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HELP....triangle kush? INFO?


:listen2::listen2:take a look in my album .......
tastes like lemon pine musk,
sorry asked buddy of a buddy, again and, was told trip to paki was in '88 not '82.....
but yea just stories.
i love stories
Sorry ubi, accidentally thumbed down your post...checking out a friends Scott's kush girls, and finding them with the complex kush smell you describe. It is a mostly Triangle kush cross.
wow, all the funny stories, I like the one about triangle getting its name from the 3 cities in fl. LOL ,,, Id like to clear the air on this strain for anyone who really wants to know the truth, i wasnt even going to chime in but, since there are so many mixed made up stories about it, I had to put this out there. the florida triangle, was started by me and a couple of close friends back in the mid to late 90's, its mother originally came from a cutting from the emerald triangle valley in northern cali, hence the name triangle. the original was called Emerald Triangle , there was a big room in south fl that had a male of unknown origin in it along with a bunch of the emerald triangle's going , the male went too long before it was spotted and it seeded the whole room out, that bud was sold all over fl. but I actually saved a bunch of seeds from it knowing it was special. closer to the late 90,s i started a few of the seeds. only one was a real keeper, and I kept the name as Triangle for short. over the years it was passed on to a handfull of people,who also passed it along,, many of them have gotten in trouble along with my self at one point, fl is not the best place to be doing this for long. needless to say it still exist in select groups of people. but not many, it was never good as a breeding strain for some reason as I had tried several times to create seeds from it, as far as it being called a kush or an og, I dont know where that came from, people like to make up stories obviously, it wasnt from an ex military guy who brought it back from pakistan ect. the story is exactly how i told it. the seed company rare dankness claims to have a triangle kush in their genetics that looks similar, and who knows maybe someone brought it out there somehow, but I doubt it is the same line, keep in mind the original mother came from northern cali, near humbolt,trinity,or mendencino county somewhere. so chances are there are others that look similar, friends of mine who now live in cali swear they still have not yet seen anything out there quite as unique, even though i find that hard to believe. one thing is for sure, the Triangle that I started was one of the best strains Ive ever seen in 40+ years. and it was a one in a thousand seed that started it all. it is still found around central fl, orlando, new symrna areas. but its not as abundant as it once was as the main growers that where doing it have all been caught. still a few peeps though that have it. and they are lucky . as far as lineage. it grows more like a sativa dominant hybrid , lanky tall, thin branches unless trained but finishes up by 56 - 60 days, not sure if its a kush, even though people call it that since kush strains fetch more money and all the rappers made kush a hot topic. that is the round about story of the Triangle ( Emerald Triangle ) florida strain. im pretty sure if it was properly breed out in cali or colorado it would be one of the talked about varieties out there. hands down , one of the best. and Im glad I was part of it all


ICMag Donor
I find it slightly unlikely that after all these years and all the people that have hand their hands on it - that one day someone that MADE it just walks in and says so...

People have been debating this for quite some time ... I think you need to share a bit more than yeah, some cali cut - some random male, FL...yeah, that was me.

Beside that - the strain we know as Triangle - is DIFFERENT than TK, ie Triangle Kush.

Krome's "The White" is supposedly an S1 of the Florida cut called "triangle".

If you want what is considered (by online communities) to be the most accurate information about a plant called "Triangle" - you'd need to search through Krome's posts about the origins of "the white"...

again - TK and Triangle are two separate and different plants - even if they are from the same general area.

After seeing and smoking what I know to be the legit TK, I would be very hard pressed to believe it was anything other than some form of Chem '91 offspring - in some way or another. The similarities are just a bit too uncanny.

Then again, a lot of cannabis seems similar these days - lol - so this is just my take on things. Not calling you a liar - just seems like a pretty bold first post...hope your willing to take me doubting your post in the good nature it is intended, and hope you share more. As in - what was it that came from Cali in the first place...

If this was in the late 90's - versus the late 80's / early 90's - makes A WORLD of difference as to what it "could" be...

Look forward to hearing more.

edit - TK really takes 68-73 days to be fully mature.



