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How often spray the fresh clones with water?



every setup is different. possible that clones would wilt and die without misting in the first days.


New member

I would like to know that how often do you spray with water your clones?

cause I usually spray them 2-3 times a day in the first week, than once a day for one-two more weeks. 14-21 days and they root in 99%

So one of my local bro said that he spray them only once!! when take the cuts and in a closed propagator box they are rooting in 3 weeks without any more water spraying. he says its no good to spray them daily cause it makes slower the rooting.

what do you say? how often should I spray them?

I use rootriot plugs/rockwool/jiffy with Clonex gel.

they usually root within 2-3 weeks...

so how often is the optimal?

I do spray them also but I don it in the morning to mimic the morning dew they love it

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