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How many growers use the RED or BLUE beer cups?

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RaNgEr RiCk

I normally use the red or blue, depending on what my local store has available. Recently I happened to find black ones made by SOLO, and they have almost a square shape. I think these will be the new standard for my seedlings/clones.


Active member
red for seedlings, blue for ipa's


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Dave Coulier

Active member
Red for just about everything including flowering.


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Active member
Okay... You win.

But before I concede I just want to say that you do not debate fairly. You posted several moronic replies before that were based entirely on theory and devoid of any logic or scientific fact and intimidated anybody who responded, with argumentative rhetoric.

Bro, I'm not out to "debate fairly." This is not a duel and it's not about winning or losing. My ego is not tied up in being right. It's about getting to the truth of the matter, discovering what is really possible, and broadening our horizons and knowledge. It's about not perpetuating myths that cause new and old growers alike to put forth effort they didn't need to expend worrying about things that don't actually hurt anything. Light does not hurt roots, this is a fact.

I have tested my theories with living plants and posted the results for everybody to discuss and use to form their own conclusions from the data provided. You have shared your unsubstantiated theories and attempted to force feed em to people while discarding all relevant information that contradicts your hypothesis.

What "relevant information" that contradicts my "hypothesis"? This isn't a hypothesis son, it's a known fact, based on my experience growing many plants in clear and thin white plastic containers. All you've posted is some general (very basic, low level) theory of root growth, 98% of which does not contradict anything I've said, with the very last sentence making a general, vague statement about light hurting roots, as if the person who put it there didn't know this for a fact but just copied it and pasted it from somewhere. I fail to see how you've shown anything I've said to be wrong.

So now it is your turn to "prove it"... Show us a plant that grows from start to finish with it's roots exposed to full light. Use a clear glass or plastic container and hydro or aero and convince me. Show me the data and you will convince me that there are errors in what I have learned so far.

No problem. I already have several good pictures taken of plants--cannabis, tomato, and peppers--that are blowing up clear plastic milk jugs (in coco) with root growth. I'm waiting a week or two for a few more plants to get bigger so I can show more examples, then I will post them up for all to see.

Bottom line--everything you and others are arguing in this thread, all the doomsday predictions of stunted growth, algae, roots dying off, etc are completely wrong and unfounded. There is maybe a dime sized patch of algae, tops, in one jug from a fully grown and harvested plant, none in the others. Roots are bright, pure, healthy white, and showing no attempt to "hide" from the light or any other nonsense that has been claimed in this thread. They grow sideways, hit the wall of the container, then grow down, branch, and by the end there is roots all over the sides and bottom of the jug. i.e. the exact same thing they do in a light proof container.

Unless you can provide some data that supports your theories I will have to stick with logic and substantiated conventional science.

lol, I love your implication that I'm not using "logic and substantiated conventional science." What is the hell is science, anyway, if it's not experimentation? That's the whole founding principle of science--develop a hypothesis, conduct experiments, etc. While you're sitting here theorizing I'm growing actual plants, each hanging a couple feet from multiple 1k bulbs in clear containers, and these plants act they've never been on a pot forum and read that their roots are not supposed to like light. They just grow and grow.

You act like I'm the only one who's ever done this successfully. I get positive rep all the time from this thread from others who have done it too, found success, but didn't want to chime in because of assholes like Strainhunter with the condescending "oh you'll learn some day little noob" attitude.

PS Strainhunter: I've just been reading Julian's massive outdoor thread and you know, can't say I was surprised to see you in there trying to be a bitch and talk smack to Julian. If you can't even recognize that guy's knowledge and experience, I can't say I'm surprised that you continue to overlook the little nugget of wisdom that I'm trying to share with you here. lol, some people just can't be helped I guess.

Oh and SOTF, do I need to call in a moderator to slap your lil peepee again? Would you get off my balls with the neg reps please? What a child.

Sgt. Stedenko: Do you have a life bro? Anytime you're ready to start contributing to this thread, instead of riding the nuts as usual with your lil buddy SOTF, feel free to do so. Maybe one day you'll grow some balls of your own, then you'll step up and do a real grow, instead of putzing around with the microgrow nonsense.

