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How did you get into Cannabis growing?


I have always been interested in horticulture, and remember my parents always having a garden. I grew my first cannabis plant in my bedroom at the age of 16. My room was full of houseplants, and my mom had no idea what it was.
I like to get high, but I love growing this beautiful, amazing plant.


A bas l`etat policier polygame!
Why I grow? I smoke cannabis since September 1979. The first 15-16 years mostly Hash. Than in the middle of the 90s, the big marihuna Invasion started in Germany. I think it came from the Netherlands. Most of my life I had good connections, the dealers were my friends, so I never was empty on weed. I had a good Job, so I could buy so much as I needed. I took hash in every country I made holiday, inclouding Israel and the USA, tough customs! Stoned by night on the Empire State Building, I ´ll never forget or in front of the Kilimanjaro in Kenia on Safari. The roundabout before 10-12 years, the weedquality was going bad and often it was not "clean" AND I had a Job where I didn´t became a lot of Money. So my whole Money goes up in Flames/weed. Wasn´t statisfied with the Situation. I visited an old, long time not seen friend, wanted to buy some weed and than holy shit he was showing me his growroom. I thought wow, never saw so huge plants in reality. His friends and he was exchanging wood for the oven with weed and other Things they needed for life in the countryside. He meant I shall starting growing my own weed, he wasn´t a dealer. He helped me to do the first steps and than I was alone with my wife and the Internet and since 2007 in autum I grow my own. I am not a professionell grower but since close to 10 years I wansn´t empty on weed and friends say that it is the best they smoked. They are all not growers. It started with a simple wardrobe. I hope you understand what I wrote.


Well-known member
The first time, it was appealing because I was not supposed be doing it.
The second time was due to health problems, and the need for a regular supply.


I starting growing because I have an auto immune disease, so I simply cannot risk buying because most commercial grows use pesticide. Growing my own provides me the opportunity to have total control of what is added.


New member
As far back into my youth spending my summers in Jamaica. I saw my first mature weed plant in 1984... I was still very young, but where my moms' family is from it seemed like the stuff grew everywhere, the air constantly smelled so sweet too... My first time using it was when my aunt gave me some ganja tea, I was prolly 12 or 13 at the time.

First time I smoked the stuff was in Mississauga, Ontario I was 15 at the time. I always had friends that had the stuff in high school, this stuff was probably shit but it got us pretty lifted.

Fast forward 20 years, after moving to SD from Canada I started growing my own stuff and never looked back. Bagseeds forever!



Invertebrata Inebriata
I got sick of the game of buying weed when a dealer showed up at my friend's house with his six year old kid along with the weed we were buying.

I went into a grow shop shortly after. Picked some things out, and as I was paying I asked the clerk, 'do you know of any websites for 'what we do'? He slipped me a little piece of paper that had ICMAG.COM written on it.

So my ICMAG start date is when I started growing weed for real. It was mostly because of ICMAG and the grow shop clerk that turned me on to this wonderful site that I succeeded and continue to succeed!!! MMGA! (Make Marijuana Great Again)


Seed Whore
Metsa promised I could retire as a millionaire in 5 years if I got a Viking grow kit from him for 6 easy payments of $29.95.

The instructions manual and beaver terps are extra. :biggrin:

moose eater

1972, buying bags with seeds. Then through '74 and '75, buying lbs. and kilos, again with seeds. Through those years, having seeds in quantity, the natural progression was to put seeds into dirt. That's where they long to be, right?

Inherited some plants in wooden-slatted fruit crates, lined with garbage bags in '74 or '75. Still no clue what I was doing, but we were growing herb, and that was cool.

1975-'76, on a homestead farm, off grid, with a couple hundred 6 ft. plants in the garden. better at vegging huge outdoor plants by then, but still little knowledge about growing flowers, or even the significance of it.

Through the later 70s, and into the 80s (especially after Reagan's 'Zero Tolerance' went into effect), I continued to deal a lot, but left the agriculture to others. Being on the road a lot helped to make it impossible to pursue anything related to horticulture, but I hung out and partnered with a few growers through that time.

Destroying a lb. or 5 if necessity required it? Not too insurmountable of a task. Destroying a crop if needed? A lot more effort and likely failure. Even with a large wood-burning barrel stove.

By the mid-90s, I had devised a prototype box with a 400 watt mh installed in the top; about 2'x3.5'x6'. The first time I pulled over a half-lb. of premium pot out of that, an acquaintance from Peru commented (in his assessment of quality) that "If you can do that (with predictable outcomes), your family will never go hungry."

