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How do I get my wax to crumble?


hashcat- "the terpenes have your lungs constricting"? That feeling is the plant waxes, fats and lipids in a raw bho concrete/oleoresin coating your lungs. I personally dislike that constricting feeling, but enjoy the large amount of terpenes. My lungs only like AA for constant use these days.


^interesting. i would tend to agree with that, however i notice my more flavorful strains have more lung constriction, possibly they have more fats and lipids too...?

WAXMASTA...I guess we just stand on different sides of the fence. The funny thing is, I basically ONLY run premium OG kush nuggets grown by myself. My saps have better flavor than my waxes. Cant say your wax tastes bad, never tried it.

However one note, that picture of the shatter you made would of course change to budder/wax on heat pad, it visibly still has butane in it. All those swirls of different colors may look cool, but you want to strive for a completely uniform, totally clear gel like sample.

Good day IC :D


Active member
Not a fan of waxes and budders myself, but that's just me...
Prefer sexy oil for flavor, good ambers are cool too, nice and smooth.


Im still hacing trouble getting my oil to budder up.....I have absolute amber...and Ive got it in a dish, in the food dehydrator. Its been in there for about 8 hours at 110 F.....Im afraid to crank the heat up too high...should I just go to 125, or 135 for a couple hours...also, do I need to do a run of just one strain...I used trim from two dif strains...and its wont harden up for me...ive whipped and heated.....do I just need more time in the dehydrator? maybe a little higher temps?


Im still hacing trouble getting my oil to budder up.....I have absolute amber...and Ive got it in a dish, in the food dehydrator. Its been in there for about 8 hours at 110 F.....Im afraid to crank the heat up too high...should I just go to 125, or 135 for a couple hours...also, do I need to do a run of just one strain...I used trim from two dif strains...and its wont harden up for me...ive whipped and heated.....do I just need more time in the dehydrator? maybe a little higher temps?

An absolute will never budder because all the nasty stuff is out, you are talking about shatter not Absolute amber


Im still hacing trouble getting my oil to budder up.....I have absolute amber...and Ive got it in a dish, in the food dehydrator. Its been in there for about 8 hours at 110 F.....Im afraid to crank the heat up too high...should I just go to 125, or 135 for a couple hours...also, do I need to do a run of just one strain...I used trim from two dif strains...and its wont harden up for me...ive whipped and heated.....do I just need more time in the dehydrator? maybe a little higher temps?

i've been running batch after batch trying to achieve wax, and i am starting to think that running one strain will help. i was able to get my hazy og trim to wax up a few times, but not since i mixed it with another strain. now my product from that material always stays runny. i really think it is something to do with mixing cannabinoid profiles of 2 strains. also wax when it's tested shows to be mostly all thc most of the time so im thinking that if your material has too many amber trichs (degredated thc) then it wont have enough pure thc to wax up.
these are just my theories that im working on proving so dont take any of this as absolute facts. i just try to look at it scientifically and make sense of the reasons that some stuff waxes and some doesnt. good luck!


ok so how long should I heat it before deciding that the strain wont wax up...its close...and it frustrating the shit outa me....but I cant get it like the stuff I see in pics online.


Active member
Zdub7k - I have the same problems. Last year when I was messing around, I took P's of some two year old outdoor A+ trim. I made the entire batch in one Pyrex dish, and the first hour or two it looked like normal. Then it started to turn to a dark amber oil. From this I tried to whip it and make butter as I normally do with my fresh trim. However, I cooked it at 110 F for DAYS and it never buttered up when I whipped it.

Couple things:

This trim was given to me, so I can't be sure of the quality. I was told it was a+ trim, and looked like it could of been several years ago.

It was two years old, so was that the cause?

Did I need to heat it longer? Less? Higher temp? Lower Temp? Or can some herb just never turn to butter? Some of my fresh material will butter without whipping it, auto butter.


Zdub7k - I have the same problems. Last year when I was messing around, I took P's of some two year old outdoor A+ trim. I made the entire batch in one Pyrex dish, and the first hour or two it looked like normal. Then it started to turn to a dark amber oil. From this I tried to whip it and make butter as I normally do with my fresh trim. However, I cooked it at 110 F for DAYS and it never buttered up when I whipped it.

Couple things:

This trim was given to me, so I can't be sure of the quality. I was told it was a+ trim, and looked like it could of been several years ago.

It was two years old, so was that the cause?

Did I need to heat it longer? Less? Higher temp? Lower Temp? Or can some herb just never turn to butter? Some of my fresh material will butter without whipping it, auto butter.

Ive never seen super decarbed oil (like yours) wax up, ever. My buddy just made an assload of i think casey jones oil from old trim. Its so decarbed his dog accidently are some and was fucked! But yeah dark colored errl.


New member
All you guys are funny.
First off if you get honey comb from vac purging you are not doing it right, the videos on youtube that show people half ass vacuuming and then letting cool down before fully purged so it will hold that honeycomb structure. A group of cats I know whip their shit the second they are done spraying and leave it in a way too small container [thick film purging] in a hot car for three or four days.
I am so sick of people wanting to ruin their oil. Keep that shit sexy. Honeycomb and wax are NOT the desired results of anyone who knows what they are doing. Wax or honeycomb means you left undesirables in your oil. If you don't believe me maybe you will believe one of the smartest men on this website, I am sure Jump177 would love to hop in here and clarify some things.

