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High Brix soil grow


From what ive read docbuds eventually said he found out that hops and cannabis share the same gentic classification.

Pulled this from Wikipedia
The genus Cannabis was formerly placed in the Nettle (Urticaceae) or Mulberry (Moraceae) family, and later, along with the Humulus genus (hops), in a separate family, the Hemp family (Cannabaceae sensu stricto).[21] Recent phylogenetic studies based on cpDNA restriction site analysis and gene sequencing strongly suggest that the Cannabaceae sensu stricto arose from within the former Celtidaceae family, and that the two families should be merged to form a single monophyletic family, the Cannabaceae sensu lato.[22][23]

I beleive he had aglabs test for hops.

But beyond this im failing to see the main diffrences in the recomendations by aglabs. BEtween you two

Both using a phosphoric acid foliar spray both of you are changine the soils nitrogen rom veg to flower and both have the same/similar basic soil recipe.

Although im also a newb and probally havnt cought the nuances in diffrences yet. Nor do I have the big enough head hole to understand it


New member
I'm about to give this 6-5-3 a try, I purchaced the calcium carbonate, soft rock phosphate, gypsum, Gaia glacial rock dust , azomite, ewc, acient forest for tea with mycos. I have 1.5 cups of the above mixed with about 2.2 cu ft of botanicare coco and 1 bag of the mild tga super soil and about 6lbs of ewc. The mix has been sitting almost 3 weeks. I will be using the ag labs pgr, amaze, and bloomit as a foliar spray. I have not added any nitrogen to the mix.

The question I have is can I feed in between waterings with normal nutes like flora nova or gh micro, grow, bloom? Will this along along with foliar sprays be a good place to start?


regardless of being copied the techniques show incredible results

I just wish he would be more forward with the sources of his info and the mix hes using, obviously a profiteer and not an educator
Paint i read the first couple pages and i saw the similarities.I am interested in the concept and hope he comes back to explain things a little clearer.
Some of this is copied verbatim from 420mag. Either way Docbud is a pretentious snob.

have to disagree bro...DB HAS ANSWERED 100s of questions from clueless nit wits with grace and knowledge. give him a try. he has a following of folks who absolutely grow great weed.

paint...all the details are there if you dig. but FYI... ACTUALLY CHEAPER TO BUY THE KIT THAN ASSEMBLE ALL THE HB gear on ur own.

i didnt buy a kit but i have all the essentials.


cheaper is a relative term for anyone growing more than an 8x4 area its cheaper to go right through ag labs... my issue is that the more he sells the product the less and less he gives details on what he is using and how hes using it. it seems all very hush hush the more successful he gets with the methods.

the essentials you speak of are the ones listed in this thread correct?
ya youre right scale matters.

as far as the hush hush ...he did lots of work and spent $$ getting to where he is at so i think its legit for him to manage the learning as he sees fit.



I guess since hes on 420mag it makes it ok? Since this is icmag obviously we are the types that what to learn and not just buy. So the attitudes reflect the views on the product and man/woman behind it.

With that said personally I dont blame him at all and am just a little jelly at the success of his products (i love a good buissness strategy) I also wouldnt hesitate to recomend the kit to someone (newbie to intermediate) growing in a 4x4 or less area. Its just too easy to put together and get what looks to be great results.

I know there is alot more than o growing than just a recipie but I assume its a great place to start.

Next step with this stuff is pulling out the microscope and playing with the bubble microbe teas
def take a look at t n j's tea product. it gets loads of accolades.

also check out microbeman's page. he uses a microscope and shares legit knowledge gleaned from experiments.
DB is full of himself.I asked about the irregularties of brix testing and the relevance of potency and brix numbers.DB and all his followers say its an easy foolproof method.But everyday on 420 mag people are asking questions that bought the kit.Even Db has stated this mix isnt right for every strain.
t and j enterprises makes a tea product that seems to astonish.

toker by "full of himself" you mean he figured something out that works amazingly and he's not behaving according to your expectations?

ill grant that some of his followers are a bit creepy, culty, hero worshipy. i guess that happens when you enable a stoner to grow excellence.


Senior Member

Plant health is about more than getting a bunch of sugar in the plant...that is photosynthesis. It is also about converting that sugar to the most complex forms possible...protein, fat, long carbon chain carbohydrates. Enzymes are the key and ultra trace stuff is the key to developing enzymes.
MJ nice vid.

HB is all about cation/anion awareness. The interactions and synergies of the elements/molecules in that graph are well known to high brix growers.

John Kempf is big on refractometers

High Brix isn't "getting a bunch o sugar". I suggest you take a look at a few HB grows (or post your own pics) before you tell us about the "key".


Senior Member
A refractometer reading is a single number that is very easily operator influenced. If you let the leaf dry out the reading goes up (% solids is higher when there is less water). As such it is not a particularly meaningful test, have 10 operators measure the same plant and see how close they are. Plus I would love to see a shot of these 20+ brix readings. Fruits are sugar sinks, K goes in and does not come out...that is why say a blueberry can have a much higher than 12 brix reading. Leafs are not like fruits or seeds, they are not specific sugar sinks and as such are not gonna go much above a 12 no matter how much you wish it.

And what causes the line to become fuzzy? I would argue the more complex the carbon chains get the fuzzier the line.


Active member
Ca is supposed to make the line fuzzy. K is supposed to effect how deep or light the blue appears.

A brix of 12 is low for me. Normally I'm closer to 15-20 and have been as high as 24.

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