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How i usually smoke weed


Comfortably numb!
Bottom line here, lungs were meant to breath oxygen <--- period. Anything else is only inviting trouble and, sorry no, one does not have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. I've been a vaper since 2010. I smoked for 33yrs. Vaping is merely a "safer" alternative to smoking (for those who can't quit). Read not a safe way. Combusting anything and breathing is not a good thing.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
@revegeta666 that is exactly how i feel, you explained it better than me!... and i also think that vaping is not going to be completely benign either.. but very likely better than smoking.
It's not that i think cannabis or any cannabis unique compounds are bad for you ... but i think that inhaling smoke from burnt organic matter is likely to be bad for your lungs and i doubt that even beneficial effects in weed could cancel that out.

I am quite tempted by the vape you posted ealier.. not too expensive in the UK and good reviews. I did manage to just vape for about a year but i went abroad and couldn't take it with me.. and then i couldn't stop smoking spliffs and go back to it when i came home.
It might be time to try again with a better vape (flowermate last time which was ok)
I smoke bud in a pipe sometimes and my lungs can really feel the difference between that and my little filtered joints!

VG :tiphat:
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Well-known member
Interesting thread I would like to add my 2 cents. I smoke all day everyday mexico import or export? In any case I'm smoking usually from a pipe to slow me down because joints are very wasteful I shit you not when I harvest my own weed I smoke 15 or 20 joints a day each 1 or up to 2 grams.
I live in an illegal Marijuana state but I can smoke all day if I wish I even smoke outside not giving a fuck the only reason to hide is if a cop walks by and that has happened twice I think in 16 years.
I usually smoke inside just break up some brick load the pipe 3 or four times and repeat every hour I then take a nap or at least lay down for 2 or 4 hours then I get back up and keep smoking

I'm smoking 3 ounces of Mexican every two weeks probably more like 12 days and 2 days of pipe resin smoking.....it costs me 100 for 4 ounces. the person helping me buy it gets an ounce for all the trouble I guess it's too much info their lol

When I find a 1 pound connect I smoke on the high end more joints probably 10 grams to 20 a day in combination of joints and bowls its mainly because pounds are 250 to 300 so I end up with more to smoke vs 12 ounces for 400

About 7 grams is the average per day for me. I smoke hard and try to hold it 3 to 5 seconds at least sometimes 10 seconds I take light hits medium and big hits like take in as much as you can hold wait a few seconds and keep on taking another hit if your lungs ain't full yet. It all depends on the mood

Yes taking huge hits when your fresh and have not smoked in a few hours and waiting definitely get me the highest. But then I can't help myself and keep smoking lol.

An older friend of mine told me once that an old Hippy told him that the best way to smoke is to take a few hits and stop ✋ wait for the high and learn to enjoy it ride the wave all the way to the beach instead of wanting to smoke more and get higher your just wasting it if you keep smoking and smoking and he is right you can smoke yourself out of a good buzz by compulsive smoking its like your receptors are full and just can't take more at the moment.
I'm off to grind up the first round of 4 bowls today I already smoked 2 this morning


Invertebrata Inebriata
HI again @Jellyfish, i also posted two links. Like i said, some people think differently and that is their choice. You think i am making up that my heavy smoking friends don't have good lung function ? - that is your choice. You are the first to want an argument in this thread so....

of course i would be delighted if it was proven that cannabis smoke is uniquely harmless to your lungs when we know that all other types of smoke are harmful.. but i don't see how that can be possible - even if weed smoke has some positive effects that cancel out some of the potential harm.

How old are you if i may ask?

I'm 67, so that means I've been smoking weed for fifty years. I don't want an argument either, I'm just not gonna sit here and say nothing when I see people DEFAME smoking pot on a smoking pot website.

So as far as I'm concerned, it's on YOU to prove that smoking pot is harmful to human lungs. And again, after centuries of humans smoking cannabis, where are all the records of sick or dead people? (besides your friends, lol) In this environment of prohibition, why isn't the establishment trotting out all the VICTIMS of smoking pot? Huh?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor

An older friend of mine told me once that an old Hippy told him that the best way to smoke is to take a few hits and stop ✋ wait for the high and learn to enjoy it ride the wave all the way to the beach instead of wanting to smoke more and get higher your just wasting it if you keep smoking and smoking and he is right you can smoke yourself out of a good buzz by compulsive smoking its like your receptors are full and just can't take more at the moment.
I'm off to grind up the first round of 4 bowls today I already smoked 2 this morning
Thanks, this bit reminds me of what Gypsy says in the last paragraph of this review.. and it made me think about how it is best to get stoned and stay stoned ..
Basically the first smoke of the day gets you highest and gives you the best hit, i think most would agree with that?, i've been through plenty of years of smoking all day but these days i prefer to wait until the evening (if i can - sometimes late afternoon lol ) and then you get that great hit just as i can sit down and enjoy it the most. Once ive been high and come down again then i don't get nearly as high that day even after smoking more.



Not ICMag Donor
Ps Vapes don't get me high
You do get high but you never quite get high the way you do smoking, I agree with that and this is the reason why I was unable to 100% switch to vaping. The combination of whatever is in the resin + the chemicals unleashed by combustion is what we love I guess. If I could have it my way, I would still be smoking hash + cigarrettes which is the main way we smoked here in western europe and hash producing countries. There's also something "magical" happening in the THC + whatever bullshit is in cigarettes.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I'm 67, so that means I've been smoking weed for fifty years. I don't want an argument either, I'm just not gonna sit here and say nothing when I see people DEFAME smoking pot on a smoking pot website.

