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How big of a plant can a 1 gallon pot handle?


root mass is directly associated with your yield man, you should definately transplant into as large a container your space can handle... one of those plants could use a 55 gallon trashcan filled with soil.


I like to transplant when the soil is maybe 75% dry,this is because I rarely tip my containers to transplant,I dont like dirt in my leaves lol.If you use an oscillating fan from the start,the stalk should be sturdy enough so that you can lift straight up,thats why you dont want a lot of weight in the rootball(75% dry).First loosen the soil from around the top of the container by pushing and revolving the container loosening the dirt from the top of the pot,then do the middle,then do the bottom.Now,use your fingers to push up on the bottom of the pot,if you've worked all the soil loose the rootball should break free and come an inch or so out of the pot,now your ready.Simply grab the stalk by the soil line and holding the container with one hand,pull straight up with the other.You should already have your larger pot with the dirt at the correct level and a little "indentation where you took an empty pot the size you are transplanting out of,and pushed lightly going clockwise and counterclockwise,this round "stand" will support the new rootball,simply fill in the sides packing well.Use your fingers to push down and pack the sides in,scarifying the roots on the outside of the rootball,good stuff lol
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New member
in my experience, if your rootball isn't as developed as it needs to be, you may benefit from getting the soil damp to stay in one piece. however, if you have a good root ball, there shouldn't be any problem with simply lifting the plants straight out by the stalk with dry soil...if there are enough roots they'll hold it all together. when transplanting, i fill soil in the new pots around an empty pot the size that they're coming out of. that way when you transplant it fits like a glove with no transplant shock


Good point bro,I should have said always let the rootball fill the container before transplanting up a size,if you try this too early you'll have a mess on your hands


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
rootbound lmao man ive growen from a 2liter soda bottle to 6 gal square containers and havent been root bound yet. i vegged and flowered in the bottle last night i just TR 3 grape krush clones from 3x3x3 inch containers into 2 liter soda bottels, they where in the 3x3's from 1-17 until last night no root bound. if your growen in a soda glass then yes root bound is a possibility. unsure how much WW stretchs, a good rule of thumb is indica's will stretch from 1-3 times it's size when 12/12 is started sativas can 3-5 times size !.

if you wish to finish in the 1gal bags start to flower them approx 12 inch tall

12 grams dry from the bottle and it was shaded by a huge grape krush girl for most of its cycle

other plant is in 2gal grow bag pulled 2.5 oz dry :) it takes my bonsai mums approx 4 months to become rootbound and in need of a root trim and repot.
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Well its a good thing i didnt transplant yet. Gr33nthumb brings up some good points. Thats probably why my previous grows repot was messy. The rootball hadnt filled out the whole pot.

Ballastman: Thanks for ur excellent detailed discription of ur method of transplanting. I was looking for that kind of thorough description.

Maj.Pothead: Hey bro thx for the reasurance. I decided that i will just flower in the 1 gallon pots they are in now and use the 3 gallon pots for my next grow. Hope i get a good yield. I flipped at 6am this morning. Heres some pics from last night just before lights out and from today after the flip.



Well-known member
SedatedPeasant plants in the 2nd pic are about 17-19 inchs tall and at the end of there 2nd week bloom. Everyone covered the xplanting. Alot of very helpful people here. Good info all around . Peace LL


Sedated peasant I just want to repeat it is important to let your plant grow fully into the container before transplanting,loosening the mostly dry soil and pulling straight up will only be successful if your rootball is well developed totally engulfing the soil,this is not a rootbound situation.Medium with average drainage will show this characteristic when the plant's ready to transplant,you find yourself having to water every other day.When I normally transplant up a size,I find myself having to water every fourth or fifth day,as the plant gets larger,it'll be every third day.When I get to a point where the plant is demanding water every other day,I know its time to transplant up a size.Notice I say I "find myself having to" or "the plant demands it",it shouldnt be your call when to water,it should be the plants.Always water thoroughly and slowly so the medium gets saturated 100% all the way through with a good bit of runoff,then dont water again until the plant demands it.If the plant demands watering each day under normal conditions you done missed the boat,transplant up a size when having to water every other day.This is how I do it in my environment with my medium,its intended just to give you a little info about watering/transplanting and shouldnt be considered to be law in your growroom.EDIT One of the most important things about this method is learning the wet and dry weights of the different containers you will be using.Just because you get runoff doesnt mean you did a correct job watering,you need to know that full weight.The empty weight you need to know of course so as to hydrate the soil
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physically check the soil to determine when to water...