YOU are totally wrong man ... you oil has more crap in it than any honeycomb shatter ... vac it !!!! takes out all butane and moisture


Active member
I've never had any one give me (really, never) an ACCURATE, valid, scientific reason for why you would agitate (whip) something like an extraction. It is based on inaccurate, ignorant concepts of what we are all trying to accomplish here.

If it doesn't Shatter. . . . . It Doesn't Matter. . . .
dude..its pretty simple actually...and i know ive posted it at least thrice here...

whipping AFTER fully purged aerates or whips AIR into your oil...simple concept ya?

once theres AIR whipped into your oil, it can dry out or "SET" easier into a "WAXY" product that SOOOOO many CONSUMERS prefer...

if you want wax without whipping, just dont purge it all the way n youll get some nice light colored explosive dabs...cool..

i also found when whipping my initial blow (gas/oil mix) it seems to help purge the INITIAL liquid butane out..something about frothing it up just seemed to take less time to get that initial purge down to be ready to vac...thats accurate, cuz i watched it happen n documented it numerous times

i dont do that anymore, but that is why i did it...

i dunno, im not a scientist, so i guess you cant call my experience scientific...

as far as accuracy tho, whipping air into fully purged oil DEF makes it set into wax faster..i know thats accurate cuz i do it...lol

as far as all this being "valid" ..... if i believe it and it works for me that makes it valid for me...if i teach someone else the same tech n it works for them (which i have and it does) that would make it a valid tech id say...

i dont know what is valid for you....are you a scientist?

its cool tho, your post doesnt even seem sincere, or like you give a shit about the "science" or "accuracy" or "validity" of this when you finish up with a statement like
if it doesnt shatter it doesnt matter....lol..


Active member
Firstly, let me start off by saying I mean/meant no disrespect to any person individually, so stop sounding like you're taking this personally Wax.

Sincerely? I sincerely think you're wasting you're time whipping you're extract. :-D

I UNDERSTAND that what the (less than) informed "consumer" wants is an easy to handle crumbly NOT STICKY substance they can handle with ease. . . . . But this is the PINK ELEPHANT in the room no one wants to talk about. . . What does it matter? What does it matter if what you're giving them (IMO) is akin to a slightly over done steak? A cookie that you baked juuuuuuust to long? We've established the standards for what amounts to a perfectly done extraction, using the many hundred of other useful threads here on ICmag, and NO WHERE do the great scientific minds of our community here extoll the virtues of whipping the shit out of their wax. . . . . . . It just doesn't do anything but fluff your shit up like a rooster. . . . if it can't stand alone, what are you hiding behind? I'm only mostly serious and still totally respect you, I just (personally) feel that. . . . . If it don't shatter. . . . . William Shatner! ;-D


What effect (non maker person) does using BHO compared to dry extracted base product have on the ear wax? Guess you would have to BHO the dry ice keif? Might not work huh! I think a simplified new thread with proven method might be in order unless the 400 pages ones hide results from amateurs that can't/won't read and do not need to be making it in the first place!


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
I have blown tane thru dry ice keif... works well, comes out great quality, my main reason is to reduce how much tane i need, you yeild way higher running tane thru keif than over trim OR buds.
just gotta be sure ur keif is as pure as possible, not contaminated with tons of crushed plant matter.
Firstly, let me start off by saying I mean/meant no disrespect to any person individually, so stop sounding like you're taking this personally Wax.

Sincerely? I sincerely think you're wasting you're time whipping you're extract. :-D

I UNDERSTAND that what the (less than) informed "consumer" wants is an easy to handle crumbly NOT STICKY substance they can handle with ease. . . . . But this is the PINK ELEPHANT in the room no one wants to talk about. . . What does it matter? What does it matter if what you're giving them (IMO) is akin to a slightly over done steak? A cookie that you baked juuuuuuust to long? We've established the standards for what amounts to a perfectly done extraction, using the many hundred of other useful threads here on ICmag, and NO WHERE do the great scientific minds of our community here extoll the virtues of whipping the shit out of their wax. . . . . . . It just doesn't do anything but fluff your shit up like a rooster. . . . if it can't stand alone, what are you hiding behind? I'm only mostly serious and still totally respect you, I just (personally) feel that. . . . . If it don't shatter. . . . . William Shatner! ;-D

just so theres no misconcept...i wouldnt take disrespect or take personally anything someone sitting on a computer types. you can type whatever u want. what it does impact is the over all general public. people like you make people who like wax second guess themselves. its like propaganda...puffery...BULLSHIT...i think its also called...speculation is a good one too... when u negatively paint something i help pay some bills with, that becomes personal to a CERTAIN extent..if u were a doctor and I went around saying every single doctor was a lier and quack and in it for the money, youd be lying if u said that didnt stir some emotion in you...and if it wouldnt, then i guess u dont give a shit about what u do....i DO

i love how you say no diss then follow up with you THINK im wasting my time..lol..theres the CRUX of it...he THINKS...im wasting my time..hes not SURE...hes SPECULATING...more than likely just regurgitating what someone else typed or told him..
thats great u think im wasting my time. ill be sure to file in the dgaf section for later burning.

