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help with picking an auto for outdoors?

rocket high

Active member
DAY 83 from seed

went down yesterday to see how the big devil were doing.
They have started to put on a bit of weight but the dreaded bud rot has got to them as well so im going to have to bring them down next week :(
The fast bud side branches that i left on for the sake of a couple of puffs later on are doing well but they are deffo finished i'll bring them down along with the big devil's .
The fast bud is dry and quick cured and is a very good stone and lasts a long time,it tastes like spicy,citrus fruit and smells of diesel on a rating of 1 to 10 id give it a 7 overall smoke rating .

These pics are crap as it was pissing with rain at the time so wasnt hanging around lol



Big devils ...mold is setting in on bits of the stems


Big devil (big beastie) still going .... but shes is looking tired now


The remainder of the the fast bud ...just the lowest of the side branches left and is looking finnished ;)


cool rocket high, you are almost done. one more good trim sess and you should be good. i bet you are looking forward to being finished and just enjoying the fruits of your grow as they slowly cure and achieve their full potential. there is a lot to be said for autos, specially when you here folks getting really tasty stuff off some of them. lr2 seems to come highly recommended. would be fun to do a double harvest next year starting with a bunch of autos and finishing with the normal outdoor. but one thing is for sure, to really do the outdoor thing properly you got to have a good amount of seed, so you don't have to worry about a few losses and you have to start early with all the digging and prep. have ordered a military grade folding spade as the one i got is cheap crap and bent the last time i was using it. i hope this swiss army one will hold up better, i saw they have a pick and axe too :)


Active member
have ordered a military grade folding spade as the one i got is cheap crap and bent the last time i was using it.

nuff said .

i hope this swiss army one will hold up better, i saw they have a pick and axe too

you get all that on your Swiss Army knives anyhow so why don`t you just buy one of them . At least when you get to your plot you could trim your toenails , build a shed & plant your plants then fold it all up & put it back in your pocket !!!

Stay green .


if you were to only use it to shovel the dirt once lose it would be fine. but my one bent as soon as i used it like a spade to try turn the earth. the shovel part just bent from the hard ground. so if you get a separate pick to losen things up first, that shovel will work. been trying to find some foldable pickaxes but that's not easy so far, unless you just get a normal one and cut the stem down and leave the head so it's not permanently fixed. specially when you come across roots and rocks in the soil you will destroy those cheapo folding shovels. i noticed the 4 holes we made with the normal 10 buck garden spade were done real quick, having the right tools for digging the holes is essential if you want to do more then a few plants without killing your back. :)

i found this one on ricardo.ch for 8sfr & another 8sfr p and p, but they are not new, but in perfect working order, it should arrive any day now.



Lol, I broke four shovels this year before biting the bullet and smuggling a giant pickaxe into the bush.


Lol, I broke four shovels this year before biting the bullet and smuggling a giant pickaxe into the bush.

rofl, i noticed your ground looks very stony, can just see those shovels biting the dust in that rock, lol. looks like you did some hard core work digging your holes.

Thats what will be needed for next year a big pickaxe and hardcore post digging shovel ...

great links, those stone chippers look perfect and still quite cheap. gonna try locate one closer by. yeah a good pick and shovel makes all the difference. for some reason the swiss army folding pick costs like 9 x as much as i'm paying for a shovel. and it's also not new, lol.

will you do autos again next year? i suppose it's the only really safe bet in your climate? been reading a lot of good things about the lr2, seems a very resiny auto. would be most interesting to see what kind of bubble hash you could make out of that trim.



Rocket, everytime I see your buds I'm discouraged because mine look so much skinnier!

Thats what will be needed for next year a big pickaxe and hardcore post digging shovel ...

You should try the pickaxe alone. It might be all you need. We didn't even use our last shovel once we had a pickaxe in play. And we probably rocked 29 holes that way. If you've got any rocks in your area, the pickaxe should be enough.

rofl, i noticed your ground looks very stony, can just see those shovels biting the dust in that rock, lol. looks like you did some hard core work digging your holes.

