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History Class Lies... Conspiracies? Programming?


I like history...but I love the truth even more.



perhaps people could point out any lies or propaganda that they were taught back in history class.
I was smoking, and somehow entered into a part of my brain that I don't tap into without a Good Joint...

Just doing minor research, I've come to realize how well high school history class has brainwashed us to believe whatever they want us to believe. Six hundred, 700 page college History Textbooks.... $290 each.... all filled with absolute fucking bullshit. History.... says who? Since when? And how many times did the information in this chapter get passed down, through how many people, before it was written as truth and taught to me.... Not only taught in class, but then, "Go home and write this History Research Paper.. And we're having a test Friday, so study all this crazy bullshit, and fill your mind with this crap..."

There are so many things never taught or taught incompletely and incorrectly it's incredible. Why don't we all get up to speed on what we know about the true history of humanity? All around the world we have evidence of pyramid-building civilizations and monolithic structures that boggle the mind. Esoteric knowledge of the cosmos, accurate world maps showing an ice-free Antarctica - what was going on back then and how far back does it go? The submerged carved monolithic stone city in Yonaguni Japan presumably was above water at one time, but when was the last time that happened? A long fucking time ago! It would probably help a lot to improve human life if almost everyone wasn't just floundering in ignorance about what the hell has been going on all this time.


Active member
I understand the OP and his thoughts. My solution to all education is to make it free and accessable to all. Put everything on the internet or DVD for all to learn and use for their own needs. We can then eliminate expensive schools and incompetent educators. DVD's or online videos can contain a wealth of learning in one hour that an entire semester in college could not convey.

This would solve many world problems...unnecessary taxation, politics, unfair unions, access to quality education for the poor. It goes on and on. It would only take a few months to create this and the accuracy could be contested online in forums in order to correct it.

What a wonderful world we have created, if only we would use it to advance our life instead of destroy it.

Kind of seems like a great opportunity for someone...dontcha think?

It's ALREADY free and accessible in America and every developed nation...yet half or more of the population ignores it. Explain that?

There are so many things never taught or taught incompletely and incorrectly it's incredible. Why don't we all get up to speed on what we know about the true history of humanity? All around the world we have evidence of pyramid-building civilizations and monolithic structures that boggle the mind. Esoteric knowledge of the cosmos, accurate world maps showing an ice-free Antarctica - what was going on back then and how far back does it go? The submerged carved monolithic stone city in Yonaguni Japan presumably was above water at one time, but when was the last time that happened? A long fucking time ago! It would probably help a lot to improve human life if almost everyone wasn't just floundering in ignorance about what the hell has been going on all this time.

I always wondered about dragons...it seems they're ancient in cultures throughout the world. The Norse, Asians, English, all have similar tales and images. It just seems too much of a coincidence...

I've thought that man has been "civilized" several times throughout history...and then something happens and it gets "reset". Like the dark ages...only worse...all history is lost...proof anyway. Like an extinction...but not quite all of them...they have to revert back to hunter gatherer...the cycle starts anew.

sac beh

There are so many things never taught or taught incompletely and incorrectly it's incredible. Why don't we all get up to speed on what we know about the true history of humanity? All around the world we have evidence of pyramid-building civilizations and monolithic structures that boggle the mind. Esoteric knowledge of the cosmos, accurate world maps showing an ice-free Antarctica - what was going on back then and how far back does it go? The submerged carved monolithic stone city in Yonaguni Japan presumably was above water at one time, but when was the last time that happened? A long fucking time ago! It would probably help a lot to improve human life if almost everyone wasn't just floundering in ignorance about what the hell has been going on all this time.

It looks like you need to get up to speed. It all sounds pretty mysterious if you believe the propaganda of a few websites that want you to think its all mysterious. But do a bit more than a 5 minute web search on these issues. Take the infamous Antarctica map, for example. If you can read through these detailed analysis and refutation of the mystery and still believe in the mystery, I applaud your blind faith in the mystery propaganda.


"As is often the case with pseudoscientific theories about old maps, innocuous explanations are ignored in favour of flights of fancy. It’s as though the phrase “Here Be Dragons” was taken, centuries later, as categorical proof of the existence of fire-breathing reptiles."


Talk about historical conspiracies and programming...
It looks like you need to get up to speed. It all sounds pretty mysterious if you believe the propaganda of a few websites that want you to think its all mysterious. But do a bit more than a 5 minute web search on these issues. Take the infamous Antarctica map, for example. If you can read through these detailed analysis and refutation of the mystery and still believe in the mystery, I applaud your blind faith in the mystery propaganda.


"As is often the case with pseudoscientific theories about old maps, innocuous explanations are ignored in favour of flights of fancy. It’s as though the phrase “Here Be Dragons” was taken, centuries later, as categorical proof of the existence of fire-breathing reptiles."


Talk about historical conspiracies and programming...

Do you have any idea how many god damn books I have read? Don't be condescending. If the Piri Reis map is nothing special, my statement can absorb that. It doesn't take anything away from the pyramids and monoliths found all over the world.

