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Honduras sativa


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After 15 weeks of 12/12 from seed.
Hey, i have a honduras outdoor, it is in week 18 now! It was an accidental grow by throwing away the soil of the not germinated seeds! 😬 The plant looks like this now! But probably not very comparable because its outdoor!


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi @dubi!
Thank you for your answer and the welcome! This plant is amazing and tough and i am a little bit sad, that she is suffering! I can not say for sure how long she is in flower, as i am running her at 11/13 from start. (last week in march) But i think she is in week 4 or 5?
I am growing on soil plagron light mix in 9 l pot! Yes, ph was out of range! I checked ph and it was at 5 to 5.2 in drain. Too much salt due to overfeeding, i think! 😬 I corrected the ph by flushing to 6.2 to 6.4. But its getting worse, she is loosing a lot of leaves now! The ec from last watering was 0.8 to 1 ( tap water is ec 0.5) and i am not sure wether i should feed her with higher ec or not! I was also thinking to start a new grow! But i now decided to wait another 2 or 3 weeks!
Do you think i could try to transplant her to new media as a last option?

I'm very sorry for the late reply, @Siku. If you're having EC and pH problems in the first third of flowering, or even halfway through, and you're growing long-flowering sativas like Honduras with a very active root system, you can transplant into a bigger pot to help the plant naturally recover its color and health. How did they finish indoors? What's your outdoor latitude?


Hi Dubi!
Thank you for the advice. My indoor grow wasn‘t as bad as i expected and i even had a relatively good harvest in the end! This is the last pic before harvest! My latitude is 54 and i know that my outdoor plant will not make it before winter time. But thats ok, as this was an accidental grow anyway. Nevertheless it is fun to watch her growing!


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