Very very stony. And we used native soil as a kind of mulch to camo our holes better, so you don't know the half of it as far as digging! Those holes are about 8 gallons a piece! The most brutal part by far though was carrying in all that soil. Not only carrying it into the area (several miles of mountainous terrain), but getting it up that mountainside to our site. And it wasn't just ammendments. Our soil layer is only a couple inches deep. Below that is rock and sand. So we had to carry 100% of our growing medium. Next year I'm definitely going to be looking into coco coir as a soil base. Plus, knowing the plants aren't going to grow into monsters, I'll use much less medium per plant.

rocket high

Active member
Rocket, everytime I see your buds I'm discouraged because mine look so much skinnier!
hi 007
I think the fastbuds are good strain, not very uniform but put weight on well for not having sun for a month and a half and no hermys . so i would recommmed them . ;)

You should try the pickaxe alone. It might be all you need. We didn't even use our last shovel once we had a pickaxe in play. And we probably rocked 29 holes that way. If you've got any rocks in your area, the pickaxe should be enough.

i just need a shovel for stealing some field soil for my grow and the pickaxe for the holes and rock removal
..im excited aleady and it's no where near the time for putting plants out lol

will you do autos again next year? i suppose it's the only really safe bet in your climate? been reading a lot of good things about the lr2, seems a very resiny auto. would be most interesting to see what kind of bubble hash you could make out of that trim.:wave:

yep im deffo doing auto's next year they fit in well with the scottish summer time well apart from a bit of mold at the end so when i find a good mold resistant stain i will be rocking all summer long for the next 20 years ;) lol

Your big devils looks nice man.
I wish you a great early harvest :D !

Peace :rasta:
hi haxi
Ive not had a smoke of the big devil yet but they look good, its sunny today so its their last chance to get a bit of weight on before i chop them tomorrow :)
but the biggest pheno is looking knock out and if it's as good as the fast bud i'll be over the moon :)


Nice looking buds man! Next year you have to fill that fortress up with more plants. I think you should try some danish semi-auto strains too. Autos are cool, but looking at how much bigger theese Danes get, and how much more they can potentially yield, I would recommend trying it out at least.

Enjoy your fruits my scottish comrade.

rocket high

Active member
Hi Bom
I really want to try the danish strains but ive not got any ..the threads ive seen are really impressive including yours of course ;). ive tried dutch outdoor strains years ago but they're as good as crap for this climate as they mold to easy.
Im going to try and get as many strains going next year as posssible to see what will handle the crap climate the best and breed a good mold resistant strain ready for scotland hopefully :)

jgp a fellow scot has a good variety going incl danish stains so i will get a report from him to see what's the best one he has grown for this climate (his updates are in the scots forum in the outdoor bit if you want a look) ;)


rocket high: I guess Thypoon would fit the bill for you...I am currently growing a batch which i sowed directly in soil outside the first of june @60deg north in Scandinavia and they are all flowering and have been for like 2 weeks. Most of them are between 120-175cm tall but not really bushy, more like huge sog lollipops since I have planted them really close. Still expect to yield a fair share since I got about 45fems standing. They can take whatever abuse and bad weather you submit them to.


Active member


rocket high: I guess Thypoon would fit the bill for you...I am currently growing a batch which i sowed directly in soil outside the first of june @60deg north in Scandinavia and they are all flowering and have been for like 2 weeks. Most of them are between 120-175cm tall but not really bushy, more like huge sog lollipops since I have planted them really close. Still expect to yield a fair share since I got about 45fems standing. They can take whatever abuse and bad weather you submit them to.

been following dyr`s thread & his typhoon look good to , i think growers of this world that develop plants to suit their climate deserve more credit than most if not all seed banks :) but there again there is always a good-un that has seed that`s come from climatised plants .

check out Hybrids from hell thread zenseeds

Stay green .
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rocket high

Active member
Good link MJB ;)

Their website could do with a little more detail about the strains ... but they're dirt cheap so you cant argue with that .

i'll update my Big devil harvest when my buddy brings the camera back ... got some good shots to share ;)


so i guess you are totally done with harvesting by now eh?

very cool that you brought them all to harvest, would be nice if i could do the same :)

it's been a great ride following you grow here on this thread. real good job documenting it all.
