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HELP! Tame Rabbit dumped on my Farm, Can't Catch It. ANY IDEAS?



Jesus Lola...what kind of backwards ass place are you at? I live in white tail heaven...we don't have poaching issues here like that. No hick from here would waste a deer....that's some hillbilly ass shit goin' on there.

Hope you catch the bunny....and the owners die.

I agree!

Every year people shoot deer on the side of the road and cut off their antlers. It is usually city people who can't shut up long enough to shoot a deer in the stand. I guess their antlers were irresitible.

They didn't even cut off the backstrap and the hams.... what a waste.

I tried to catch the rabbit a minute ago with a flashlight, but he ran from the light, and headed toward the road. I shined the light in front of him to turn him back towards the fence row, where there is a little protection.

The stupid thing is hopping around in the yard in the dark, feasting on grass.

Anybody wanna take bets? I bet owls will get him before the coyotes get a chance.

what a dumb rabbit! I offered to let him hang out in the bloom room and live off marijuana leaves, but he just ran off.... too bad.

I will let ya know if he makes it through the night. If he does it will be a miracle indeed. It is mating season for the Hoot Owls, and I have a couple that live here and do the wild thing up on the roof top every winter. I wonder why they go at it so early on? Surely with all the purring and hooting they are doing, they must be getting it on.?


ICMag Donor
I dont know Lola, he might make till morning, they are smarter then you think...we had one hop up our driveway a cpl of years ago too [he was black too] we put him in the basement till we could figure out where he came from and our dog went in the room and sniffed the rabbit and it died of a heart attack, or scared to death, I guess that happens to em sometimes..poor lil guy! We had no idea that could happen till afterwards.
Good luck catchin the bunny!
I dont know Lola, he might make till morning, they are smarter then you think...we had one hop up our driveway a cpl of years ago too [he was black too] we put him in the basement till we could figure out where he came from and our dog went in the room and sniffed the rabbit and it died of a heart attack, or scared to death, I guess that happens to em sometimes..poor lil guy! We had no idea that could happen till afterwards.
Good luck catchin the bunny!

Awww! Poor rabbit, but funny story! LOL

I had a rabbit when I was a kid, fastest rabbit you have ever seen. Sad story after that.....lets just say my uncle enjoyed some yummy rabbit pot pie.....ugh.

Good luck with the rabbit catchin LolaGal! Let us know how it went!


Nobody ever dumps off a Gurnsey cow or anything I want... lol.

Wonder why people even toss pets out like this? I just cannot imagine doing that to a rabbit.

I wonder how this worked? I guess the conversation must have went like this:

"Well you kids got a kitten for Christmas, so you have got to get rid of this rabbit! I know! Let's go over to Lola's house, drive up her long driveway and if she is not home, we will dump this rabbit in her yard and drive away! Perhaps her dog will chew it up?"


Perhaps it is a rabies infected Cujo type rabbit, or an alien/rabbit cross???? :biglaugh:


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal

yeah i was def going to say this lol, good luck!


Just chased him around the yard 4 or 5 times (that's about 3 acres).... he is too fast for me.

Sits there till I get almost close enough to net him, and then runs.....

He was sleeping right out in the middle of the yard... poor stupid rabbit.

I will let him go back to sleep and try again


Domesticator of Cannabis
Just chased him around the yard 4 or 5 times (that's about 3 acres).... he is too fast for me.

Sits there till I get almost close enough to net him, and then runs.....

He was sleeping right out in the middle of the yard... poor stupid rabbit.

I will let him go back to sleep and try again
Leave a nice indica bud out for him than go after him. You'll fair better against a hopped up bunny. :gift:




Look at it differently if somethin eats the rabbit its just the way it goes. something eat things think about the poor animal that might go hungry if the rabbit doesnt get ate.


Nobody ever dumps off a Gurnsey cow or anything I want... lol.

Wonder why people even toss pets out like this? I just cannot imagine doing that to a rabbit.

I wonder how this worked? I guess the conversation must have went like this:

"Well you kids got a kitten for Christmas, so you have got to get rid of this rabbit! I know! Let's go over to Lola's house, drive up her long driveway and if she is not home, we will dump this rabbit in her yard and drive away! Perhaps her dog will chew it up?"


Perhaps it is a rabies infected Cujo type rabbit, or an alien/rabbit cross???? :biglaugh:

It's probably the same people dumping them off, they must know you from somewhere. Do any of your neighbors look guilty?

I had two 8 week old puppies dropped off behind my job site this summer, it was well over 100 degrees on hot asphalt and they were under an employees car. Luckily I heard them yelping and went to investigate, I ended up going to a store and sitting out front until I could give them away.

As for catching it, you need a spotlight to shine in it's eyes, it will freeze then you either throw a net or have someone else net it. We used to spotlight rabbits to use for fishing bait.


do they have eyes on the side of their head? can they see behind them too?

might try attracting its attention and scaring it into another human being's grasp, with a blanket or net...

if you lie a blanket on the lawn, and can get him ONTO the blanket, you might be able to get close enough to:

A. bundle it up so you can take it away

B. pull the blanket from under it fast enough to spin it into confusion and tackle it with your softest choke hold...


ICMag Donor
SoCal heheh thats just bad!! Well Lola!?!? did the bunny make it thru the night?? is he hopping around out there or did some animal get em??


Active member
Gotta say - at the risk of soundin' heartless, a big, well aimed rock would take care of bunny AND provide dinner tomorrow...

I'm with dsog - wabbit stew comin' up.

It's the way of nature...

You know it would end up a glancing blow and the thing would thrash and spasm and foam and die all slow and horrible.
If your going to kill it, shoot it.

I'd keep putting food out till it trusted me enough to come close enough to touch(you can do this with neighborhood wild squirrels) and then pick it up and whatever.
Probably something will eat it one night during the trust building phase.