D0nC0smic said:i don't trust her beliefs, i trust what she and her husband have done. i could never vote for ron paul because he is too strict a libertarian and i don't believe in the fanatical worship of "the invisible hand of the market" that goes along with that. being against government interferance in our daily lives is all well and good until you realize that without government interference the corporations would be fucking us over even more than they already do.
So I guess you are ok with wire tappings, no warrent searches or anything else that is for your safety right? I mean government interence comes at ALL those costs.
Are your civil liberties worth your personal freedoms? Thats what you are voting for when you vote for Hillbill clinton.
And what have they done that was so great? While on YOUR tax dollars he was getting hummers in office, he was waging wars with out congressional concent against kosovo.
All they are, is the Bushes with a different smile my friend.
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