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History Class Lies... Conspiracies? Programming?


I was smoking, and somehow entered into a part of my brain that I don't tap into without a Good Joint...

Just doing minor research, I've come to realize how well high school history class has brainwashed us to believe whatever they want us to believe. Six hundred, 700 page college History Textbooks.... $290 each.... all filled with absolute fucking bullshit. History.... says who? Since when? And how many times did the information in this chapter get passed down, through how many people, before it was written as truth and taught to me.... Not only taught in class, but then, "Go home and write this History Research Paper.. And we're having a test Friday, so study all this crazy bullshit, and fill your mind with this crap..."

Ok having said that; I wanna know unlearn what I've been taught, and want to hear about some lies that you've come across in "History"

I'll start with this one
  • The Hero "Christopher Columbus" discovered the Americas.
Get the fuck out of here..... I'll call it bluff. It's 1490, Enland & Britian run shit... THEY write the history. Christopher Columbus was no fucking hero. He and his fellow men did a lot of fucked up shit to the Native people. How do you 'discover' a land thats already occupied???? And there are plenty of documents to support the probable fact that Zheng He, an explorer for the Ming Dynasty, discovered the Americas BEFORE Christopher Columbus.... but who in the year 1600 is gonna write that shit in a textbook and call it "History" for the next 400 years?

  • George Washington was the first president
Not exactly. Actually he was the 7th President, although he was the first president after the Constitution. Prior to that, there was the Articles of Confederation, which lasted for 6 presidents, the first being John Hanson. Some documents would imply that Hanson was a 'Moor', a popular term for a non-white man; which would also make Obama not the first non-white president. That can be sketchy though; come to find out, there's not a lot of information about John Hanson out there.... but we know everything about G. Washington down to his fucking wooden dentures.... Hmmmm, wonder why that is....

Fuck History.... I'm gonna write a fiction book, become a professor, sell it to all my students and tell them that shit is real... Turn them into professors so in 10-20 years, the whole world will believe whatever I want...


Active member
I once got a lot people really pissed on a pot board by saying that history shouldn't be taught and serves no purpose other than propaganda.


Active member
I was smoking, and somehow entered into a part of my brain that I don't tap into without a Good Joint...

Just doing minor research, I've come to realize how well high school history class has brainwashed us to believe whatever they want us to believe. Six hundred, 700 page college History Textbooks.... $290 each.... all filled with absolute fucking bullshit. History.... says who? Since when? And how many times did the information in this chapter get passed down, through how many people, before it was written as truth and taught to me.... Not only taught in class, but then, "Go home and write this History Research Paper.. And we're having a test Friday, so study all this crazy bullshit, and fill your mind with this crap..."

Ok having said that; I wanna know unlearn what I've been taught, and want to hear about some lies that you've come across in "History"

I'll start with this one
  • The Hero "Christopher Columbus" discovered the Americas.
Get the fuck out of here..... I'll call it bluff. It's 1490, Enland & Britian run shit... THEY write the history. Christopher Columbus was no fucking hero. He and his fellow men did a lot of fucked up shit to the Native people. How do you 'discover' a land thats already occupied???? And there are plenty of documents to support the probable fact that Zheng He, an explorer for the Ming Dynasty, discovered the Americas BEFORE Christopher Columbus.... but who in the year 1600 is gonna write that shit in a textbook and call it "History" for the next 400 years?

  • George Washington was the first president
Not exactly. Actually he was the 7th President, although he was the first president after the Constitution. Prior to that, there was the Articles of Confederation, which lasted for 6 presidents, the first being John Hanson. Some documents would imply that Hanson was a 'Moor', a popular term for a non-white man; which would also make Obama not the first non-white president. That can be sketchy though; come to find out, there's not a lot of information about John Hanson out there.... but we know everything about G. Washington down to his fucking wooden dentures.... Hmmmm, wonder why that is....

Fuck History.... I'm gonna write a fiction book, become a professor, sell it to all my students and tell them that shit is real... Turn them into professors so in 10-20 years, the whole world will believe whatever I want...

I once got a lot people really pissed on a pot board by saying that history shouldn't be taught and serves no purpose other than propaganda.

Yup...and the lies don't end there...

History is written by the winner...so Japan is correct to a point.

That's why it's SO important to get information from different sources. Yes, even the "wackos".

Now that I know PERSONALLY how news and the history books are filled with propaganda...I don't "believe" anything. Now that I know personally how research grants are done...I don't believe in MOST "scientific" studies.


watched a documentary recently on Zheng, its a pretty tough call to say he discovered america first.

john handson was part Swedish and looks white as a sheep in pics, pretty interesting though

I once got a lot people really pissed on a pot board by saying that history shouldn't be taught and serves no purpose other than propaganda.


Active member
watched a documentary recently on Zheng, its a pretty tough call to say he discovered america first.

john handson was part Swedish and looks white as a sheep in pics, pretty interesting though


You're shocked because he believes that the "taught history" is worthless? The parts that say "there was a war", "there was a president"...sure, THAT part is true and you can believe it... But when they start explaining WHY the war happened, why he was elected president, why he did what he did as president...I don't believe a WORD.


I was smoking, and somehow entered into a part of my brain that I don't tap into without a Good Joint...

