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Hmastrings 2011 "Striking seeds in the patch."

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
Bravo! Glad you got those pics working, it was worth checking back in.

I RESPECT growers with the good sense to make things fit in. The muskrat mound looked perfect and no one in a swamp would give it more than a passing glance. That greenhouse stands out, but it'll be gone soon AND you won't have that risky ride to the swamp with a cannabis reeking car.

I just posted this in another thread about swamps:

It takes big swinging balls to grow in the swamp: stink like a dead dogs asshole, skeeters the size of birds of prey, leeches with blood dripping suckers, snakes, SNAKES!, razor sharp grasses and mud that'll suck the boots off your swamp shriveled feet.

Here's a picture of my "swamp island."


I waded out (holding my big balls out of the water, of course :)-) ) and found a pretty little area about a foot higher than the rest of the swamp.


Good job fellow swamp bro! I'm keeping an eye on this one.


Have you ever tried dropping seeds in the fall, right before the first frost and letting them start as soon as nature allows come spring?

I dropped some beans into a few flower pots in my backyard last fall before winter set in, right now they are very stout and healthy looking seedlings onto their 4th set of leaves; they popped through the ground in the first week of april when the snow melted in my yard and have been completely self sufficient up to this point - no watering needed. By comparison I'd normally not be able to plant a clone or seedling outside until the first week of june without frost damage so these things have been getting acclimatised and growing under the natural light for months by then. I've never tried this method but it would seem that you'd end up with very hardy plants this way.


Well-known member
Thanks everyone for jumping in on an old guerrilla's grow thread.

Bad beans-First year using oscomote and great guerrillas like krk, DS Toker and many more helped me with all the measurements. The holes are usually around 16D x 16-24W and I mixed the cup evenly through the hole and letting it ruminate for a couple of weeks.

Fisher- hey thanks for stopping by not a lot to see but I will try and make it informative if nothing else.

CC- Hey cowboy love your grow thread nice to see new ideas.

FT- yeah back at it been a slow start here in the Midwest.

Jay- What’s up thanks for stopping by hope the season treats us all well.

Claude Hopper- The cold frame is in the middle of a swamp and compared to anywhere else right now its invisible. I will try and address some of that.

Clunk- Hey brother I have left seeds behind (throwing old ones away) and seen them come up I have two that popped up in my yard this season. I wouldn’t do that with store bought beans because I have no control when they germ. I want as much control over germ rates and time as I can get.
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Well-known member
Just feeding off some of the comments here.

I am growing 95% fem seeds and this is all based on research from here and UDG. I try and learn something new each season. Until talking to my buddy Bite Me over at UDG I really never new how many seed vendors offered fems and I had to give it a go.

Green poison
Blue Hash
Bubble Gum
Matreo Blue
And the one non-fem is Med Man

From start to finish the cold frame is up 3-4weeks depending on condition and if you nute them early. The hole point is to start somewhere close to there finial grow location but if you have a swamp anywhere near you I would suggest this is the best location because the only hunting season still on is Turkey and I don’t see them in the swamp.

If you don’t have a swamp near by and I don’t on my second cold frame there are ways to conceal it a little better. In this photo from 2 seasons ago I buried my container part way and just laid the top on with no legs to start. Once the native veg gets taller you can add the legs to your cold frame.
You can see the nettles are easily taller than the cold frame in the second pic.


CanniDo Cowboy

Ham...Dude, I dont know know where yer located, but i find the swamp thing outrageous. Talk about workin with what ya have. It reminds me of a song..."It's down in the swamp land where anything grows, I'm alligator bait but the bars dont close, it's a real time, down in -------." LOL It's cool to see my grow brethren from different parts of the country adapting, improvising and overcoming...Hooyaa! CC

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
I buried my container part way and just laid the top on with no legs to start. Once the native veg gets taller you can add the legs to your cold frame.
You can see the nettles are easily taller than the cold frame in the second pic

That would be perfect. You'd have to be right on top to find it.


Active member
How big do you dig your holes for the 1 cup of osmocote?

What's in your lineup this year? Liked the look of your GGxBlubonic last year, and was hoping to run it myself this year but I never got around to getting seeds, oh well.


For a few years now I have been using osmo and other organics... but for osmo a 15 gal container outside...needs 1 cup

Like hamstring said a 24" wide hole approx 15g 1c osmocote.

So in my experinces 1cup per 15 gals medium outdoors. No other ferts or micro needed if using promix... never experimented with a dose of high P and K...like a bud booster...

the BBxGG will be around for some time to come, as they are a real hit. This year there are a bunch of folks givin them a grow, and I'm looking forward to massive feedback.:jump:


Well-known member
Brother krk doesn’t let on but he's the brains behind the BBXGG, which is absolutely one of the best outdoor strains I have grown saved my ass last season I recommend it to any one looking for a heavy producer of good-looking mold resistant bud.

Krk--Thanks for the info I hope I didn’t over do it with the osmocote I have 1 cup in a smaller area but no container so hopefully I'm ok. My holes are probably 10 gals or smaller and they will get 2 weeks to mellow out. Tell me what you think maybe I should mix the soil again before planting so I don’t have any hot spots???

