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HELP! Tame Rabbit dumped on my Farm, Can't Catch It. ANY IDEAS?



awww , no bunny pellet ferts .
I just ran into this article on bunny poop as ferts
As the proud owner (and litterbox janitor) of a 10 lb housebroken bunny rabbit, I've gotta let y'all know that healthy bunny poops are solid. dry, odorless "round raisins".

They are the only poops in nature that can be applied to plants as fertilizer "straight from the source" - bunny bum. With no odor, no burning of tender plant roots, no chemical fertilizers...it's the *best*, especially for roses and tomatoes.

Wanna buy some bunny poop? E-mail me.

end quote -

He's in the Bunny Rabbit field of dreams now


Now Boys, let's get it straight, I don't like to skin out rabbits. They are really hard to keep from getting the fur on the meat.

It is definitely not worth the bother to me....

I am on a humanitarian mission here, to save the Rabbit.

Maybe he will come up to the Christmas tree lights in the yard and go to sleep like he did last nite.... if he made it thru the nite that is.

I looked several times for him today around the yard, but no bunny.

There is a dog at a neighbor's a couple blocks away that has a history of bunny attacks. I saw him eating that dead deer today, so he wouldn't have had far to go to get the stray rabbit.

It is probably just as well, but I resent the rabbit for being so durn hard to catch. I almost had him 2 times last nite, but he escaped both times, letting my net slide off his back as he hopped away.

I have a bottle of 1999 champagne in the refrigerator to celebrate with if he is captured. I have been looking for an excuse to open it for 10 years, and it's as good as any... lol.

Wonder if cheap champagne is worth more aged? :biglaugh:


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
a slingshot or an airsoft gun is a better bet for stunning the critter.
good luck and godspeed


Shock of Shocks! He's Alive!

He is back in the driveway, hopping around in the dark, perhaps I can sneak up on him later after he goes to sleep.

I think I will tie some small rocks or something in a sheet's corners and see if I can throw that over his head while giving chase.

I wonder where he was all day?

He lasted 24 hours longer than I figured he would! Maybe he is not as dumb as I thought.


You still chasin good ole Bugs? Be my luck the rascal would bite the crap outta me when I grabbed him...someone's keeping you busy huh?
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What?? I thought you guys hunted like crazy up there?
No guns huh?

Get a live trap
for the most part. Most of canada lives along the US border and or large cities. The mindset is probably, 'no need for guns...'

Then you have the rest of canada living in the middle of nowhere, and having the wild so close, they opt for firearms, because they arent thaaaaaat hard to obtain. Couple tests and a live drill type deal with an instructor/voucher and you can get them...cept so many restrictions, argh


glad to hear he's still alive! or is it a she? hmmmm

i would leap at it like a baseball dive on the stomach, with a net flying at it. ayeeeeee!! get the distance in the leap and it would never know what hit it...from afar. my ribs may suffer...:tree:


Damn it, try the peanut butter panties!!

Trust me.


edit - You'll thank me!

That has got to be the dumbest idea of all.
1) Rabbits don't like peanut butter.
2) Why in the world would anyone enjoy a rabbit ripping off their underwear?
You must be a freak. hahahahahaha

put some salt on his tail, that makes them easy to catch...:rolleyes:

Hey, I can get close enough for that. I will throw a handful of salt at his tail. I always heard that worked, but I don't think I have heard anyone say that since I was a little kid.. :biglaugh:


Anita Hitt
just leave food for him close to the house and make him an outdoor pet, he will, in time come to you if he is tame. They can be house broken too, although this one may be to old to train. If you were here I'd loan you my trap.

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