That'd be the the Prefrontal cortex of your brain. It controls your paranoia. Maybe that joint was too good for it to control itself. Or maybe you need one more.

I've taken 4 University history courses, and spent probably near $1000 for the books. While history does love to embellish itself, saying that it's all bullshit is kind of missing the point of the class. Most of my time in class was spent debating the why; learning from man's success and failure. Also, the bulk history is not far from the truth. There are many variations of each story but a rational person can usually make sense of what likely occured.


I was smoking, and somehow entered into a part of my brain that I don't tap into without a Good Joint...

Just doing minor research, I've come to realize how well high school history class has brainwashed us to believe whatever they want us to believe. Six hundred, 700 page college History Textbooks.... $290 each.... all filled with absolute fucking bullshit. History.... says who? Since when? And how many times did the information in this chapter get passed down, through how many people, before it was written as truth and taught to me.... Not only taught in class, but then, "Go home and write this History Research Paper.. And we're having a test Friday, so study all this crazy bullshit, and fill your mind with this crap..."

Ok having said that; I wanna know unlearn what I've been taught, and want to hear about some lies that you've come across in "History"

I'll start with this one
  • The Hero "Christopher Columbus" discovered the Americas.
Get the fuck out of here..... I'll call it bluff. It's 1490, Enland & Britian run shit... THEY write the history. Christopher Columbus was no fucking hero. He and his fellow men did a lot of fucked up shit to the Native people. How do you 'discover' a land thats already occupied???? And there are plenty of documents to support the probable fact that Zheng He, an explorer for the Ming Dynasty, discovered the Americas BEFORE Christopher Columbus.... but who in the year 1600 is gonna write that shit in a textbook and call it "History" for the next 400 years?

  • George Washington was the first president
Not exactly. Actually he was the 7th President, although he was the first president after the Constitution. Prior to that, there was the Articles of Confederation, which lasted for 6 presidents, the first being John Hanson. Some documents would imply that Hanson was a 'Moor', a popular term for a non-white man; which would also make Obama not the first non-white president. That can be sketchy though; come to find out, there's not a lot of information about John Hanson out there.... but we know everything about G. Washington down to his fucking wooden dentures.... Hmmmm, wonder why that is....

Fuck History.... I'm gonna write a fiction book, become a professor, sell it to all my students and tell them that shit is real... Turn them into professors so in 10-20 years, the whole world will believe whatever I want...

Hey I gota good book for you if you want to unlearn the bullshit that was put in to your head since 1st grade.

It is written by Howard Zinn, an American historian, professor, WW2 bomber pilot and civil rights activist. This man did so much but you will never read about him in a history book.

The book is call "People's History of the United States" and it is written from the point of view of all the people Americans have shit on over the years, the native americans, japanese, blacks etc..

its an excellent book and here you can even read it for free.


I would call Howard Zinn a true American Hero.


Active member
Wow! All my years of education and it took a cannabis web page to inform me about
John Hanson.

I just had a Donald Rumsfeld moment.

"There are known knowns, there are known unknowns"

"But there is also "Unknown" unknowns."


Green is Gold
Chrisopher Columbus was an Italian that worked for the Spanish not the English, but yeah what is taught in schools and what actually happened are often not the same thing...if you really want to read a good history book look at "A people's history of the United States" by Howard Zinn (hell any book by him is good) but that one especially, it doesn't hold back the truth and sugar coat things like many history books do

sac beh

Why are you so extreme in your declarations? Yeah, high school history and other classes are pretty simplistic. There's not enough time to teach every interpretation of every problem in every subject. So hopefully you'll continue your education at a school that teaches alternate histories and theories, these schools exist, there are many. Or you could continue your education on your own.

Either way, such grandiose claims of brainwashing and conspiracies don't serve anything. "There are many variations of each story but a rational person can usually make sense of what likely occured." Any reasonable person realizes this during their education. The fact that you need to smoke to realize it probably contributes to the extreme conspiratorial view.

Saying that history shouldn't be taught at all because there are many interpretations is like chopping of your legs because your toenails are too long.

One Love 731

Senior Member
Duh. Here comes all the haters "I smoke weed, its good and the only thing the government does wrong" I always laugh when people come to IC yet still think the puppet masters have there best interest in mind. If those holding your strings had it there way there would be no IC Mag. Wake up people, the bay of pigs will play out again and again until we come together and stop it. Karma, One Love


Well-known member
Good way to brainwash people is put them through the education system from the age of four to sixteen. Kids get what...6 hours a day, 5 days a week for 12 years of brainwashing. Then if you are really fookin stupid you sign up for more. Glad I never paid attention in school to Babylon junta.

Good documentary is the Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings....Quite an eye opener.


Active member
It is definitely programming and brainwashing.

But it is not all a lie... or all written from the viewpoint of the "winners".

What is important to notice is how we are taught one version of truth in K-12 education, and then a NEW version of the _truth_ when we enter higher education at colleges and universities.

For example, you learn of the hero Christopher Columbus as a child, but the truth of the torture and slavery behind his legacy when you _pay_ for knowledge at the university.

The media is an excellent tool to control what truths might leak to you outside of school. This is something new.

Before they just had newspaper and school houses. Now they got radio, internet, television, movies.

We're fucked.