I think it was Grey Wolf who told me that water cured extract wasn't good for some reason. GW you around?
I store my oils in the freezer wrapped in waxed paper. I also have found that if you have an extra teflon bag (i accidentally melted a hole in one) you can pour pans of hot finished oil onto a sheet of it made from an old bag, freeze it, and it will release just fine for storage. I tried pouring hot oil onto waxed paper, it melted the wax and stuck to the paper, so I had to redissolve the lot and filter out the bits of paper and start over.
Learn from my mistakes! lol
So for bigger batches is it easier to do lets say a pound of trim at once? if so with how much iso?
batch size is not a problem nor is the other materials, basically i just would like to find out what the best way to make the highest grade iso is, using lots and lots of trim. Also if there is acces to a large patio, is it possible to air dry large batches? can they stay out overnight? The stove sounds sketchy and the idea of a bunch of hot plates running on a patio seems hectic.
Also what is the average yield on large batches if the regiment is to just run once per batch? And if the materiel is small popcorn and trim mixed of high grade o-door?
thanks to all who can help, GW u r the man! love your dogs!
How much material and solvent do you use in a gallon jar?
Thanks for sharing the knowledge!