Tomoka Smoka
ICMag Donor
realtritip good read and anymore info you have would be helpfull.
I been in the volusia area all my life and love it here.
got both these cuts around '05 from a good friend who wasnt even a grower but knew some people.
One labeled with a triangle emblem and the other simply as kush. The kush was most vinelike plant I had grown to that date and the triangle seemed to be some kind of indica hybrid.
anyways this was before they were ever mentioned on the boards to my knowledge, so I flowered out them out without taking cuttings...what a shame.
triangle was some frosty stuff and the kush was insane with taste and had that familiar local kush flavor.
yeah, I dont expect everyone to have to believe me and the story, but thats the truth about it, I know it was my first post, but when I was doing my thing, i woulnd never in a million years be posting things online while living in fl regarding growing. call it paranoid, or maybe just smart. my down fall in the long run was a jealous person who knew about me because of a talkative friend of mine. to be more specific about the cut from cali, it was actually closer to the early 90's when it was brought back from cali. it was called -THE EMERALD TRIANGLE , it was grown in south florida for a couple of years before the seeding happend, I was brought on a trip to amsterdam with some heavy guys who i worked for back then, it was a paid trip to mule back some seeds for them. we went to the cannabis cup , the year was 94 I beleive. we brought back (Nl5xhaze, super skunk,big bud, ak47, early pearl, hawaiian snow, and hash plant ) these where all the seeds that where started as test runs, and mixed into a room of Emerald Triangle. a 12 light room, the guys back then used a fromula that was brought back from the west coast. 12 lights , all 1000 watt verical with china hat cone shaped hoods. usually in a large 2 car garage, and once the plants started they would make a hand made trellis that would not allow them back in the room anymore, the lights where controlled by ropes and tied to marina kleets near the door way to control the height of them. they used drip lines and 1 gallon pots, drills holes in the floor for the water to drain out after watering. 300 plants per 12 lights. this set up believe it or not would produce on average 24-28 lbs per set up. I witnessed a few over 30 even, NL5xhaze did 32 once. which proves the hydro companies wrong about the vertical lighting with those older hoods being ineficient. anyway, that is the reason a male was hard to get to once it was going in one of those rooms. like i said in my previous post, im not sure what the male was. it was amongst a few new ones. from amsterdam. that batch of emerald triangle wasnt completely seeded but there was enough to add a few seeds to ever bud. the seed that I started in the late 90's ended up getting passed around amognst surfers first, then eventually I heard it was big in the wakeboarding scene , I didnt like the idea at first of it getting out to a whole lot of people, but eventually I realized it was ok to be able to keep it around should anything happen to me or my crew at the time. we never refered to it as anything other than - triangle or the tri , not sure if there is another one called triangle kush or not, since there was so many seeds there is a good chance that someone else got lucky like me, I just know that the triangle that went all around orlando and valusia county and brevard county was from the one i started. I served my time, and Ill never mess with growing in fl again untill the laws change, thats the only reason Im even on here, plus reading some of the crazy stories from people who claim they know all about the origins , just made me laugh to myself. what ever the original cut from cali was, it was very good, and may still be around, hawever it was not nearly as good as the triangle that i started from seed years ago. not trying to brag, i got lucky and was in the right spot at the right time. as far as the current west coast OG's and any relations, I have heard some of the Og's are very similar in ways to the triangle but not quite as dank, the one varieties I recently heard was the closest to it was the real Girl Scout cookies, one of my buddies who made the move to LA prior to me getting in trouble here, has mentioned that several times now, he claims Girl Scout Cookies is like a sister to the fl triangle. I cant vouch for it yet as I have not been out there recently. the fl triangle does take 56-60 days when done right, in a cooler room , I did mine on flood tables with 600 watt lights, I topped it a couple of times while vegging, I did 16 per light and i averaged 1.5 lbs per light every time. but it took years to get to that average. I also had East Coast Sour D and a hash plant and several others that did not even compare, as far as the white, I have a good idea of where that came from, but im not one to name drop. pretty sure it was a bag seed from someone here in fl, maybe a triangle seed, but not sure. I do know a couple of people moved to colorado who may have had both strains , and there is a good chance they brought it out there with them. hope that answers more of your questions. sorry i cant be exact about what the male was or the lineage of the Emerald Triangle, but I cant make stuff up like others do, this is how it all happend, back in the early 90's the crew was ll about making money and no concerned with knowing all baout the genetics, it was either good or bad, yeilding or not yeilding. I watched many great varienties get killed back then because the first run wasnt a big producer. was all about the cash to those cash croppers, needless to say they have all been busted at some point over the years


ICMag Donor
Very interesting indeed. All the years, I've not heard of a strain called "emerald triangle" - although of course I have heard of the region...lol...but never a specific cut named after it.