By '96-'97, I'd brought back seeds from Holland, had plenty of high end bag seed, and was "off to the races."

From there, "it grew and grew." Typically doing quite well. Other times hitting stumbling blocks, and needing to re-learn things I thought I knew.
1989 uk my mates were soap bar importers good hash then .Books were illegal here but they brought one from Holland by mel franks none of them read books so one day i picked it up and couldnt put it down i read and read till i got it . On our next weekly run i went and we went to sensi seeds and i declared we dont know nothing about this they said buy shiva skunk and it will take you 18 month .I was obsessed and blether about it for hours and was amazed that i a frigging baker coul make this plant for us to smoke . No dreams of becoming a billionaire just and akways want clean healthy herb for me and who i choose to share it with . The end cheers


Hi, I’m uk here……

It all started when I Joined weedfarmer forum about 12 years ago purely because I was a smoker, then a few years later was having a drive during summer and happened upon a hydro store, bought a starter kit for the attic, 2 - 400w lamp etc. I didn’t even have any seeds…

A few months later ordered some top44 seeds from nirvana and did my first attic grow, it worked perfectly without any problems and sold it within a few days at a great price, people then started pestering me for ‘skunk’...... so decided to convert a back bedroom into a big grow area. After a few years gave up my career which was pretty highly paid and have done this ever since. Don’t regret it one bit, it’s funny, if I didn’t go for a drive that sunny day I’d probably still be in retail management, stressed, unhappy and working 24/7 just to pay the bills.

I remember the day I got home with my 400w light and when I powered it up I shit myself thinking it was proper hardcore and industrial… and crazy expensive…… how times change


passing the gas
Started with some bagseed naturally. 1981 indoor T12 shoplights.
Caution: Do not read while operating a motor vehicle, watercraft, or aircraft.

35 years, the internet and technology have improved my results. (Better bagseeds too.)
Call toll free number before digging.

Do You Even #OGKB Bro???
Contains razor and blade. Not intended for children.

Pop Bagseeds.
Flames redirected to /dev/null.
Started with some bagseed naturally. 1981 indoor T12 shoplights.
Caution: Do not read while operating a motor vehicle, watercraft, or aircraft.
View Image

35 years, the internet and technology have improved my results. (Better bagseeds too.)
Call toll free number before digging.
View Image

Do You Even #OGKB Bro???
Contains razor and blade. Not intended for children.
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Pop Bagseeds.
Flames redirected to /dev/null.
View Image

Saving pics from back then? Priceless. How was the smoke from those


Active member
I worked at different jobs for years. A total of 150 or so believe it or not. Got fired from every single one of them for drug use and other mayhem. Then I moved to SONOMA COUNTY CALI....I made a Craigslist ad of men seeking women And I met an older and attractive lady grower. I was 30 and she was 33. She showed me her 5k setup one day and I convinced her to buy me my first room on herccedit card and she let me set up in her townhouse. Then when I grew some Purple Kush and sold it for cheap prices to the right people I also became a broker. It was and is fucking awesome. I'll say this though...there is no better way to meet growers that will respect you is to be the guy with high quality clones for a good price. I met all kinds of suppliers and "briefcase men" doing just that. Just my 2 cents yo...Happy Smoking..


I think of my weed growing in roughly 3 parts. I was 12 or so when I grew my first few. I grew up around a lot of hippies and bikers so weed was just sort of always around. I started smoking when I was 11 and my buddy and I would boost his dad's bud, guy had literal garbage bags full. Eventually we got caught and he was all "grow your own assholes." So he taught us some stuff and we grew a whole crapload. Some other folks explained various tricks of the trade and we did better quality the next few years. The crazy good California weed was a pretty rare thing so we were just being compared against Mexican bricks, so it was very decent by the standards of the day.

Then the good weed came. At the end of the 90s and into the early 2000s really high quality weed started to show up regularly. Friends went to California and started sending back the best shit we had ever seen. I didn't grow, just had the plug for this new fangled hydro. I would not have been able to meet demand trying to grow it myself and didn't really know how they were putting out stuff so much better. I moved to the northeast and got hooked up with some folks that had even better stuff, I didn't know anyone out there so just enjoyed the assortment of strains that could be bought. I did end up setting up my first indoor grow using this very website, was really pleased when I logged back in here and there were still pics of the little cab.

I got the opportunity to move to CO a few years back and have really really enjoyed growing as a hobby since. It is nice having the only real goal being to compete against myself in terms of quality and trying to grow/pollen chuck stuff I actually want to smoke.
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