yes.. blah blah....weve already kicked this horse a million times dude..i never said shit about extolling anything..my point is this, and its already been backed up by those great scientific minds you speak of..


i dont know wtf u mean by pink elephant? i mean ill say it again..for the 19th time now...
i clean my shit, its done its a clear oil...cool
i clean it into clear zone then whip it as to facilitate it drying out, thus making it easier and preferable FOR SOME PATIENTS...

i dont know why the hell yall seem bent on winning some war...heres a fact for u since u like facts...theres NO SCIENTIFIC PROOF THAT WAX OR OIL IS BETTER THAN ONE OR THE OTHER.. there is no war..its like ur fighting the war on drugs..jesus shutup...
we get it..ur on shatters team..cool..im edward myself

so keep ridin that shatter trend bruh....whatever floats ur boat.

also dont know what u mean by stand alone..lol

i DO stand alone...at least down here in my neck..
when was the last time YOU chopped up a half pound of any FLOWERS<<<<< not trim...let alone aaa ins..??

heres my last analogy..

some like steak some like tar tar... does that mean one of them is WRONG...cuz more people like theyre steak cooked? no guy...its all steak. if done CORRECTLY both can be bomb...and guess what ive had some shit cooked steaks too. and yea eating raw meat may be more RISKY...thats why you dont go to a shitty restaurant..lol .:thank you:


Active member
just so theres no misconcept...i wouldnt take disrespect or take personally anything someone sitting on a computer types. you can type whatever u want. what it does impact is the over all general public. people like you make people who like wax second guess themselves. its like propaganda...puffery...BULLSHIT...i think its also called...speculation is a good one too... when u negatively paint something i help pay some bills with, that becomes personal to a CERTAIN extent..if u were a doctor and I went around saying every single doctor was a lier and quack and in it for the money, youd be lying if u said that didnt stir some emotion in you...and if it wouldnt, then i guess u dont give a shit about what u do....i DO

i love how you say no diss then follow up with you THINK im wasting my time..lol..theres the CRUX of it...he THINKS...im wasting my time..hes not SURE...hes SPECULATING...more than likely just regurgitating what someone else typed or told him..
thats great u think im wasting my time. ill be sure to file in the dgaf section for later burning.

yes.. blah blah....weve already kicked this horse a million times dude..i never said shit about extolling anything..my point is this, and its already been backed up by those great scientific minds you speak of..


i dont know wtf u mean by pink elephant? i mean ill say it again..for the 19th time now...
i clean my shit, its done its a clear oil...cool
i clean it into clear zone then whip it as to facilitate it drying out, thus making it easier and preferable FOR SOME PATIENTS...

i dont know why the hell yall seem bent on winning some war...heres a fact for u since u like facts...theres NO SCIENTIFIC PROOF THAT WAX OR OIL IS BETTER THAN ONE OR THE OTHER.. there is no war..its like ur fighting the war on drugs..jesus shutup...
we get it..ur on shatters team..cool..im edward myself

so keep ridin that shatter trend bruh....whatever floats ur boat.

also dont know what u mean by stand alone..lol

i DO stand alone...at least down here in my neck..
when was the last time YOU chopped up a half pound of any FLOWERS<<<<< not trim...let alone aaa ins..??

heres my last analogy..

some like steak some like tar tar... does that mean one of them is WRONG...cuz more people like theyre steak cooked? no guy...its all steak. if done CORRECTLY both can be bomb...and guess what ive had some shit cooked steaks too. and yea eating raw meat may be more RISKY...thats why you dont go to a shitty restaurant..lol .:thank you:

Doooooooood!!! Calm DOWN Bruh! I don't contest your opinion and I agree that you make fire (blah blah blah proceed to whip out penis for contest) I don't intend this to be a pissing match, so I'll make it brief as I've OBVIOUSLY made you angry wax(or at LEAST struck a nerve) and as I SAID EARLIER I RESPECT WHERE you're come'n from!

I think you're mistaken about clear-oleoresin being any sort of "trend" at least where I'm located. I have seen product up and down the entire west coast from clubs to street corners and it's Wax and Comb that people are hyping on, NOT shatter and sap! I know for a fact that what you are making is both potent and delicious (NO NEED to point me out as a hypocrite, as you contradict yourself all over the place!) I didn't call you names! I didn't lash out at you. . . . You went and made it personal, when I like you man!

All of the testing/research I've done and been involved with, points to a "sweet spot". . .
We've tested (with both gas and liquid chromatography) oleoresins AND A COMPARISON of crumbles/wax various other concentrates made in different ways. And if you want to balance THC/CBN's and just in general the flavor profile of the terpines/flavanoids/shelf stability-longevity, then you don't(1) continue to put air back into the extract or (2) keep it under vacuum for a duration that would seem excessive.
That is my OPINION. . . . I could say ugly things back to you.. But I'm an adult. . .

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