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Hombre del Monte's garden.


Active member
Last of the girls is the OHaze as reproduced by star crash a while back. I had 4 to choose from and eventually went with #4
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These took for ever to show their sex!.

And here she is in her new home.
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I love the languid 11 fingered leaves.

And here she is again after I've seriously assaulted her.
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On the last shot you can easily see the wire hoops that I use to keep her close to the ground.
@Hombre del mont great garden dude... Hang on to it coz the real haze is on extinction...


Curious Cannivore
Nice thread Hombre! Gorgeous garden again this year. Love the kitties too. :)

I'm smoking some nicely cured Zacateca Tribute this summer and it is outstanding smoke with an old school quality to it. The plants were very robust with quite manageable stretch indoors, although outdoors with all that root room I am sure they will get huge. Will finish very early for you I bet.

Calle Minogue

Brother of the COB
Give me a couple of days; Suffering with some sort of illness, aches and pains and shivering. Freezing to death and it's 38c outside!

Oh man i can Imagine. I grabbed something creepy from my vacation as well. Excactly like yours, without shivering but never sweated so much in 3 days. Incl coughing and liquid poop :) 24 Hours feaver and i am Good now. Was busy with 300l soil for my plants few days ago.

Take care!

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Good afternoon to you all.

Well, it's another hot one here. It's only just1pm but already we've got 36c in the shade. I reckon it'll hit 39 before the day is out! How @Montuno copes with 44c regularly I don't know.
Since Sunday I've been suffering with a rather unpleasant summer influenza; Aching, shivering, sweating, headache, no appetite or energy. Today is the first day that I've started to feel half decent; Still got no energy but I'm out of bed and doing a few things. Thank God that I've got a loving wife and she has been looking after me.

I've not been out doing my daily training and all the plants need a little work, but I'm afraid that will have to wait a few more days yet
First up is the Zacateca Tribute.
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Next up is the Golden Tiger. This is going to be a big plant.


Well-known member
I'm glad you are getting out of the funk man. Stay in the shade, heat for the last 2 days was crushing. My dogs don't even ask to go out and they are sleeping until 8 pm. It's the first summer they'd rather stay inside.

I like how well your plants blend into your garden by the way, it looks nice and stealthy. You don't waste your time with indicas it looks like lol, seems you will have more than enough material for your cobbing haha.


...como el Son...
Wow, they have some very nice garden furniture!. Unfortunately Mrs DM and myself manage on very little money at all, so fancy garden furniture is out of the question.
We have some cheap plastic chairs and a couple of old tables, but we have views that people would die for.
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Holaaaaa, cousin !

Is it an effect of the light, or does some snow still (21-June) seem to be visible on one of the peaks of The Sierra on the horizon behind the cat?

And thank you very much for quoting me and warning me, adoptive cousin: I don't think many eyes have been able to see the outdoor and mother soil cultivation of an O. Haze, and above all in a creeping ("rastrero", "a ras de suelo") style...
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