shrugs off good advice, thinks its pretty funny. His way is better for sure... Why dont you join him in showing us how its done 14 day cloning, cause hes right.

Budley Doright

Active member
Im a retired computer analyst..... I made my money with logic and reason.....

Your ways mr construction dude are quite feminine.....

Women are emotional.....maybe one day you grow up and realize that.....

"I guess some people have to do things the hard, slow, incorrect way..."

condescending and snotty dont you think?????

I took 2 clones just last night.....

Why are your clones so tiny???


o_O .... Internet cat fight..... That's as bad as the WWE.....
Please tell me.....one of you is fat...overly tanned..... and wearing black leather....
Im a retired computer analyst..... I made my money with logic and reason.....

Your ways mr construction dude are quite feminine.....

Women are emotional.....maybe one day you grow up and realize that.....

"I guess some people have to do things the hard, slow, incorrect way..."

condescending and snotty dont you think?????

I took 2 clones just last night.....

View Image

Why are your clones so tiny???

From what I've seen, giant clones don't root faster, they root slower. Giant clones provide no advantage over a smaller clone. You veg to increase the number of nodes in the plant, not the height. So a taller clone would have less nodes overall compared to the same clone that started smaller.

Your grow method would also determine the size of your clone. If you're doing vertical growing and want them tall, maybe you do want a taller clone, who knows. Point being there's definately more than one size that works, but what advantage do you see from cutting a larger clone?

Also something to note, I see that you're making your clones in soil. Have you tried rockwool? I would imagine the soil would certainly slow down the rooting when compared to rockwool.

Another note that hasn't been mentioned is the condition of the clones, where they are taken, etc. If you take clones from the top, with more hormones, they will root differently than one taken from the base of the plant without as many hormones. Also, if the stems are woody, it will root slower. You should lightly shave off the woody part or any purple of the bottom of the clone before dipping in clonex, IMO.

Budley Doright

Active member
You have it all wrong my friend.....

Its about you.....

It should take 3-5 days max.

Now all you have to do is prove it with more than one strain......

cant wait to see it.....

From what I've seen, giant clones don't root faster, they root slower. Giant clones provide no advantage over a smaller clone. You veg to increase the number of nodes in the plant, not the height. So a taller clone would have less nodes overall compared to the same clone that started smaller.

All I can say....is my my my!!!!

By the way its vermiculite........ smh.......

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
If I didn't do anything redundant, what the hell would I do with all that free time? ;)
Take more clones, get your numbers up, I take your level of cerebral activity as a sign that you are not working hard enough. My god if you continue to spend so much time thinking you may just evolve the human race to the next level!!!:chin:


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Take more clones, get your numbers up, I take your level of cerebral activity as a sign that you are not working hard enough. My god if you continue to spend so much time thinking you may just evolve the human race to the next level!!!:chin:

There is a direct correlation between how much you're working/growing and how much time you spend on IC.

I spend a lot of time here.

I'll pat myself on the head.


New member
I didn't read anything anyone else posted so I hope I don't sound redundant.. I never spray mine when they're in the aero cloner. When I put them in my medium I spray them twice a day until I see roots in the bottom of the solo cups I transplanted them to. Hope this helps!

Perpetual Nooch

Active member
Excess moisture does prevent the cutting from rooting as quickly as it could.

After 7 days my clones are rooted and ready to resume normal growth.

I use beer cups filled with Promix HP. Soak the medium well and poor off the excess. These I place into a plastic tub with a snap- or locking lid. Not perfectly air tight but close. I don't add any more moisture to that tub. I do lift the lid each day and fan some fresh air in, then close it up. That's it.

You do have to keep humidity high when rooting clones. But if you are under a dome and still misting the plants every day that's too much. You risk stem rot and at the very least you delay the rooting of the clone.

And I also support cutting the leaves in half. In my experience it definitely speeds rooting.


support your local surfboard builder...
I just have to laugh....

It should take 3-5 days max....

Incredible.... but what I have seen is that some guy holds up a clone.....

as though thats just an average cutting....... baloney....

Unless you plug your cloner in....there is no way to average 3-5 days ....... none.... nonsense.....baloney......

SOmeone may have a variety thats fast....but to average 3-5 with any clone.....

Thats something I have to see......

The only reason Im aware of......why you cut leaves....is to reduce transpiration...... Not how fast they root....

So you new guys...... I would love to see it.....

create a thread...... take 6 cuts.... 2 or 3 varienties.....and show us roots on all in 5 days or less......

im was thinking the same thing...i know im not the topDog grower and what not,but 3-5days MAX,for wiskers,legs...aka ROOTS pop out, i just dont see that happening,i do rather very well clone wise,but 3-5days.....at least not for me,that would.be awesome thou,thats for sure...lol