Papa Blossom

Yup...and the lies don't end there...

History is written by the winner...so Japan is correct to a point.

That's why it's SO important to get information from different sources. Yes, even the "wackos".

Now that I know PERSONALLY how news and the history books are filled with propaganda...I don't "believe" anything. Now that I know personally how research grants are done...I don't believe in MOST "scientific" studies.

Horrifying if you ponder it


Active member
Do you have any idea how many god damn books I have read? Don't be condescending. If the Piri Reis map is nothing special, my statement can absorb that. It doesn't take anything away from the pyramids and monoliths found all over the world.

I feel your pain...they take a few 101 courses and know it all.

I have stacks and stacks of audiobooks and courses... I listen to EVERYONE, both sides, mainstream to extremists. Hell, I really don't know WHAT to believe I've had so many disappointments. 50 years it took me to figure it out...the lies, the deception. EVERYONE has an agenda. INCLUDING the people who write the books!!! I wish people would realize this.

So sac, you don't find it odd that all these cultures have similar stories, legends, paintings of dragons? You dismiss it that quickly? These are prehistoric, from civilization without contact. Open up that mind...what if? What if there WAS a dinosaur that made it? Mammoths and mastodons, saber toothed cats, were alive with man, why not a big lizard?

Of course I don't believe they breathed fire. Maybe they kicked up a lot of dust when they were angered?

Don't dismiss legend so quickly...there is usually a bit of truth in there.

sac beh

Do you have any idea how many god damn books I have read? Don't be condescending. If the Piri Reis map is nothing special, my statement can absorb that. It doesn't take anything away from the pyramids and monoliths found all over the world.

I didn't mean to be condescending, seriously. I can believe you that you've read a lot on these topics. What I can't believe is how you find the existence of pyramids and monoliths to be proof of historical lies or conspiracies. Compiling all of the books and research on pyramids in various civilizations, for example, we know quite a bit about them, how they were made, and what purposes they served. No one tries to hide these facts, except maybe in high school history classes that are not to be used as any standard for the extent of our knowledge.

So maybe the point of listing these historical phenomena wasn't to suggest they were mysterious but rather to show that they are well known and studied? If the latter, then I agree. :)

sac beh

My statements are not to be construed, as ibjamming suggests, as saying that these things aren't amazing and wonderful. In fact for me, the more I learn about them and study the evidence we have for their purposes and reasons, the more interesting they are. I don't need to artificially create "mystery" around a historical phenomenon which we know a lot about in order to appreciate it.
I didn't mean to be condescending, seriously. I can believe you that you've read a lot on these topics. What I can't believe is how you find the existence of pyramids and monoliths to be proof of historical lies or conspiracies. Compiling all of the books and research on pyramids in various civilizations, for example, we know quite a bit about them, how they were made, and what purposes they served. No one tries to hide these facts, except maybe in high school history classes that are not to be used as any standard for the extent of our knowledge.

So maybe the point of listing these historical phenomena wasn't to suggest they were mysterious but rather to show that they are well known and studied? If the latter, then I agree. :)

I guess I can just come to you for all the answers. Awesome!


How were the pyramids made? Why are later pyramids crude in comparison to the Great Pyramid? Why does the Sphynx appear to have water erosion and what does that tell us?

How was the monolith at Baalbek supposed to be transported?

How were the monolithic boulders at Sacsayhuaman transported? How were they made to fit as they do?

When was the Yonaguni site created?

Anyway, this thread is about school, correct? I never heard about any of these things there. If the Pyramids at Giza were mentioned, it was only in passing.

sac beh

I guess I can just come to you for all the answers. Awesome!

Don't assume my intellectual arrogance. I'm the least of authorities on these topics. The archaeologists and historians have a wealth of answers for you. But you know this because you read them so much.

The burden of proof is not on me to show how there is nothing conspiratorial or deceptive about these phenomena. The burden of proof is on you to support your posting of them as proof of historical conspiracies and programming.

I've already addressed one item, but you want me to go item by item expounding upon all of our knowledge of these phenomena which you presented in a fashion not originally evidence by any information? Its like handing me an apple and saying that the apple is proof of the existence of God and that I must prove that it is not. What? Back up your extraordinary claims with extraordinary evidence first, and don't try to slip the existence of God into the conversation with an apple.


Whoa, haven't been able to make it back here.... but I must say.... I'm very much so enjoying this thread....
Don't assume my intellectual arrogance. I'm the least of authorities on these topics. The archaeologists and historians have a wealth of answers for you. But you know this because you read them so much.

The burden of proof is not on me to show how there is nothing conspiratorial or deceptive about these phenomena. The burden of proof is on you to support your posting of them as proof of historical conspiracies and programming.

I've already addressed one item, but you want me to go item by item expounding upon all of our knowledge of these phenomena which you presented in a fashion not originally evidence by any information? Its like handing me an apple and saying that the apple is proof of the existence of God and that I must prove that it is not. What? Back up your extraordinary claims with extraordinary evidence first, and don't try to slip the existence of God into the conversation with an apple.

