Buy a No Pest Strip or two from Home Depot. Some people don't like it because it's chemical based and is carcinogenic, but it works fast and you don't have to spray/fog your plants, just place them near the plants and they do their work. Saved more than a few crops here.
^ kind of looks like spam but I was about to post something similar yesterday. DE, and I've been using two Organocide products so far with what seems to be good results. A clean grow area (either "sterile" indoor or free of litter/debris/dead foliage outdoor) and treating the whole area not just the plants with DE and neem oil or the like can repel pests too. DE and boric acid for the ground and around the beds, similar to preventing slugs and aphids. No intention to use chemical insecticide and restock/start over isn't always either necessary or viable.
NO PEST STRIPS. They are your only hope! Cheap and effective. I have been growing for years with them in my grow areas. I have NO BUGS!!!!!
Sulfur in veg, then OGBiowar in flower....Gotta be vigilant though. I tried EVERYTHING until I followed another members advice. Havent seen them since. Hope this helps