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How did you come up with your nym (name) and avatar?


Well-known member
Glad to see a strong interest in birds of prey around here. I have a bit of a connection with them. If i see anyone pointing a barrel at them i rage like a psycho.

The buteo isnt my top favorite, but its the one I got to know first.
Well, i was throwing snow balls at the prairie falcon when he was after one of my birds, hot on the tail of that youngbird, he was. He was so intent and focused, i don't think that he even saw or heard me. (maybe he doesn't hear those kinds of words...)


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Motorcycle Enthusiasts

Club not Gang ;)



Active member
I first registered asking questions about outdoor growing in my area, so the name seemed easy.
Y'all can't tell here at Icmag but my avatar is animated and the cloud floats through the arch.
One day at Cworld SKitty posted a thread about he was playing with animated avatars and offered to make some for people and I jumped on it.


Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
Its funny how the bigger portion of the communities are older.
we were younger when we started doing this :) I lived thru the Rockefeller Drug Laws growing dope

they here in New York were handing out 1 year to life like it was candy for a roach in the

ashtray :(

they took down 70 plants in my backyard in 2022 and no one went to jail, no paper work

not long ago they would have taken my place

things have change a bunch in New York
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