Hey man, your the one who said we know how these things were made and what they were for.

Yonaguni: ancient monolithic scuba diving hangout or...?


sac beh

Hey man, your the one who said we know how these things were made and what they were for.

Yonaguni: ancient monolithic scuba diving hangout or...?


or... what? Was there a theory you forgot to copy and paste in there or did you leave it hanging on purpose because there's really nothing interesting to say about it? You at least could have pasted Graham Hancock's theory and some general claim of connections to Atlantis.

By the way, don't confuse lack of knowledge about something with historical conspiracies and programming, which is the title of the thread and what I assumed you were arguing for with your examples. Showing a lack of knowledge about something is pretty mundane, that describes about everything. But to prove historical conspiracies and programming you need to present positive evidence.
or... what? Was there a theory you forgot to copy and paste in there or did you leave it hanging on purpose because there's really nothing interesting to say about it? You at least could have pasted Graham Hancock's theory and some general claim of connections to Atlantis.

By the way, don't confuse lack of knowledge about something with historical conspiracies and programming, which is the title of the thread and what I assumed you were arguing for with your examples. Showing a lack of knowledge about something is pretty mundane, that describes about everything. But to prove historical conspiracies and programming you need to present positive evidence.

This place "shouldn't exist" according to mainstream history. Neither should water erosion on the Sphinx or blocks the ridiculous size of the Baalbek monolith. From what I have seen about Yonaguni, scientists have largely ignored it. To never once mention such things tells me that the schools only tell what they want to tell. To me it is self-evident that the nature of human history ought to be presented to students. It might cure them of their terminal boredom.


sac beh

This place "shouldn't exist" according to mainstream history. Neither should water erosion on the Sphinx or blocks the ridiculous size of the Baalbek monolith. From what I have seen about Yonaguni, scientists have largely ignored it. To never once mention such things tells me that the schools only tell what they want to tell. To me it is self-evident that the nature of human history ought to be presented to students. It might cure them of their terminal boredom.

Actually, mainstream history acknowledges the monoliths. Show me who says they "shouldn't exist". They do exist and are great examples of ancient technology. What, are you into the alien or giant movers theory? I'm into the another great example of ancient architectural technology theory. Lots of ancient civilizations made great discoveries in science and technology. Why invent stories about aliens, astronauts and conspiracies to explain them?

As for yonaguni, if you hand me an apple saying that it proves the existence of God, I would look at it for a few minutes, then set it aside and not return to it. Am I ignoring your theory? Yep! After not having seen anything to prove it, why would I waste my time on your apple? There are archeologists and geologists who have addressed yonaguni in this way, demonstrating that there is no evidence to support the man-made/alien-made/Atlantis-connection theories. After the demonstration, they set it aside and put the burden of proof back on the grandiose claim makers to come up with the evidence. And its a good thing they do it, or else our history books would be even more flooded with fantastical and misleading claims.
Actually, mainstream history acknowledges the monoliths. Show me who says they "shouldn't exist". They do exist and are great examples of ancient technology. What, are you into the alien or giant movers theory? I'm into the another great example of ancient architectural technology theory. Lots of ancient civilizations made great discoveries in science and technology. Why invent stories about aliens, astronauts and conspiracies to explain them?

As for yonaguni, if you hand me an apple saying that it proves the existence of God, I would look at it for a few minutes, then set it aside and not return to it. Am I ignoring your theory? Yep! After not having seen anything to prove it, why would I waste my time on your apple? There are archeologists and geologists who have addressed yonaguni in this way, demonstrating that there is no evidence to support the man-made/alien-made/Atlantis-connection theories. After the demonstration, they set it aside and put the burden of proof back on the grandiose claim makers to come up with the evidence. And its a good thing they do it, or else our history books would be even more flooded with fantastical and misleading claims.

It's totally natural, yeah. :laughing:



Active member
holy cow, some of us were educated by watching some lame NatGeo episodes, and some of us believed the vitriol they want us to believe as history.
George Orwell was a visionary, either that or government got their very diabolical, tyranical power from using it as cliff notes.
History is important...was important, till we find out how much of it is bullsh*t, we live in history.
We are making history, but now we have the tools to document and verify and record history; yet even with the web at our beck and call, we fail to utilize this most important tool.
Do you not think about how history is written? Each player will record his own accounts of what really happened. Do not for one minute think that what went on in Iraq will be perceived the same here as it will in Baghdad.
The real players, the ones controlling the government, have already paid some hack to tell us the accounts of what went on. They tell them to do as they are told, as we are told. Use us and then lose us.
This account of our governments gang raping us and passing us around was brought to in part by: ObamaCare...the next best thing...and we now return to our regular programming.
Do not watch television, it is evil, a tool of the powers that have delivered our grandchildren to a life of servitude and/or slavery, depending on who tells you so.
Even programming like NatGeo has an agenda.