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Highland Thai, Johaar, Lemon Candy, Syrian, Rhino D


Well-known member
Stuck indoors with flu. Plants are keeping me sane.


Happy with the early resin formation on the Rhino D. I've badly mistreated this plant - grown with short veg period in a small pot with 4 others, and allowed to dry out, then overfed. It survived. Bit of leaf burn, but hopefully the new growth will stay good.

Pineapple Kush also got marginal leaf burn.





Well-known member
pH 5.8
EC 0.9
Runoff down to EC 2.1.

Will carry on with lower strength feed and keep up with regular watering to runoff. Everything happier except for the Pineapple Kush, which seems to be looking worse... the necrosis is spreading to younger leaves too.

Maybe what I'm seeing is delayed damage from before the flush (or the plant complaining from the *shock* of the flush). It has only been a few days. But she's definitely drinking, and the buds are starting to look niiiiice.
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Well-known member
Honey Cream and Syrians not far off done at 41 days. M.Kush at 29 days budding up nicely now. The Highland Thai x Ethiopian, which I kinda planted on a last minute stoned whim, might actually produce a decent amount of bud. Nice. Loving the diversity.

The Honey Cream and S.Kush in the top space are getting huge and shading out the little DWxB, so I brought it down to the main space.






Looking at the Pinguicula (sounds like a vampiric penguin) and pondering the little sticky stalks that cover it as a fly trap, and how similar they are in some ways to globular trichomes.
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Well-known member
Rhino D has recovered from my mistreatment, and is continuing to bulk up and put on resin. Chemmy, astringent, almost like aftershave but with a hashy stank. (the visible bits of leaf damage on older fans are from a few weeks ago)

Loving the leaf colours developing on Syrian #1. Hard to get a true likeness, but theres a dark redness to the leaves developing, really lush colour. Stem rub is sharp and sour. (Syrian #4, the taller one, is sweeter and fruity)



Well-known member
Day 46 flower (34 for the M.Kush)

Moved the taller Syrian (#4) to get a better look, as I was worried she was producing male flowers. Closer inspection shows that they are not flowers, just tiny pale brown calyxes with no resin on them, that look a little like badly formed seeds. Have not seen this before.


Took the opportunity to rearrange and make best use of the light, swapping the lanky HT x Ethiopian to the far corner where she has more room and wont be in the way - most likely this will be the final plant to ripen in this grow, and its better to have her tucked away at the back. Added a bit of support as some of the plants are starting to flop with the weight of bud.



Well-known member
Strange thing those pale calyxes. Wonder what's up, light bleaching?
Most peculiar. I don't think bleaching could be it, because #4 was not that close to the light, and it shows lower down the plant too, not just on the top cola (tho that was the only one I managed to get a clearish picture of). Also showing (to a much lesser extent thankfully) on plant #1. Something to watch for and select against in offspring. Speculating - as these are hashplants, a few dud calyxes wouldnt make any odds, so I suspect this is a genetic thing. I have another 12 pack of these - will get a better idea once I've grown those out. From what I've seen so far the combination of decent resin production, good terps and extreme earliness make this worth persevering with.