PS--your cabinet designs are good in some ways but shit in others...you show a distinct lack of understanding of proper light distribution/utilization in a vertical grow. #1 light coming out of the END of the bulb is significant and should not be wasted by pointing upwards away from anywhere it could do good. #2 cool tube is not the best way to cool a vertical bulb, air inlet duct hanging just above the bulb IS. #3 blowing at AT the bulb from below, as everyone does for some unexplainable reasons, is dumb and counterproductive. All you do is create turbulence and spread the heat around throughout the cab. Draw air FROM the bulb, do not blow air AT it, and you'll cool it much more effectively.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
gingerale said:
Oh and SOTF, do I need to call in a moderator to slap your lil peepee again? Would you get off my balls with the neg reps please? What a child.

Sgt. Stedenko: Do you have a life bro? Anytime you're ready to start contributing to this thread, instead of riding the nuts as usual with your lil buddy SOTF, feel free to do so. Maybe one day you'll grow some balls of your own, then you'll step up and do a real grow, instead of putzing around with the microgrow nonsense.

Actually I just went ahead and reported this post because you don't seem to know when enough is enough. Hopefully you stop attacking myself & other before you are banned.

I did give you -K because you deserved it for earlier posts and now this one.

The milkjugs you use are not clear containers either only semi-transparent.


Active member
Actually I just went ahead and reported this posr because you don't seem to know when enough is enough. Hopefully you stop attacking myself & other before you are banned.

Let's be clear here--I haven't "attacked" anyone. I told Strainhunter to quit spouting off about a subject he is ignorant about. I came here to clear up misinformation and nothing more. Never did I once address you until you got on my nuts. Clearly you have an agenda against me. My posts are ON TOPIC in this thread because the concern has been raised about beer cups being less than ideal due to their transparency. This is the second time you have decided to jump into a thread I'm posting in, then start handing me out negative rep. Last time what did the moderator tell you? STOP fucking with people and pissing them off. Your attempt to pretend like the hurt and victimized one is pathetic. When the moderator gets here we'll see what's up. GROW UP.


First off, lemme start by saying that it should be obvious that clear containers are not the optimum growing container. Completely regardless of whether light does anything to your roots, it does promote algae growth and will heat up your root zone. If you've got a choice between opaque and clear containers, by all means use an opaque container.

...all that said, I don't find light all that detrimental to my roots either. I've been growing for years in 2-liter pop bottles, and the bottom two-to-three inches of every pot is completely clear and open to the light. I use coco as my medium and bottomfeed, so the roots are also sitting in standing, uncovered water most of the time. The ends of the roots don't stunt or die when they come in contact with the light, they just continue to grow until they reach the bottom of the pot.


Tropical Outcast
Let's be clear here--I haven't "attacked" anyone. I told Strainhunter to quit spouting off about a subject he is ignorant about.


Quit your antiques and your endless whining.

Learn being a man and taking things the way they are.

It's not what YOU say...it's HOW you say it bro!
(and that's how your expressions are being received)



I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
First off, lemme start by saying that it should be obvious that clear containers are not the optimum growing container. Completely regardless of whether light does anything to your roots, it does promote algae growth and will heat up your root zone. If you've got a choice between opaque and clear containers, by all means use an opaque container.

...all that said, I don't find light all that detrimental to my roots either. I've been growing for years in 2-liter pop bottles, and the bottom two-to-three inches of every pot is completely clear and open to the light. I use coco as my medium and bottomfeed, so the roots are also sitting in standing, uncovered water most of the time. The ends of the roots don't stunt or die when they come in contact with the light, they just continue to grow until they reach the bottom of the pot.

I would like to see a side by side comparison. I might just have to do that in the near future... Same clones, same medium, same size pots but make a set clear and a set black.

I know that mj is only just a fucking weed and will grow in damn near any climate on the planet except the coldest. I think the biggest issue in disagreement is: "exactly how much does light effect over-all growth" rather than whether or not light "does adversely effect growth". Since obviously there "is" an adverse effect, it makes me wonder if the effect is minuscule or noticeable in the end at harvest.

Personally I think it's another one of those issues like veg time and pot size: Everybody knows that bigger plants produce more, but weed "will" still grow and bud in a beer can too...
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