So as far as I'm concerned, it's on YOU to prove that smoking pot is harmful to human lungs. And again, after centuries of humans smoking cannabis, where are all the records of sick or dead people? (besides your friends, lol) In this environment of prohibition, why isn't the establishment trotting out all the VICTIMS of smoking pot? Huh?
Jellyfish,,,I’m 58,,
my wife is a Band 5, registered nurse with 20+ years of experience,,,
she’s on the ward tonight,
if you and her had a spare few days then she could give you the scientific and “on the job” facts but just Google smoking and lung problems mate ,,,,,
cannabis good- smoke in the lungs =.very bad,,,,,
its that simple Jellyfish,,,


Invertebrata Inebriata
Jellyfish,,,I’m 58,,
my wife is a Band 5, registered nurse with 20+ years of experience,,,
she’s on the ward tonight,
if you and her had a spare few days then she could give you the scientific and “on the job” facts but just Google smoking and lung problems mate ,,,,,
cannabis good- smoke in the lungs =.very bad,,,,,
its that simple Jellyfish,,,
Ask your wife how many terminal marijuana patients she is working with currently, lol. it's simple as that.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Thanks for clarifying @Jellyfish
since neither of us want an argument than we can leave it there.
Yeah! We don't have to argue, but my question stands- where are all the marijuana victims? And how come I've been on ICMAg for over ten years and I've heard people bitch about nearly everything, but I have never heard anybody complaining about health problems associated with smoking pot? That is unless it's in reference to vaping. Are you a vape salesman? (You don't have to answer that one, bro.)


Well-known member
When you vaped you were still inhaling smoke. Oh and you were still smoking weed in the form of basically hash oil.

Smoking weed is way less harmful to your lungs then smoking cigarettes. The main reason is you cough up all the resins. Cigarettes give you the nonproductive smokers cough because the tobacco junk is trapped from bronchial constriction. That leads to trapped air from alveoli being clogged up. You get poor oxygen hemoglobin exchange which is COPD. Pure pot smokers do not tend to get COPD.

IMHO smoking an unfiltered joint is only slightly worse than smoking a filtered joint and you have to be filtering some thc. I could argue than smoking a bowl out of a wooden pipe with a screen is better than smoking a filtered joint because there is no paper involved.

I am alright with people smoking any way they want. As a smoke a big, fat, unfiltered joint guy I didn't want to lose Dropped Cat to the filtered pin joint team. LOL!

When I sold cars for a few years every damn salesperson seemed to smoke cigarettes and it pissed me off because I wanted to smoke weed at work. So I pretended I smoked cigarettes. I would roll a Salem cig between my fingers and take out the first 1/4 inch of tobacco and replace it with pot and packed it down. I would do a whole pack up and take it to work. Then I would go out on the lot away from the building take a couple hits walk back and just let the rest of the cig burn while the other guys were smoking. I would take a fake drag now and then. I must say I did get high and didn't really notice any loss of power. Nobody ever knew either.


Well-known member
I am a registered nurse and I only ever had 2 patients with lung issues associated with smoking pot. One was a 45 year old male who had smoked pot with paraquat. He lived but had problems the rest of his life. The other was a 32 year old guy that purposely got his weed moldy thinking it would make it stronger. He read about it in the book "A Child's Garden of Grass" and it had ways to make pot stronger. It said a mold called Black Merta would form if you buried pot in a can in the ground for a few months. He did that and got a severe mold infection in his lungs. He was on a ventilator and died several times but we brought him back. I would tell you how we saved him but it would cause this thread to explode in a political firestorm of debate. But I would if people demanded it.


Well-known member
Why doesn't a joint rolled with modern weed drip resins like many joints did back in the 60s and 70s. The good shit always dripped resins. You would have resin on your lips. Now I hardly ever get resin lips.


Comfortably numb!
You do get high but you never quite get high the way you do smoking, I agree with that and this is the reason why I was unable to 100% switch to vaping. The combination of whatever is in the resin + the chemicals unleashed by combustion is what we love I guess. If I could have it my way, I would still be smoking hash + cigarrettes which is the main way we smoked here in western europe and hash producing countries. There's also something "magical" happening in the THC + whatever bullshit is in cigarettes.
Let's add a number to that statement, you may get 25-35% of what the plant has to offer. Think of the act of decarboxilation for making edibles. The "volatiles" are floating around in the kitchen (not unlike vaping). There's lots of good juju that remains behind.

In the perfect world it would be nice to vape by bud and save the decarboxilated bud per strain, then make pills (as in my case). That would take for ever, making up 10g to make pills, roughly 50 sessions. So I simply save it in a coffee jar and will turn it into RSO, when I have acquired an oz or 2. Talk about a buzz...


Not ICMag Donor
Let's add a number to that statement, you may get 25-35% of what the plant has to offer. Think of the act of decarboxilation for making edibles. The "volatiles" are floating around in the kitchen (not unlike vaping). There's lots of good juju that remains behind.

In the perfect world it would be nice to vape by bud and save the decarboxilated bud per strain, then make pills (as in my case). That would take for ever, making up 10g to make pills, roughly 50 sessions. So I simply save it in a coffee jar and will turn it into RSO, when I have acquired an oz or 2. Talk about a buzz...
Edibles is surely the way to go if you want to get the full spectrum of the effect. I make some butter every harvest and olive oil every year. It also makes for a great gift when friends come over. I have a friend who does exactly what you said. She bought capsules from amazon, and she saves her vaped weed to make 0.1-0.3g capsules. Takes different amounts of these capsules throughout the day to manage her nerve pain. She even has a little machine to fill the capsules lol. But she actually needs this for her pain. Unlike me who just likes to get baked :)