Is it possible, that the "ET" was just called that by the FL crew that snagged it simply because of the region it originated from, and that it wasn't the specific genetic name of the plant?

FWIW - GSC - is said to be a plant called "F1" , not to be confused with the first generation of a hybrid - but ("F1" x Durban) x Florida OG ie Flo-Ryder OG - it is simply assumed by many, that the Florida OG is TK, ie triangle kush. If it is something different than that - it has never been directly revealed by the @cookie fam - which is what the guys who made GSC call themselves...

So if you buddy says the GSC is a close take on the old Triangle you love / enjoy / had a part in - then perhaps there is some validity to that.

But personally, TK is better than GSC in my opinion. I've never tried Trianlge. I have run "the white" - which is supposedly the S1 of Triangle from a dude that is know in online circles as Krome. The White, breeds very true to self, and if you look around has been used in countless crosses that 8/10 times are very dank, albeit sometimes lacking the higher terpene profiles that are demanded of in this age...ie "loud" as they call it now, simply meaning the cannabis has an intense smell.

I appreciate you taking the time to post this up - still, skeptical - but I've always in the back of my mind thought it'd be cool if someone just showed up and said...look, this is what happened.

I still wonder...if what was sent to your crew back in the day is what we know now as Chem '91 ie skunkVa - but that would really fly in the face of the time frame in which the Chem lines were said to have made their way out west...

Again, thanks for sharing. I'm a pot lore junkie - for some reason, I love KNOWING the histories of what I'm puffing. Certainly doesn't change how it smokes...lol...but I don't know; guess I just enjoy history.



ICMag Donor
And actually, over the years, I've allowed myself to listen to a lot of different stories. I had concluded long ago that OG Kush - or what was sent out west that became OG Kush, had to have come from FL originally. That what ever happened in Florida, evolved because someone had contacts up in the NE - and had gotten a hold of the Chem '91. I had also assumed based on various things, that they must have been commercial growers, and that lead me to consider the notion that some sort of indica type plant from Canada (in particular an old plant called "King" or later "Charles Kush" - which oddly enough was a hash plant) found it's way into the same circle...and that a few folks got together showing off their current best - and decided to combine efforts to breed OR that by chance some how there was pollination that took place by accident and some beans were made / found - and from that happen stance was born what the world now loves as "OG Kush" ...

I hadn't anticipated the notion that it was a west coast plant mixed with some genes from Amsterdam - maybe that is just the east coast blood in me wanting it to be a strictly east coast thing that then drifted west...lol.

If I take your story verbatim - I'd have to assume, that the male in the room was either from the NL#5/Haze line, albeit a more stretch indica expression or the Hash Plant line - only thing that makes logical sense to me.