physically check the soil to determine when to water...

the top couple inches of the soil should dry out between waterings. Except for the first week after transplanting when the soil should never dry out

when transplanting I turn the pot upide down and the plant and soil sould drop out nicely for you. Place one hand over the top of the soil so everthing stays together when you turn it over. Do this over a 16 gal stall bucket so you don't lose any soil. If it ain't rootbound why in the heck are you transplanting?

show sex in the 1 gallon then transplant into two gallon pots at 1 week flowering. You're going to have twice as much room to work with after culling the males.

When tomatoes become become root bound it induces flowering. That's why you'll see flowers on those root bound tomato flats in the spring at garden stands. Something to think about...

the basic indoor personal program is veg for 4 weeks to get 6"-8" plants. Show sex then translplant into 2 gallon containers.

lots of factors can cause changes but the seed equation is: a ten pack of beans will get you 8 healthy plants, will get you 4 females, will get you 1 or 2 really nice girls

just my two cents, and you even get change back! lol :D
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Dont know about maters man but a cannbis plant will stop growing if truly rootbound,transplanting should be done before then.I veg plants to 30 inches in 2 gal (NSI classic 600) pots and though the rootball has filled the container and totally engulf the soil,its still growing and not rootbound.The majority of people transplant too early IMO,thats why they have to struggle with keeping it in one piece.If I have to turn my plant over and get dirt in the leaves 1 time out of 10 thats 1 time too many for me and I either trnasplanted too early or did something else wrong


Ballastman: Thank for clearing this up for me. I was under the impression that u had to transplant before flower period. I have to water every 3-4 days atm. They are in there first week of flower. Should I repot after they show sex? You think the roots will have filled out the pot by then? thanks.

Barnyard: I was considering transplanting even tho they are not rootbound because i was getting alot of advice to do so. But after seeing some pictures of other grows flowering in 1 gallon pots I decided to let them stay in the 1 gallon. However since i will be getting on average 4 females then i want to take advantage of my grow space and grow light and get them as big as possible so i might go ahead and transplant once they show sex like u suggested. thanks


Roots grow during the stretch period the first 3 weeks or so then they still grow of course but really slow dramatically,thats why you can get away with only a 25% increase in soil volume transplanting in late veg,the roots will stop growing so much after the stretch.If they grew like they did the first 3 weeks for the entire 50-60 days,you'd certainly need more than a 25% increase in soil volume.SP the only time you need to transplant is when the plant is ready for it,there really are no certain set or good times that I know of,when its needed its time.


i stunted one of my plants in a one gallon

if u look behind the safe sprayer bottle u will see here the buds fave compressed and are not growing out like they should prob cost me an oz of bud trans plant cut bag of perilit in half or 3\4 and trans plant in that it is free and u are recycling


Its easy to stunt a plant growth in a 1 gallon,2 or 3 gallon for that matter,all you have to do is plant directly into a large container.The roots will grow down along the sides of the container and sometimes out the drainholes lol leaving a "big empty" in the center of the container.You should never start in anything biggerthan a 4 inch pot,beer cup,or 2 pint container.Grow your plant to approx 6-8 inches in height letting the rootball fill the container,then transplant to 1 gallon.Starting in 1 gallon is really wasteful when it comes to utilizing available soil wisely IMO


Ballastman: thanks again bro for the tips. yeah im still a little wet behind the ears when it comes to proper size pots and transplanting but ur last post cleared it all up for me. For my third grow i will follow this advice. thanks again bro

P.S today is day 3 of flower and one plant has shown sex. Its a female! :woohoo: Thats one down and 9 to go :yoinks:
Heres a pic of the female

I'll be transplanting the females into 3 gallon pots at the end of the week and keep u guys updated with pics of there progress.


Good man it was given to me by MeasureG on Overgrow,bless his heart

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