Thank you guys !
I did met a guy from Trinidad yesterday.
Greenhouse have been shooting strains hunters there. He told me they want to be back in the main growing islands in the carribean to share their GH seeds.
The local from Trinidad I met could not wait to grow Cheese, Super Lemon Haze and on in the carribean because their landraces genetics are "weak". He told me that I should go to Trinidad know because it will not last long until they all grow GH.
Man if you read me I beg again you to reconsider, you have heard my arguments already, dutch weeds are nowhere superior to the carribeans, and the genepool is already too fucked up this operation could put an end to it. Try to smoke whatever you can while you are in Holland, and maybe you will understand what I mean.
Franco if you read this I am looking forward to your input on this, would love to hear your side of the story and your plans. I beg you as well not to introduce more dutch genes in the carribean then there is....
i would be interesting to see what if anything Franco has to say about this.
For your reference, this was already discussed on the italian board, you can refer to this thread:
Among the other posts here's a reply (and my translation) from Franco on the introduction of gh genetics between landraces:
ciao Magio
non c'e' il minimo rischio.
1) in Malawi non abbiamo introdotto nessuna genetica
2) in India abbiamo introdotto pochi semi, femminizzati, che non possono in alcun modo influenzare la genetica locale (area contenuta, e numero IRRISORIO di semi se paragonato al numero di piante locali).
3) in Marocco, dove da piu' di 20 anni sono state introdotte genetiche di tutti i tipi (a decine di chili di semi alla volta, da Pakistan e Afghanistan) ancora oggi si trova genetica marocchina pura.
Viaggiando per il mondo e visitando posti dove si produce cannabis su larga scala e dove ci sono landraces, e parlando con i coltivatori, ci si rende conto facilmente che dopo 2-3 anni la landrace prende sempre il sopravvento.
Per riuscire ad avere dell'erba di qualita' superiore a quella locale in molti posti i grower introducono semi "high-grade" europei o americani, ma se non ripetono il processo ogni 2 o 3 anni non c'e' piu' traccia delle piante high-grade...
Vedrai, tutto questo si capisce molto bene dai documentari in Marocco (gia' uscito) e Trinidad-St.Vincent (in uscita 2012)
grazie per seguire le nostre avventure!!!
Hello Magio
there is no risk.
1) in Malawi we have not introduced any genetic
2) in India we have introduced a few seeds, feminized, which can't in any way affect the local genetics (small area, RIDICULOUS number of seeds compared to the number of local plants).
3) in Morocco, where for more than 20 years have been introduced all kinds of genetics (tens of pounds of seeds at a time, from Pakistan and Afghanistan) there is still genetically pure Moroccan.
While traveling the world and visiting places where cannabis is produced on a large scale and where there are landraces, and talking with farmers, one realizes easily that after 2-3 years landrace always prevails.
To be able to have better quality weed than than local one in many places the farmers introduce "high grade" European or American, but if they not repeat the process every 2 or 3 years there is no more sign of the high-grade plants...
You'll see, you can understand all this very well from documentaries in Morocco (already 'out) and Trinidad-St.Vincent (out 2012)
Thanks for following our adventures !
We already strongly debated those arguments on our forum so i'll not comment this (crap) anymore... sorry for the OT
Peace & happy cup