these are a couple of photos that I found when I googled florida triangle , these represent what I had completly by looks at least, most likely they are it. like i said, im not sure where the kush name got attached to it but people like to add stuff at times, as there is many myths and legends around certain strains in history, the first kush i ever saw was the Hindu Kush brought back from Amsterdam in the early 90,s from the original seed bank, the original seed bank was owned I beleive by a guy named neville who was busted and went on the run before the seed company got sold and changed into the Sensi seed bank . there where not many strains that used the word kush in them back then. I actually started a seed that I called the Cosmic Kush around 96-97 , it stuck around till about 03-04 ish , but it was just a good bag seed and i thru the name on it just to appeal to people , never had any history attached to it. I also had a few hash plants back then that where to this day some of the best id ever seen, when I first got started the word Krippy or krypto was the main word that surfers in south and central fl refered to for just about any good strain, nobody was really concerend about the origin, there was mids and the krip. or swag dirt weed. as years went on people started to get more interested in the origins, at least among the surfer community , one of the dankest varieties back then was know as the real Krip , but was really G13xafgani , there was many stories of the boys from central fl back then who started that one. and thats when the prices really climbed up too. ,,, as far as the real origins about the original Emerald Triangle. Im really cant say what it came from or I would be lieing. it resembled what is now considerd the OG kush, even though I know people have gotten carried away with throwing the OG title on many strains now, who really knows the real story behind that one, Ive heard it was - Original Gansta and also Ocean Grown from LA area, Im sure thats another debate all together.. the story about the chemdog line sounds about right, back then the greatfull dead concerts where notorious for people passing great weed and hash among other things around from town to town , I went to check out the scene myself a couple of times , even though i didnt care for the music. the East Coast sour d I had was really nice, and it was a true cutting of it. but still paled in comparison to the triangle. certain people only wanted the triangle and would pass most other varieties down all together. ironically what got me busted was when a certain scum bag who heard I had the triangle wanted some cuttings, I did not even know this guy , but he asked a so called friend of mine for some cuttings, and I was pissed that this guy even assumed I could get him some much less that i had it. after denying the guy anything, thru my so called friend , the guy went to cali and sent himself a couple cutting back in the mail , not sure of what, but he got caught and used my name and life story to get himself out of prison time. ( he just passed away from an overdose , karmas a bitch ) . my lesson from all that was never trust more people than needed. ever. if they are your best friend or what ever. if they are not part of your deal, they dont need to know. lesson learned. I just look fowards to the day that people of fl wake up and allow medical at least to be allowed. too bad the pill compaines and prisons, fed forfetures trumps the law for now. one day soon. I hope
dank frank,, I doubt the male was the Nl5xhaze , as that ended up being a female that stuck around fro a while, it was in itself a real good but super tall long flowering variety, and a super heavy one, biggest yields ive ever witnessed. 6-7 foot plants off the ground touching the lights , i wish i could be more accurate for you as to what it all came from. but I have no reason to stretch the truth or make up things about it to make sound better. those photos i posted are for sure a true look of how the TRIANGLE grows, lots of tight nugs with big pistols, mostly red and ripe by day 56-60, could it go longer, maybe, in wamrer rooms. but it liked temps around 72-75, with cool nights, it would turn many colors in the end , purple leaves with deep red hues in them. hope that helps clarify it more.


just don't molest my colas..
Timeline still isn't adding up...all other accounts put the TK coming from Florida out to NorCal in the early 90s. Your account has the "mom" of it from NorCal to Florida in the early 90s. And not going back out til 95-96? When OG kush was already being grown in Cali.
you guys can call BS all you want, I never said the OG came from Fl or from my triangle , the truth of the matter is, the lineage of the fl triangle came from a northern cali strain called the Emerald Triangle, so chances are there was others out there that made its way to southern cali. not sure what the true origins where back then. only telling how the triangle got passed around and started in central fl. I doubt it had anything to do with the OG lines in cali now, but could have a distant relation to it from the emerald triangle valley of some sort. I have nothing ot gain by telling my story, as im not saying my true name or others involved. I just wanted to shed light on what truely happend. , not refering to any other strain but the true - fl triangle. not the white or the pk or the tk, not sure where those names stemmed from. I do know over the years there where a few new strains introduced in rooms with the triangle that turned hermi. but none of the seeds that came from those mistakes ever amounted to much, the triangle always made big round seeds in those intances but the offsping never matched the original. maybe there is another triangle type strain in fl. related. but the name was started because of the original origin from northern cali .


just don't molest my colas..
Have you ever grown or smoked any OG kush? It's pretty obvious that there is a connection between OG kush and TK, which is what we call it, because we all know triangle to be the white or the mom of the white. The first clones of OG kush trickled into LA from NorCal in 96-97, by 98, it was garnering outrageous prices $8k+ per lb. wh knows how long it was being grown up north before that. That first plant is thought to be an S1 of the TK, and is now called Tahoe OG. It is very close to the TK in growth and smoke. Only thing the TK beats all the OG kush strains in is the terpene profile. It's the "loudest" I've ever encountered. Like it was sprayed with men's cologne.
yes I have smoked it (OG) but never grew it, I did see it was similar, but not quite as hard hitting, there is a good chance it came from northern cali back then Im sure as so many other great varieties where pioneered up there , I cant vouch for its history ive only heard stories, and people I used to sell to in fl now live in cali and love the OG but still claim they liked the fl Triangle more, when I look at seed companies world wide, it seems there are over 100 + strains now that carry the OG name on them. so Im sure there are many stories attached to that. I never laid claims to know exactly how the og or anything else was created or where from either. I only chimed into this post to tell the story about the Fl Triangle. it got into alot of peoles hands over the years, I cant say it didnt make it elswhere as Im sure it did, and Im not sure about the history of the white either, I just know the Fl triangle that I started was created around 97-98 and no sooner than that. anything that was around before that wearing the triangle name was not the same. the Emerald Triangle was the first strain in fl among the surf community to use the name triangle that was in the early 90's no sooner, the seed I started from that ,was like i said in 97-98, which went on to become the popular Triangle that im sure this post is refering to.


