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How do you oxigenate your reservoir?

LJ farming

Well-known member
Hey LJ!
How do you clean the res and the system between one run and another?

In this run i didnt use any beneficial bacteria but im plannin to do nex run......
I really would love to avoid mess with bleach to wash everything out...prolly just wipe the res with hyd peroxide and then flush with water the lines.....:dunno:
I “FLUSH” the entire system with H202 and again with ph down. Cleaning the reservoirs is always a PIA but mandatory in my opinion! The reservoirs get pressure washed between every run. Perhaps overkill but better safe than sorry!

Running Live with beneficial bacteria might not require it but it is definitely a good idea in my opinion!

LJ farming

Well-known member
Its really easy and simple with this method i found ....and keeps the water clean, stable and can help cool the water some.....depending on your reservior size...ive done this with over 1000ltr reserviors....you shoul only need a small pump.....set the pump up so it sits at the bottom of the reservior....with a lenth of pipe atached to it.....you want the other end of this pipe to sit at least 6 inches above the top of your full reservior water level....now switch this pump on and leve it on constantly.....what you end up with is a fountin type thing were the water is constantly cycled through the pump and at least six iches above the full reservior water line and it constantly splashes in....its almost like a waterfall but on a smaller scale...this constantly agitates and airates the watter and keeps all of it moving and splashing together....if your pumps good and has good filters ( i usualy add some decent weight stones around the intake of the pump wich also act as a additional filter.....this is one of the most efective and cheepest ways i found after much experemantation and works better than most methods....if you test at a waterfsll that has a good drop you will notice the air levels in the water are realy high....also prevents any algee or other nasties ...very efective method...wen set up right and youve had the whole watering cycle going around afew times i found it easy to keep ph stable long term too.
Sounds similar to the 200gph circ pump I spoke about! Never let the res turn into a sewage pond. Circulating will keep everything you want to add as well as pH stable!

LJ farming

Well-known member
Sounds similar to the 200gph circ pump I spoke about! Never let the res turn into a sewage pond. Circulating will keep everything you want to add as well as pH stable!
Two reservoirs are tied together. The third I mix in before adding to the main. The green tank furthest away is to hold RO water.


LJ farming

Well-known member
You mean diluted right? at wich dosage?and wich concentration you use?
Yeah the good ol elbow grease for the reservoirs seems the most effective....
thanks for the 1000 tips!!
5ml per gallon of H202 30ish % concentrate that will burn you. It only took once to figure it out.

Then x amount of pH down depending on concentration and scrub the trays!

Do not fuck around with H202 and Breach I learned that the hard way as well!


Active member
5ml per gallon of H202 30ish % concentrate that will burn you. It only took once to figure it out.

Then x amount of pH down depending on concentration and scrub the trays!

Do not fuck around with H202 and Breach I learned that the hard way as well!
Thanksa lot , im takin notes......i can only find around here 12% grade, i guess il 3x the dosage.....
As curiosity, why do you ph it down if there are no plants....?

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