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Help: Yellowing Edges. (Zinc or Manganese Deficiency)


Active member
I thought Fe deficiency started by the stem and went out towards the leaf edges. I'm leaning to it being Mg or Zn deficiency but that's just what I'm guessing.

View attachment 19004274
Hi PW,yes you are right 👍 about fe deficiency...that's why i told you about secondary role microelements like ZN as you said...in this situation give plants food of everything for it to choose what to eat....
Yes Fe deficiency starts from the stem....
I had a problem of Fe deficiency on my lemon tree (outdoor) ...and if the Fe problem continues and you don't do something....
The plants really need a loooot of time to recover....and along with the Fe as food I advised to give the lemon tree all the elements in the food ,to help it recover sooner....
That's how i can help you!!!
Thandee here!!!...i hope all will go well to you and your plants...


Well-known member
Looking a little bit better but has a ways to go. If I can get her healthy I'll put her into flower again. I have a feeling that yellowing was Mg deficiency but can't say for sure. I'm prepared for next time if it happens again.

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That's the light application of liquid nutrients.

The problem is you. You're doing way too much.

Also, organic nutrients can't simply be poured onto the soil like they're liquid nutrients. In organics, everything is always contained in something else. Bloodmeal, bonemeal, compost, they're not directly available to plant roots.

They have to be broken down by microbes. And that only happens in soil. To add solid nutrients, they have to be mixed in with new soil.

Then, you apply that new soil only to the top of the plant. That way, if the plant has a bad reaction, you can still scrape it off and remove it.

If you want to increase the amount of nutrients available from solid organic nutrients, you have to increase the amount of microbes and feed it with a fermentation made from the plant itself.


Well-known member
That's the light application of liquid nutrients.

The problem is you. You're doing way too much.

Also, organic nutrients can't simply be poured onto the soil like they're liquid nutrients. In organics, everything is always contained in something else. Bloodmeal, bonemeal, compost, they're not directly available to plant roots.

They have to be broken down by microbes. And that only happens in soil. To add solid nutrients, they have to be mixed in with new soil.

Then, you apply that new soil only to the top of the plant. That way, if the plant has a bad reaction, you can still scrape it off and remove it.

If you want to increase the amount of nutrients available from solid organic nutrients, you have to increase the amount of microbes and feed it with a fermentation made from the plant itself.


Well-known member
Ah, the Sex Pistols.

A band run by Miles Copeland III, of IRS Records.

Same as Sting and The Police.

That guy managed a lot of good bands but I guess he just arranged a European tour for them and worked in the same building as their manager. I just Googled it. Most of these bands I like. The guy's got decent taste in music.

Miles Axe Copeland III (born May 2, 1944) is an American music and entertainment executive and former manager of the Police. Copeland later managed Sting's musical and acting career. In 1979, Copeland founded the I.R.S. Records label, producing R.E.M., the Bangles, Berlin, the Cramps, Dead Kennedys, the Alarm, the Go-Go's, and others.



Well-known member
That guy managed a lot of good bands but I guess he just arranged a European tour for them and worked in the same building as their manager. I just Googled it. Most of these bands I like. The guy's got decent taste in music.

Miles Axe Copeland III (born May 2, 1944) is an American music and entertainment executive and former manager of the Police. Copeland later managed Sting's musical and acting career. In 1979, Copeland founded the I.R.S. Records label, producing R.E.M., the Bangles, Berlin, the Cramps, Dead Kennedys, the Alarm, the Go-Go's, and others.

If you look at IRS Records, he managed everyone. The list of bands signed to him and his brother Aaron are a who's who of 1980s popular music.


Well-known member
If you look at IRS Records, he managed everyone. The list of bands signed to him and his brother Aaron are a who's who of 1980s popular music.
I did look at IRS records and he didn't manage The Sex Pistols. Anyways back to business. Moved it to my 2x4 and set up a trellis. First time with a trellis so it will be interesting.



Well-known member
Didn't read the thread....cal mag ....mag deficiency!
Ya, I think you're right about it being Mg deficiency. I was messing around and added too much stuff. I was thinking it was K deficiency so I gave it a crapload of potassium sulfate. Should've given it Mg instead. It just looked a little different than what it usually looks like to me. I usually don't see the edges go that yellow. It's all good. It's just an extra that I'm having fun with.


Well-known member
Yup. That's colo well water! Way to high! Are you in soil, soiless ot hydro!
I'm in 5 year old organic soil. The soil in this 5 gal pot sat dry for a couple years and I added some extra peat to it so it's not as good as my other pots. I had some strange yellowing on it so I tested the pH after I harvested most of the buds and it said it was 5.7 so I added a bunch of potassium based pH up to it to get the soil pH back up. I know that's not ideal but it kinda worked but then I had Ca deficiency so I added some gypsum in the water. It was looking great for awhile. Then I saw what I thought was K deficiency so I added potassium sulfate but it didn't get better. So I messed it up good.

I know the water here is a little high and I'm pretty sure it's got more than enough Ca when it's added to my dry amendments so I've been using langbeinite to compensate for the Ca. Things have been going really well since I started the langbeinite and sulfates. At least for my 15's. I also added cover crops to the 15's and I can tell the soil and plants really like that.

Growing outside here, lol. Ya I tried that once, lol.


Well-known member
Not looking too shabby anymore. I think the original yellowing was Mg deficiency. Just flipped a couple days ago. We'll see how it goes. Never done a trellis so this will be fun.



Active member
Not looking too shabby anymore. I think the original yellowing was Mg deficiency. Just flipped a couple days ago. We'll see how it goes. Never done a trellis so this will be fun.

View attachment 19011373
Deffs looks better but yeah the red stems is a sign something is off still. If you're environment is good 75-80F 60-65rh for veg, then id suspect nute ratio still. I like to see nice green new growth at the tops. maybe since you flipped they'll kick back into action. Ive had plants stress crazy and get purple stems but very nice green leaves, and couldnt figure it out, but when I flipped man they grew healthy af again like there was never an issue and the stems were all nice and green through stretch..

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