ICMag Donor
TK...vac sealed and in a jar - still stinks up a room after about two days. I couldn't believe how much that plant just reeks. Funny thing is, more of the subtle nuances come out of her as she cures and is then broken up - getting more lemony - but that skunk butt just never dies down with her. It's quite ridiculous to be honest. TMB - I'd have to say that TK also beats the other OG's out in potency as well - but we all know how subjective "potency" is in cannabis circles...but she CERTAINLY defines stank.

TK is a bit more indica than the other OG's I've smoked - which I tend to like about her. I can see how Ghost and TK could be directly related, just due to the earthiness of the two. With the Chem '91 - well, that acid skunky fuel type smell also being present.

The most FUEL type OG I have smoked is 5k - but it is much more heady in it's effect - and really gave me cotton mouth something terrible - which I haven't really experienced with the other OG's.

Can't say I've ever puffed a legit Tahoe.

FWIW - I don't think that Rare Dankness ever came out and said they used TK in Scott's - I think it was said that Unknown OG was exactly that - Unknown OG. I have a hybrid from HI that also utilized a plant called Unknown OG - so I don't know - I could be wrong in that...TMB - I know you follow the RD catalog closely - what's the deal there?

Again - if all we are talking about here is TRIANGLE - that is a completely different plant than TK. From what I know - TK was given it's name from the region it was grown in, in FL - known as the Golden Triangle, simply due to all the indoor growers that used to reside in a given area - no need to name it out.

The part that DOES mesh with the story being presented here - is that Krome / Triangle / The White, etc - certainly seemed to have ties to the surfing communities in FL - that much is consistent.

Again, RealTriTip - if you want to find what is understood by online communities to have been birthed by your Triangle - you need to quit looking toward the OG lines - and look in the direction of The White - which is supposed to be a direct descendant of Triangle. And I can say without any hesitation that The White is NOT part of the OG family at large - but she does pair up mighty fine with just about anything she touches.

Which, is oddly the second inconsistency I see (aside from timeline) - and that being - the white is really a great plant and breeds very well. You saying that the attempts you made to breed Triangle did not result in anything being more special than herself, I find very interesting, as Krome seemed to think the seed he found and sprouted was superior to the nugs it came from - thus why he began sharing it and brought it to the online communities. -THAT would indicate, that in fact, Triangle did in fact have a certain breeding potential...albeit, TriTip, you did state the type of hybrids you were looking for given the nature of the growers you were around, ie commercial. So something that was really great smoke but did not yield, MIGHT not have been considered worth while in that circle...

Again, this isn't calling you a liar or anything - it's just dissecting what we "know" about various plants, timelines, etc and trying to fit a new puzzle piece into that given paradigm.



ICMag Donor
Pictures taken from Phillthy's albums:

The White:



Triangle Kush ie TK:



And simply because you brought it up, TriTip, GSC (forum cut):




Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
So like many have stated before your timelines all jacked plus I would have a hard time believing anyone at this point...besides what detective work we"community" have already done...it's a crapshoot...and what's done is done....oh and it breeds quite well when done correctly...
Once again.....shenanigans.....but keep trying to convince us....please...btw this is a Triangle KUSH thread...


just don't molest my colas..
Scott's OG does in fact use TK. It was misdirection that was needed in the beginning to try to save relationships or not step on toes, but really in the end it didn't do much. We know how it goes... It was a silly thing to have to do. And I agree with the potency of the TK frank, the lab tests back it up. Same with her crosses. I've seen Scott's OG hit 24%+ out here multiple times.