CC- I enjoy your thread for exactly the same reasons nice to see how yall grow some weed.

Claude—You would be surprised how well the hide right around mid May in my neck of the woods.

Shroomy- Glad to have you along for trip.

Trich- Hey thanks but there is always pros and cons to any method. Burying the container if not done very carefully will allow the container to flood and it did that two seasons ago on me. It’s a slippery slope I try to stay away from burial if at all possible.

Stoned Ranger- Hey thanks for the props but I am walking in the footsteps of giants like Sliverback and Wally Duck nothing new here just learning like everyone else.


Well-known member
Hey guys this thread going to get pretty boring waiting on my seedlings to grow so please any cold frame or outdoor germ techniques are welcome please jump in with some pics.

Here is a pic of everything you will carry out to the bush for your hillbilly cold frame. Look how bright and shinny everything is hard to remember it started out so nice. If you look closely you see two sets of wood. The long ones are the legs the short ones are to sandwich the screen and plastic in between that I mentioned earlier.

How about for every good idea there is a million failures. I started off with pieces of a down spout thinking I needed something that was very long but turned out the roots never made it to the bottom in their short time in the cold frame and the fact those sharp edges turned into a plant guillotine. This is an old pic I cant stop laughing I didnt even pre-wet my soil all i did was pour water over the dry soil it just ran to the bottom of the container. I cant believe I actually harvested anything that season.


Well-known member
3 weeks later

3 weeks later

There were some legitimate concerns about security of the cold frames so here are some pics 3 weeks later. Here we are first at 30ft then 10ft. You can see now the grass is as tall as the cold frame.


In this pic you can see the 2-inch slot that I have for airflow in the cold frame. It’s been a wild ride this year in my midwestern area. I have had frost 4 days ago and 3 days of 85 deg or higher temps also. The cold frame is your grow buddy through it all.



Well-known member
Here we are looking at some pics of 3 weeks growth (including germ time) not bad growth around 6-8 inches. Take a look at last season to see what I mean by a wild weather ride this year. You can clearly see that in 3 weeks I should be looking at 8 –12 inch seedling by now.



Here is a side view you can see there is some stretch in the cold frame every year as you can tell by how thin the stem gets towards the bottom of the plant. Never had a problem because I always transplant them up a few inches on the stem. Well guerillas it’s closing in on time to put these in their finial home and next time I will provide some pics of my transport method.

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz

A pack in cold frame! Good idea.

Your seedlings are at a good size. They'll shoot up like crazy once they go in the ground.

The weather has been tough. My first planted spots have seen 3 frosts, one was hard enough to leave the garden dark and limp for a couple days.

Good luck from a fellow midwestern guerrilla.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Hidi ho hamsting! Those youngins are ready to plant.

I sprout mine at the house but within days i have them at the patch. My seedling box is buried to the rim and my lid is at ground level. Ive found that keeps my soil temps a bit more stable and the plants seem to grow a little better, but really i live in Turkey land and i cant really have anything sticking up for the Turkey hunters to see. Ive tried to run turkeys off but their dumber than chickens and they come right back.

Im hoping for plentiful rains for you,(and me) because if you have to try and water that many plants you'll need to start looking for a good back doctor. In the past ive grown 40 plants but every year ive ended up abandoning many of them so this year i only have 14 plants so that i can focus on those from the get go. Im prepared to abandon 4 of those if necessary but with this approach, i should harvest 1lb+ per plant.

I have 4 Blue Hash clones that are almost waist high and because i grew it last year, i know i can get 2lbs per plant. She is a honkin big yielder, early finisher and has good mould resistance. she's a stinker when in full bloom - fruity. The GP is underated. You'll be a fan after this grow. The Bmaturo is also a massive yielder - even more so than the blue hash but it doesnt have as good mould resistance as the BH.

Still, if you get to harvest your brood, your going to have a bumper harvest.

Good luck hamstring. Pour on the osmacote and good things will happen! ill be checkin in.


East Coast Grower
Good info hamstring, 12 days with no water is definitely impressive. The whole method of mixing water with soil is something I've never heard of, much less thought of before. Will definitely be building a cold frame as soon as possible. Don't think the metal or whatever is on top is too conspicuous?


Well-known member
Claude Hopper-- Hey brother it has been some crazy weather this season.

Toker of the South-- Thanks brother appreicate the feedback.

DS--Glad to have you here brother and thanks for the helping with the strain info this season. Been dry here and my back isn’t getting any younger and Amen on the good season. My state has its share of Turkeys but it’s like the difference in football and tennis, not very many Turkey hunting fans so usually not a problem. I really have no idea how this will turn out but too much bud would be a nice problem to have.

Rob547--I hope you will give it try the whole cold frame idea has been around for many years and it works. Really as far as construction goes the top is the difference maker. It is the same stuff that you see green houses made out of some sort of clear poly can be found at any big box store in large sheets. I have heard from other guerillas who have made cold frames that when they made theirs completely out of plastic sheeting that it would sag with rain and weather. The hard top adds structure as well to the whole thing.

As far as being visible the whole thing is like a 3x3x3 cube which is small when you think about it and I can support up to 28 separate seedlings. If you wait until the native veg is 2 ft tall it becomes very hard to see.